Merge branch '4.4'

* 4.4:
  Add return-types with help from DebugClassLoader in the CI
  do not mock removed getPublicDir() method
  [Bridge/Doctrine] fix review
  [ErrorHandler] make DebugClassLoader able to add return type declarations
This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Grekas 2019-08-26 15:40:31 +02:00
commit 23fac65a3c
7 changed files with 256 additions and 49 deletions

.github/patch-types.php vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
if (false === getenv('SYMFONY_PATCH_TYPE_DECLARATIONS')) {
require __DIR__.'/../.phpunit/phpunit-8.3-0/vendor/autoload.php';
$loader = require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
foreach ($loader->getClassMap() as $class => $file) {
switch (true) {
case false !== strpos(realpath($file), '/vendor/'):
case false !== strpos($file, '/src/Symfony/Bridge/PhpUnit/'):
case false !== strpos($file, '/src/Symfony/Bundle/FrameworkBundle/Tests/Fixtures/Validation/Article.php'):
case false !== strpos($file, '/src/Symfony/Component/Config/Tests/Fixtures/BadParent.php'):
case false !== strpos($file, '/src/Symfony/Component/DependencyInjection/Tests/Compiler/OptionalServiceClass.php'):
case false !== strpos($file, '/src/Symfony/Component/DependencyInjection/Tests/Fixtures/ParentNotExists.php'):
case false !== strpos($file, '/src/Symfony/Component/DependencyInjection/Tests/Fixtures/Prototype/BadClasses/MissingParent.php'):
case false !== strpos($file, '/src/Symfony/Component/DependencyInjection/Tests/Fixtures/php/'):
case false !== strpos($file, '/src/Symfony/Component/ErrorHandler/Tests/Fixtures/'):
case false !== strpos($file, '/src/Symfony/Component/PropertyInfo/Tests/Fixtures/Dummy.php'):
case false !== strpos($file, '/src/Symfony/Component/PropertyInfo/Tests/Fixtures/ParentDummy.php'):
case false !== strpos($file, '/src/Symfony/Component/Serializer/Tests/Normalizer/Features/ObjectOuter.php'):
case false !== strpos($file, '/src/Symfony/Component/VarDumper/Tests/Fixtures/NotLoadableClass.php'):
case false !== strpos($file, '/src/Symfony/Component/VarDumper/Tests/Fixtures/Php74.php') && \PHP_VERSION_ID < 70400:
continue 2;

View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ env:
- php: 7.2
env: php_extra="7.4snapshot"
- php: 7.3
env: deps=high
- php: 7.4snapshot
@ -78,10 +79,8 @@ before_install:
export COMPONENTS=$(find src/Symfony -mindepth 2 -type f -name phpunit.xml.dist -printf '%h\n')
find ~/.phpenv -name xdebug.ini -delete
if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION = 7.4* && $deps ]]; then
if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION = 7.4* ]]; then
export PHPUNIT_X="$PHPUNIT_X,issue-32995"
elif [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION = 7.4* ]]; then
export PHPUNIT_X="$PHPUNIT --group issue-32995"
nanoseconds () {
@ -149,7 +148,7 @@ before_install:
- |
# php.ini configuration
for PHP in $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION $php_extra; do
phpenv global $PHP 2>/dev/null || (cd / && wget$PHP.tar.bz2 -O - | tar -xj)
phpenv global $PHP 2>/dev/null || (cd / && wget$PHP.tar.bz2 -O - | tar -xj)
echo date.timezone = Europe/Paris >> $INI
echo memory_limit = -1 >> $INI
@ -261,7 +260,7 @@ install:
run_tests () {
set -e
export PHP=$1
if [[ $PHP != $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION && $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST != false ]]; then
if [[ $PHP != 7.4* && $PHP != $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION && $TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST != false ]]; then
echo -e "\\n\\e[1;34mIntermediate PHP version $PHP is skipped for pull requests.\\e[0m"
@ -278,6 +277,17 @@ install:
echo "$COMPONENTS" | parallel --gnu "tfold {} 'cd {} && ([ -e composer.lock ] && ${COMPOSER_UP/update/install} || $COMPOSER_UP --prefer-lowest --prefer-stable) && $PHPUNIT_X'"
echo "$COMPONENTS" | xargs -n1 -I{} tar --append -f ~/php-ext/composer-lowest.lock.tar {}/composer.lock
if [[ $PHP = 7.4* ]]; then
# add return types before running the test suite
rm vendor/symfony/contracts -Rf
ln -sd $(realpath src/Symfony/Contracts) vendor/symfony/contracts
sed -i 's/"\*\*\/Tests\/"//' composer.json
composer install --optimize-autoloader
php .github/patch-types.php
php .github/patch-types.php # ensure the script is idempotent
export PHPUNIT_X="$PHPUNIT_X,issue-32995,legacy"
echo "$COMPONENTS" | parallel --gnu "tfold {} $PHPUNIT_X {}"
tfold src/Symfony/Component/Console.tty $PHPUNIT src/Symfony/Component/Console --group tty
if [[ $PHP = ${MIN_PHP%.*} ]]; then

