[Translation][Form] Do not translate form labels and placeholders when 'translation_domain' is false

This commit is contained in:
Restless-ET 2015-09-30 18:42:26 +01:00 committed by Fabien Potencier
parent fef28b2fa1
commit 0e0b904ff2
9 changed files with 193 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
{%- endif -%}
<select {{ block('widget_attributes') }}{% if multiple %} multiple="multiple"{% endif %}>
{%- if placeholder is not none -%}
<option value=""{% if required and value is empty %} selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ placeholder != '' ? placeholder|trans({}, translation_domain) }}</option>
<option value=""{% if required and value is empty %} selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ placeholder != '' ? (translation_domain is same as(false) ? placeholder : placeholder|trans({}, translation_domain)) }}</option>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if preferred_choices|length > 0 -%}
{% set options = preferred_choices %}
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
{% set label = name|humanize %}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
<button type="{{ type|default('button') }}" {{ block('button_attributes') }}>{{ label|trans({}, translation_domain) }}</button>
<button type="{{ type|default('button') }}" {{ block('button_attributes') }}>{{ translation_domain is same as(false) ? label : label|trans({}, translation_domain) }}</button>
{%- endblock button_widget -%}
{%- block submit_widget -%}
@ -324,7 +324,7 @@
{%- for attrname, attrvalue in attr -%}
{{- " " -}}
{%- if attrname in ['placeholder', 'title'] -%}
{{- attrname }}="{{ attrvalue|trans({}, translation_domain) }}"
{{- attrname }}="{{ translation_domain is same as(false) ? attrvalue : attrvalue|trans({}, translation_domain) }}"
{%- elseif attrvalue is same as(true) -%}
{{- attrname }}="{{ attrname }}"
{%- elseif attrvalue is not same as(false) -%}
@ -338,7 +338,7 @@
{%- for attrname, attrvalue in attr -%}
{{- " " -}}
{%- if attrname in ['placeholder', 'title'] -%}
{{- attrname }}="{{ attrvalue|trans({}, translation_domain) }}"
{{- attrname }}="{{ translation_domain is same as(false) ? attrvalue : attrvalue|trans({}, translation_domain) }}"
{%- elseif attrvalue is same as(true) -%}
{{- attrname }}="{{ attrname }}"
{%- elseif attrvalue is not same as(false) -%}
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
{%- for attrname, attrvalue in attr -%}
{{- " " -}}
{%- if attrname in ['placeholder', 'title'] -%}
{{- attrname }}="{{ attrvalue|trans({}, translation_domain) }}"
{{- attrname }}="{{ translation_domain is same as(false) ? attrvalue : attrvalue|trans({}, translation_domain) }}"
{%- elseif attrvalue is same as(true) -%}
{{- attrname }}="{{ attrname }}"
{%- elseif attrvalue is not same as(false) -%}
@ -365,7 +365,7 @@
{%- for attrname, attrvalue in attr -%}
{{- " " -}}
{%- if attrname in ['placeholder', 'title'] -%}
{{- attrname }}="{{ attrvalue|trans({}, translation_domain) }}"
{{- attrname }}="{{ translation_domain is same as(false) ? attrvalue : attrvalue|trans({}, translation_domain) }}"
{%- elseif attrvalue is same as(true) -%}
{{- attrname }}="{{ attrname }}"
{%- elseif attrvalue is not same as(false) -%}

View File

@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
{%- endif -%}
<select {{ block('widget_attributes') }}{% if multiple %} multiple="multiple" data-customforms="disabled"{% endif %}>
{% if placeholder is not none -%}
<option value=""{% if required and value is empty %} selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ placeholder|trans({}, translation_domain) }}</option>
<option value=""{% if required and value is empty %} selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ translation_domain is same as(false) ? placeholder : placeholder|trans({}, translation_domain) }}</option>
{%- endif %}
{%- if preferred_choices|length > 0 -%}
{% set options = preferred_choices %}
@ -253,7 +253,7 @@
{% endif %}
<label{% for attrname, attrvalue in label_attr %} {{ attrname }}="{{ attrvalue }}"{% endfor %}>
{{ widget|raw }}
{{ label|trans({}, translation_domain) }}
{{ translation_domain is same as(false) ? label : label|trans({}, translation_domain) }}
{%- endblock checkbox_radio_label %}

