[travis] Disable HHVM JIT - makes tests twice as fast

This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Grekas 2017-03-07 19:22:12 +01:00
parent f3217c3bd1
commit 0691639063
1 changed files with 2 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ before_install:
- if [[ ! $skip ]]; then echo date.timezone = Europe/Paris >> $INI_FILE; fi
- if [[ ! $skip ]]; then echo memory_limit = -1 >> $INI_FILE; fi
- if [[ ! $skip ]]; then echo session.gc_probability = 0 >> $INI_FILE; fi
- if [[ ! $skip ]]; then echo opcache.enable_cli = 1 >> $INI_FILE; fi
- if [[ ! $skip ]]; then echo hhvm.jit = 0 >> $INI_FILE; fi
- if [[ ! $skip && $PHP = 5.* ]]; then echo extension = mongo.so >> $INI_FILE; fi
- if [[ ! $skip && $PHP = 5.* ]]; then echo extension = memcache.so >> $INI_FILE; fi
- if [[ ! $skip && $PHP = 5.* ]]; then (echo yes | pecl install -f apcu-4.0.11 && echo apc.enable_cli = 1 >> $INI_FILE); fi