View File

@ -84,6 +84,6 @@ class ORMQueryBuilderLoader implements EntityLoaderInterface
return $qb->andWhere($where)
->setParameter($parameter, $values, $parameterType)
->getResult() ?: [];

View File

@ -37,6 +37,10 @@ class ORMQueryBuilderLoaderTest extends TestCase
->setMethods(['setParameter', 'getResult', 'getSql', '_doExecute'])
->with('ORMQueryBuilderLoader_getEntitiesByIds_id', [1, 2], $expectedType)
@ -66,6 +70,10 @@ class ORMQueryBuilderLoaderTest extends TestCase
->setMethods(['setParameter', 'getResult', 'getSql', '_doExecute'])
->with('ORMQueryBuilderLoader_getEntitiesByIds_id', [1, 2, 3, '9223372036854775808'], Connection::PARAM_INT_ARRAY)
@ -98,6 +106,10 @@ class ORMQueryBuilderLoaderTest extends TestCase
->setMethods(['setParameter', 'getResult', 'getSql', '_doExecute'])
->with('ORMQueryBuilderLoader_getEntitiesByIds_id', ['71c5fd46-3f16-4abb-bad7-90ac1e654a2d', 'b98e8e11-2897-44df-ad24-d2627eb7f499'], Connection::PARAM_STR_ARRAY)
@ -133,6 +145,10 @@ class ORMQueryBuilderLoaderTest extends TestCase
->setMethods(['setParameter', 'getResult', 'getSql', '_doExecute'])
->with('ORMQueryBuilderLoader_getEntitiesByIds_id_value', [1, 2, 3], Connection::PARAM_INT_ARRAY)

