updated CHANGELOG for 2.4.9

This commit is contained in:
Fabien Potencier 2014-09-03 11:49:17 +02:00
parent 1205e75f7a
commit 0c3200e5fc
1 changed files with 55 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -7,6 +7,61 @@ in 2.4 minor versions.
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* 2.4.9 (2014-09-03)
* security #11832 CVE-2014-6072 (fabpot)
* security #11831 CVE-2014-5245 (stof)
* security #11830 CVE-2014-4931 (aitboudad, Jérémy Derussé)
* security #11829 CVE-2014-6061 (damz, fabpot)
* security #11828 CVE-2014-5244 (nicolas-grekas, larowlan)
* bug #10197 [FrameworkBundle] PhpExtractor bugfix and improvements (mtibben)
* bug #11772 [Filesystem] Add FTP stream wrapper context option to enable overwrite (Damian Sromek)
* bug #11788 [Yaml] fixed mapping keys containing a quoted # (hvt, fabpot)
* bug #11160 [DoctrineBridge] Abstract Doctrine Subscribers with tags (merk)
* bug #11768 [ClassLoader] Add a __call() method to XcacheClassLoader (tstoeckler)
* bug #11726 [Filesystem Component] mkdir race condition fix #11626 (kcassam)
* bug #11677 [YAML] resolve variables in inlined YAML (xabbuh)
* bug #11639 [DependencyInjection] Fixed factory service not within the ServiceReferenceGraph. (boekkooi)
* bug #11778 [Validator] Fixed wrong translations for Collection constraints (samicemalone)
* bug #11756 [DependencyInjection] fix @return anno created by PhpDumper (jakubkulhan)
* bug #11711 [DoctrineBridge] Fix empty parameter logging in the dbal logger (jakzal)
* bug #11692 [DomCrawler] check for the correct field type (xabbuh)
* bug #11672 [Routing] fix handling of nullable XML attributes (xabbuh)
* bug #11624 [DomCrawler] fix the axes handling in a bc way (xabbuh)
* bug #11676 [Form] Fixed #11675 ValueToDuplicatesTransformer accept "0" value (Nek-)
* bug #11695 [Validators] Fixed failing tests requiring ICU 52.1 which are skipped otherwise (webmozart)
* bug #11529 [WebProfilerBundle] Fixed double height of canvas (hason)
* bug #11641 [WebProfilerBundle ] Fix toolbar vertical alignment (blaugueux)
* bug #11559 [Validator] Convert objects to string in comparison validators (webmozart)
* feature #11510 [HttpFoundation] MongoDbSessionHandler supports auto expiry via configurable expiry_field (catchamonkey)
* bug #11408 [HttpFoundation] Update QUERY_STRING when overrideGlobals (yguedidi)
* bug #11633 [FrameworkBundle] add missing attribute to XSD (xabbuh)
* bug #11601 [Validator] Allow basic auth in url when using UrlValidator. (blaugueux)
* bug #11609 [Console] fixed style creation when providing an unknown tag option (fabpot)
* bug #10914 [HttpKernel] added an analyze of environment parameters for built-in server (mauchede)
* bug #11598 [Finder] Shell escape and windows support (Gordon Franke, gimler)
* bug #11499 [BrowserKit] Fixed relative redirects for ambiguous paths (pkruithof)
* bug #11516 [BrowserKit] Fix browser kit redirect with ports (dakota)
* bug #11545 [Bundle][FrameworkBundle] built-in server: exit when docroot does not exist (xabbuh)
* bug #11560 Plural fix (1emming)
* bug #11558 [DependencyInjection] Fixed missing 'factory-class' attribute in XmlDumper output (kerdany)
* bug #11548 [Component][DomCrawler] fix axes handling in Crawler::filterXPath() (xabbuh)
* bug #11422 [DependencyInjection] Self-referenced 'service_container' service breaks garbage collection (sun)
* bug #11428 [Serializer] properly handle null data when denormalizing (xabbuh)
* bug #10687 [Validator] Fixed string conversion in constraint violations (eagleoneraptor, webmozart)
* bug #11475 [EventDispatcher] don't count empty listeners (xabbuh)
* bug #11436 fix signal handling in wait() on calls to stop() (xabbuh, romainneutron)
* bug #11469 [BrowserKit] Fixed server HTTP_HOST port uri conversion (bcremer, fabpot)
* bug #11425 Fix issue described in #11421 (Ben, ben-rosio)
* bug #11423 Pass a Scope instance instead of a scope name when cloning a container in the GrahpvizDumper (jakzal)
* bug #11448 [MonologBridge] fixed Console handler priorities (fabpot)
* bug #11120 [Process] Reduce I/O load on Windows platform (romainneutron)
* bug #11342 [Form] Check if IntlDateFormatter constructor returned a valid object before using it (romainneutron)
* bug #11439 [ExpressionLanguage] Fixed double quoted string literals containing sharps (pylebecq)
* bug #11411 [Validator] Backported #11410 to 2.3: Object initializers are called only once per object (webmozart)
* bug #11403 [Translator][FrameworkBundle] Added @ to the list of allowed chars in Translator (takeit)
* bug #11381 [Process] Use correct test for empty string in UnixPipes (whs, romainneutron)
* 2.4.8 (2014-07-15)
* [Security] Forced validate of locales passed to the translator