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
id="<?php echo $view->escape($id) ?>" name="<?php echo $view->escape($full_name) ?>" <?php if ($disabled): ?>disabled="disabled" <?php endif ?>
<?php foreach ($attr as $k => $v): ?>
<?php if (in_array($v, array('placeholder', 'title'), true)): ?>
<?php printf('%s="%s" ', $view->escape($k), $view->escape($view['translator']->trans($v, array(), $translation_domain))) ?>
<?php printf('%s="%s" ', $view->escape($k), $view->escape(false !== $translation_domain ? $view['translator']->trans($v, array(), $translation_domain) : $v)) ?>
<?php elseif ($v === true): ?>
<?php printf('%s="%s" ', $view->escape($k), $view->escape($k)) ?>
<?php elseif ($v !== false): ?>

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<?php if (!$label) { $label = isset($label_format)
? strtr($label_format, array('%name%' => $name, '%id%' => $id))
: $view['form']->humanize($name); } ?>
<button type="<?php echo isset($type) ? $view->escape($type) : 'button' ?>" <?php echo $view['form']->block($form, 'button_attributes') ?>><?php echo $view->escape($view['translator']->trans($label, array(), $translation_domain)) ?></button>
<button type="<?php echo isset($type) ? $view->escape($type) : 'button' ?>" <?php echo $view['form']->block($form, 'button_attributes') ?>><?php echo $view->escape(false !== $translation_domain ? $view['translator']->trans($label, array(), $translation_domain) : $label) ?></button>

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
)) ?>
<?php if ($multiple): ?> multiple="multiple"<?php endif ?>
<?php if (null !== $placeholder): ?><option value=""<?php if ($required and empty($value) && '0' !== $value): ?> selected="selected"<?php endif?>><?php echo '' != $placeholder ? $view->escape($view['translator']->trans($placeholder, array(), $translation_domain)) : '' ?></option><?php endif; ?>
<?php if (null !== $placeholder): ?><option value=""<?php if ($required and empty($value) && '0' !== $value): ?> selected="selected"<?php endif?>><?php echo '' != $placeholder ? $view->escape(false !== $translation_domain ? $view['translator']->trans($placeholder, array(), $translation_domain) : $placeholder) : '' ?></option><?php endif; ?>
<?php if (count($preferred_choices) > 0): ?>
<?php echo $view['form']->block($form, 'choice_widget_options', array('choices' => $preferred_choices)) ?>
<?php if (count($choices) > 0 && null !== $separator): ?>

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ id="<?php echo $view->escape($id) ?>" name="<?php echo $view->escape($full_name)
<?php if ($required): ?> required="required"<?php endif ?>
<?php foreach ($attr as $k => $v): ?>
<?php if (in_array($k, array('placeholder', 'title'), true)): ?>
<?php printf(' %s="%s"', $view->escape($k), $view->escape($view['translator']->trans($v, array(), $translation_domain))) ?>
<?php printf(' %s="%s"', $view->escape($k), $view->escape(false !== $translation_domain ? $view['translator']->trans($v, array(), $translation_domain) : $v)) ?>
<?php elseif ($v === true): ?>
<?php printf(' %s="%s"', $view->escape($k), $view->escape($k)) ?>
<?php elseif ($v !== false): ?>

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?php if (!empty($id)): ?>id="<?php echo $view->escape($id) ?>" <?php endif ?>
<?php foreach ($attr as $k => $v): ?>
<?php if (in_array($v, array('placeholder', 'title'), true)): ?>
<?php printf('%s="%s" ', $view->escape($k), $view->escape($view['translator']->trans($v, array(), $translation_domain))) ?>
<?php printf('%s="%s" ', $view->escape($k), $view->escape(false !== $translation_domain ? $view['translator']->trans($v, array(), $translation_domain) : $v)) ?>
<?php elseif ($v === true): ?>
<?php printf('%s="%s" ', $view->escape($k), $view->escape($k)) ?>
<?php elseif ($v !== false): ?>