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class DebugClassLoader
'bool' => 'bool',
'callable' => 'callable',
'float' => 'float',
'int' => 'integer',
'int' => 'int',
'iterable' => 'iterable',
'object' => 'object',
'string' => 'string',
@ -64,10 +64,79 @@ class DebugClassLoader
'parent' => true,
private const MAGIC_METHODS = [
'__set' => 'void',
'__isset' => 'bool',
'__unset' => 'void',
'__sleep' => 'array',
'__wakeup' => 'void',
'__toString' => 'string',
'__clone' => 'void',
'__debugInfo' => 'array',
'__serialize' => 'array',
'__unserialize' => 'void',
private const INTERNAL_TYPES = [
'ArrayAccess' => [
'offsetExists' => 'bool',
'offsetSet' => 'void',
'offsetUnset' => 'void',
'Countable' => [
'count' => 'int',
'Iterator' => [
'next' => 'void',
'valid' => 'bool',
'rewind' => 'void',
'IteratorAggregate' => [
'getIterator' => '\Traversable',
'OuterIterator' => [
'getInnerIterator' => '\Iterator',
'RecursiveIterator' => [
'hasChildren' => 'bool',
'SeekableIterator' => [
'seek' => 'void',
'Serializable' => [
'serialize' => 'string',
'unserialize' => 'void',
'SessionHandlerInterface' => [
'open' => 'bool',
'close' => 'bool',
'read' => 'string',
'write' => 'bool',
'destroy' => 'bool',
'gc' => 'bool',
'SessionIdInterface' => [
'create_sid' => 'string',
'SessionUpdateTimestampHandlerInterface' => [
'validateId' => 'bool',
'updateTimestamp' => 'bool',
'Throwable' => [
'getMessage' => 'string',
'getCode' => 'int',
'getFile' => 'string',
'getLine' => 'int',
'getTrace' => 'array',
'getPrevious' => '?\Throwable',
'getTraceAsString' => 'string',
private $classLoader;
private $isFinder;
private $loaded = [];
private $compatPatch;
private $patchTypes;
private static $caseCheck;
private static $checkedClasses = [];
private static $final = [];
@ -80,12 +149,13 @@ class DebugClassLoader
private static $method = [];
private static $returnTypes = [];
private static $methodTraits = [];
private static $fileOffsets = [];
public function __construct(callable $classLoader)
$this->classLoader = $classLoader;
$this->isFinder = \is_array($classLoader) && method_exists($classLoader[0], 'findFile');
$this->compatPatch = getenv('SYMFONY_PATCH_TYPE_DECLARATIONS_COMPAT') ?: null;
parse_str(getenv('SYMFONY_PATCH_TYPE_DECLARATIONS') ?: '', $this->patchTypes);
if (!isset(self::$caseCheck)) {
$file = file_exists(__FILE__) ? __FILE__ : rtrim(realpath('.'), \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
@ -160,13 +230,22 @@ class DebugClassLoader
$loader = null;
foreach ($functions as $function) {
if (\is_array($function) && $function[0] instanceof self) {
$loader = $function[0];
$function = $function[0]->getClassLoader();
if (null !== $loader) {
foreach (array_merge(get_declared_interfaces(), get_declared_traits(), get_declared_classes()) as $class) {
public function findFile(string $class): ?string
@ -256,6 +335,9 @@ class DebugClassLoader
public function checkAnnotations(\ReflectionClass $refl, string $class): array
if ('Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\Legacy\SymfonyTestsListenerForV7' === $class || 'Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\Legacy\SymfonyTestsListenerForV6' === $class) {
return [];
$deprecations = [];
// Don't trigger deprecations for classes in the same vendor
@ -348,7 +430,7 @@ class DebugClassLoader
if (trait_exists($class)) {
$file = $refl->getFileName();
foreach ($refl->getMethods(\ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC | \ReflectionMethod::IS_PROTECTED) as $method) {
foreach ($refl->getMethods() as $method) {
if ($method->getFileName() === $file) {
self::$methodTraits[$file][$method->getStartLine()] = $class;
@ -368,9 +450,17 @@ class DebugClassLoader
self::${$property}[$class] = self::${$property}[$class] ? self::${$property}[$use] + self::${$property}[$class] : self::${$property}[$use];
if (null !== (self::INTERNAL_TYPES[$use] ?? null)) {
foreach (self::INTERNAL_TYPES[$use] as $method => $returnType) {
if ('void' !== $returnType) {
self::$returnTypes[$class] += [$method => [$returnType, $returnType, $class, '']];
foreach ($refl->getMethods(\ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC | \ReflectionMethod::IS_PROTECTED) as $method) {
foreach ($refl->getMethods() as $method) {
if ($method->class !== $class) {
@ -413,32 +503,69 @@ class DebugClassLoader
if (isset(self::$returnTypes[$class][$method->name]) && !$method->hasReturnType() && !($doc && preg_match('/\n\s+\* @return +(\S+)/', $doc))) {
list($normalizedType, $returnType, $declaringClass, $declaringFile) = self::$returnTypes[$class][$method->name];
$forcePatchTypes = $this->patchTypes['force'] ?? null;
if (null !== $this->compatPatch && 0 === strpos($class, $this->compatPatch)) {
self::fixReturnStatements($method, $normalizedType);
if ($canAddReturnType = null !== $forcePatchTypes && false === strpos($method->getFileName(), \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'vendor'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)) {
if ('void' !== (self::MAGIC_METHODS[$method->name] ?? 'void')) {
$this->patchTypes['force'] = $forcePatchTypes ?: 'docblock';
$canAddReturnType = ($this->patchTypes['force'] ?? false)
|| false !== strpos($refl->getFileName(), \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Tests'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)
|| $refl->isFinal()
|| $method->isFinal()
|| $method->isPrivate()
|| ('' === (self::$internal[$class] ?? null) && !$refl->isAbstract())
|| '' === (self::$final[$class] ?? null)
|| preg_match('/@(final|internal)$/m', $doc)
if (null !== ($returnType = self::$returnTypes[$class][$method->name] ?? self::MAGIC_METHODS[$method->name] ?? null) && !$method->hasReturnType() && !($doc && preg_match('/\n\s+\* @return +(\S+)/', $doc))) {
if ('void' === $returnType) {
$canAddReturnType = false;
list($normalizedType, $returnType, $declaringClass, $declaringFile) = \is_string($returnType) ? [$returnType, $returnType, '', ''] : $returnType;
if ($canAddReturnType && 'docblock' !== ($this->patchTypes['force'] ?? false)) {
$this->patchMethod($method, $returnType, $declaringFile, $normalizedType);
if (strncmp($ns, $declaringClass, $len)) {
if (null !== $this->compatPatch && 0 === strpos($class, $this->compatPatch)) {
self::patchMethod($method, $returnType, $declaringFile);
if ($canAddReturnType && 'docblock' === ($this->patchTypes['force'] ?? false) && false === strpos($method->getFileName(), \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'vendor'.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)) {
$this->patchMethod($method, $returnType, $declaringFile, $normalizedType);
} elseif ('' !== $declaringClass) {
$deprecations[] = sprintf('Method "%s::%s()" will return "%s" as of its next major version. Doing the same in child class "%s" will be required when upgrading.', $declaringClass, $method->name, $normalizedType, $class);
$deprecations[] = sprintf('Method "%s::%s()" will return "%s" as of its next major version. Doing the same in child class "%s" will be required when upgrading.', $declaringClass, $method->name, $normalizedType, $class);
if (!$doc) {
$this->patchTypes['force'] = $forcePatchTypes;
if (!$method->hasReturnType() && false !== strpos($doc, '@return') && preg_match('/\n\s+\* @return +(\S+)/', $doc, $matches)) {
$matches = [];
if (!$method->hasReturnType() && ((false !== strpos($doc, '@return') && preg_match('/\n\s+\* @return +(\S+)/', $doc, $matches)) || 'void' !== (self::MAGIC_METHODS[$method->name] ?? 'void'))) {
$matches = $matches ?: [1 => self::MAGIC_METHODS[$method->name]];
$this->setReturnType($matches[1], $method, $parent);
if (null !== $this->compatPatch && 0 === strpos($class, $this->compatPatch)) {
self::fixReturnStatements($method, self::$returnTypes[$class][$method->name][0] ?? '?');
if (isset(self::$returnTypes[$class][$method->name][0]) && $canAddReturnType) {
$this->fixReturnStatements($method, self::$returnTypes[$class][$method->name][0]);
if ($method->isPrivate()) {
$this->patchTypes['force'] = $forcePatchTypes;
if ($method->isPrivate()) {
$finalOrInternal = false;
@ -609,9 +736,13 @@ class DebugClassLoader
$typesMap[$this->normalizeType($t, $method->class, $parent)] = $t;
if (isset($typesMap['array']) && (isset($typesMap['Traversable']) || isset($typesMap['\Traversable']))) {
$typesMap['iterable'] = 'array' !== $typesMap['array'] ? $typesMap['array'] : 'iterable';
unset($typesMap['array'], $typesMap['Traversable'], $typesMap['\Traversable']);
if (isset($typesMap['array'])) {
if (isset($typesMap['Traversable']) || isset($typesMap['\Traversable'])) {
$typesMap['iterable'] = 'array' !== $typesMap['array'] ? $typesMap['array'] : 'iterable';
unset($typesMap['array'], $typesMap['Traversable'], $typesMap['\Traversable']);
} elseif ('array' !== $typesMap['array'] && isset(self::$returnTypes[$method->class][$method->name])) {
if (isset($typesMap['array']) && isset($typesMap['iterable'])) {