View File

@ -254,6 +254,32 @@ abstract class AbstractBootstrap3LayoutTest extends AbstractLayoutTest
public function testSingleChoiceWithPlaceholderWithoutTranslation()
$form = $this->factory->createNamed('name', 'Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType', '&a', array(
'choices' => array('&a' => 'Choice&A', '&b' => 'Choice&B'),
'multiple' => false,
'expanded' => false,
'required' => false,
'translation_domain' => false,
'placeholder' => 'Placeholder&Not&Translated',
$this->assertWidgetMatchesXpath($form->createView(), array('attr' => array('class' => 'my&class')),
[@class="my&class form-control"]
public function testSingleChoiceAttributes()
$form = $this->factory->createNamed('name', 'Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType', '&a', array(
@ -771,6 +797,52 @@ abstract class AbstractBootstrap3LayoutTest extends AbstractLayoutTest
public function testSingleChoiceExpandedWithPlaceholderWithoutTranslation()
$form = $this->factory->createNamed('name', 'Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType', '&a', array(
'choices' => array('&a' => 'Choice&A', '&b' => 'Choice&B'),
'multiple' => false,
'expanded' => true,
'translation_domain' => false,
'placeholder' => 'Placeholder&Not&Translated',
$this->assertWidgetMatchesXpath($form->createView(), array(),
[.=" Placeholder&Not&Translated"]
[.=" Choice&A"]
[.=" Choice&B"]
public function testSingleChoiceExpandedWithBooleanValue()
$form = $this->factory->createNamed('name', 'Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType', true, array(
@ -2023,6 +2095,17 @@ abstract class AbstractBootstrap3LayoutTest extends AbstractLayoutTest
public function testButtonlabelWithoutTranslation()
$form = $this->factory->createNamed('name', 'Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ButtonType', null, array(
'translation_domain' => false,
$this->assertWidgetMatchesXpath($form->createView(), array('attr' => array('class' => 'my&class')),
'/button[@type="button"][@name="name"][.="Name"][@class="my&class btn"]'
public function testSubmit()
$form = $this->factory->createNamed('name', 'Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\SubmitType');

View File

@ -381,6 +381,25 @@ abstract class AbstractLayoutTest extends \Symfony\Component\Form\Test\FormInteg
public function testLabelWithoutTranslationOnButton()
$form = $this->factory->createNamedBuilder('myform', 'Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType', null, array(
'translation_domain' => false,
->add('mybutton', 'Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ButtonType')
$view = $form->get('mybutton')->createView();
$html = $this->renderWidget($view);
public function testLabelFormatOnButton()
$form = $this->factory->createNamedBuilder('myform')
@ -549,6 +568,31 @@ abstract class AbstractLayoutTest extends \Symfony\Component\Form\Test\FormInteg
public function testSingleChoiceWithPlaceholderWithoutTranslation()
$form = $this->factory->createNamed('name', 'Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType', '&a', array(
'choices' => array('&a' => 'Choice&A', '&b' => 'Choice&B'),
'multiple' => false,
'expanded' => false,
'required' => false,
'translation_domain' => false,
'placeholder' => 'Placeholder&Not&Translated',
$this->assertWidgetMatchesXpath($form->createView(), array(),
public function testSingleChoiceAttributes()
$form = $this->factory->createNamed('name', 'Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType', '&a', array(
@ -998,6 +1042,32 @@ abstract class AbstractLayoutTest extends \Symfony\Component\Form\Test\FormInteg
public function testSingleChoiceExpandedWithPlaceholderWithoutTranslation()
$form = $this->factory->createNamed('name', 'Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType', '&a', array(
'choices' => array('&a' => 'Choice&A', '&b' => 'Choice&B'),
'multiple' => false,
'expanded' => true,
'translation_domain' => false,
'placeholder' => 'Placeholder&Not&Translated',
$this->assertWidgetMatchesXpath($form->createView(), array(),
public function testSingleChoiceExpandedWithBooleanValue()
$form = $this->factory->createNamed('name', 'Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType', true, array(
@ -2141,6 +2211,17 @@ abstract class AbstractLayoutTest extends \Symfony\Component\Form\Test\FormInteg
$this->assertSame('', $this->renderLabel($form->createView()));
public function testButtonlabelWithoutTranslation()
$form = $this->factory->createNamed('name', 'Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ButtonType', null, array(
'translation_domain' => false,
$this->assertWidgetMatchesXpath($form->createView(), array(),
public function testSubmit()
$form = $this->factory->createNamed('name', 'Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\SubmitType');
@ -2349,4 +2430,20 @@ abstract class AbstractLayoutTest extends \Symfony\Component\Form\Test\FormInteg
$this->assertMatchesXpath($html, '/form//input[@title="[trans]Foo[/trans]"]');
$this->assertMatchesXpath($html, '/form//input[@placeholder="[trans]Bar[/trans]"]');
public function testAttributesNotTranslatedWhenTranslationDomainIsFalse()
$view = $this->factory->createNamedBuilder('name', 'Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType', null, array(
'translation_domain' => false,
->add('firstName', 'Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextType', array('attr' => array('title' => 'Foo')))
->add('lastName', 'Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextType', array('attr' => array('placeholder' => 'Bar')))
$html = $this->renderForm($view);
$this->assertMatchesXpath($html, '/form//input[@title="Foo"]');
$this->assertMatchesXpath($html, '/form//input[@placeholder="Bar"]');