@ -630,7 +761,7 @@ class DebugClassLoader
} elseif ('null' === $normalizedType) {
$normalizedType = $t;
$returnType = $t;
} elseif ($n !== $normalizedType) {
} elseif ($n !== $normalizedType || !preg_match('/^\\\\?[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*+(?:\\\\[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*+)*+$/', $n)) {
// ignore multi-types return declarations
@ -680,7 +811,7 @@ class DebugClassLoader
* Utility method to add @return annotations to the Symfony code-base where it triggers a self-deprecations.
private static function patchMethod(\ReflectionMethod $method, string $returnType, string $declaringFile)
private function patchMethod(\ReflectionMethod $method, string $returnType, string $declaringFile, string $normalizedType)
static $patchedMethods = [];
static $useStatements = [];
@ -690,8 +821,10 @@ class DebugClassLoader
$patchedMethods[$file][$startLine] = true;
$patchedMethods[$file][0] = $patchedMethods[$file][0] ?? 0;
$startLine += $patchedMethods[$file][0] - 2;
$fileOffset = self::$fileOffsets[$file] ?? 0;
$startLine += $fileOffset - 2;
$nullable = '?' === $normalizedType[0] ? '?' : '';
$normalizedType = ltrim($normalizedType, '?');
$returnType = explode('|', $returnType);
$code = file($file);
@ -737,32 +870,42 @@ class DebugClassLoader
if (!isset($useMap[$alias])) {
$useStatements[$file][2][$alias] = $type;
$code[$useOffset] = "use $type;\n".$code[$useOffset];
} elseif ($useMap[$alias] !== $type) {
$alias .= 'FIXME';
$useStatements[$file][2][$alias] = $type;
$code[$useOffset] = "use $type as $alias;\n".$code[$useOffset];
$returnType[$i] = null !== $format ? sprintf($format, $alias) : $alias;
if (!isset(self::SPECIAL_RETURN_TYPES[$normalizedType]) && !isset(self::SPECIAL_RETURN_TYPES[$returnType[$i]])) {
$normalizedType = $returnType[$i];
$returnType = implode('|', $returnType);
if ('docblock' === ($this->patchTypes['force'] ?? null) || ('object' === $normalizedType && ($this->patchTypes['php71-compat'] ?? false))) {
$returnType = implode('|', $returnType);
if ($method->getDocComment()) {
$code[$startLine] = " * @return $returnType\n".$code[$startLine];
} else {
$code[$startLine] .= <<<EOTXT
if ($method->getDocComment()) {
$code[$startLine] = " * @return $returnType\n".$code[$startLine];
} else {
$code[$startLine] .= <<<EOTXT
* @return $returnType
$fileOffset += substr_count($code[$startLine], "\n") - 1;
$patchedMethods[$file][0] += substr_count($code[$startLine], "\n") - 1;
self::$fileOffsets[$file] = $fileOffset;
file_put_contents($file, $code);
$this->fixReturnStatements($method, $nullable.$normalizedType);
private static function getUseStatements(string $file): array
@ -808,15 +951,25 @@ EOTXT;
return [$namespace, $useOffset, $useMap];
private static function fixReturnStatements(\ReflectionMethod $method, string $returnType)
private function fixReturnStatements(\ReflectionMethod $method, string $returnType)
if (($this->patchTypes['php71-compat'] ?? false) && 'object' === ltrim($returnType, '?') && 'docblock' !== ($this->patchTypes['force'] ?? null)) {
if (!file_exists($file = $method->getFileName())) {
$fixedCode = $code = file($file);
$end = $method->getEndLine();
for ($i = $method->getStartLine(); $i < $end; ++$i) {
$i = (self::$fileOffsets[$file] ?? 0) + $method->getStartLine();
if ('?' !== $returnType && 'docblock' !== ($this->patchTypes['force'] ?? null)) {
$fixedCode[$i - 1] = preg_replace('/\)(;?\n)/', "): $returnType\\1", $code[$i - 1]);
$end = $method->isGenerator() ? $i : $method->getEndLine();
for (; $i < $end; ++$i) {
if ('void' === $returnType) {
$fixedCode[$i] = str_replace(' return null;', ' return;', $code[$i]);
} elseif ('mixed' === $returnType || '?' === $returnType[0]) {

View File

@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class MongoDbSessionHandler extends AbstractSessionHandler
* @return int
* @return bool
public function gc($maxlifetime)

View File

@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\BundleInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DependencyInjection\ResettableServicePass;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DependencyInjection\ServicesResetter;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernelInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Tests\Fixtures\KernelForTest;
@ -595,7 +594,7 @@ EOF;
$bundle = $this
->setMethods(['getPath', 'getParent', 'getName'])
->setMethods(['getPath', 'getName'])
@ -617,12 +616,6 @@ EOF;
return $bundle;