diff --git a/CHANGELOG-4.4.md b/CHANGELOG-4.4.md index 8dd0f9779c..ada0c8529e 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG-4.4.md +++ b/CHANGELOG-4.4.md @@ -7,6 +7,67 @@ in 4.4 minor versions. To get the diff for a specific change, go to https://github.com/symfony/symfony/commit/XXX where XXX is the change hash To get the diff between two versions, go to https://github.com/symfony/symfony/compare/v4.4.0...v4.4.1 +* 4.4.3 (2020-01-21) + + * bug #35364 [Yaml] Throw on unquoted exclamation mark (fancyweb) + * bug #35065 [Security] Use supportsClass in addition to UnsupportedUserException (linaori) + * bug #35351 Revert #34797 "Fixed translations file dumper behavior" and fix #34713 (yceruto) + * bug #35355 [DI] Fix EnvVar not loaded when Loader requires an env var (jderusse) + * bug #35343 [Security] Fix RememberMe with null password (jderusse) + * bug #34223 [DI] Suggest typed argument when binding fails with untyped argument (gudfar) + * bug #35323 [FrameworkBundle] Set booted flag to false when test kernel is unset (thiagocordeiro) + * bug #35324 [HttpClient] Fix strict parsing of response status codes (Armando-Walmeric) + * bug #35318 [Yaml] fix PHP const mapping keys using the inline notation (xabbuh) + * bug #35306 [FrameworkBundle] Make sure one can use fragments.hinclude_default_template (Nyholm) + * bug #35304 [HttpKernel] Fix that no-cache MUST revalidate with the origin (mpdude) + * bug #35299 Avoid `stale-if-error` in FrameworkBundle's HttpCache if kernel.debug = true (mpdude) + * bug #35240 [SecurityBundle] Fix collecting traceable listeners info on lazy firewalls (chalasr) + * bug #35151 [DI] deferred exceptions in ResolveParameterPlaceHoldersPass (Islam93) + * bug #35290 [Filesystem][FilesystemCommonTrait] Use a dedicated directory when there are no namespace (fancyweb) + * bug #35099 [FrameworkBundle] Do not throw exception on value generate key (jderusse) + * bug #35278 [EventDispatcher] expand listener in place (xabbuh) + * bug #35269 [HttpKernel][FileLocator] Fix deprecation message (fancyweb) + * bug #35254 [PHPUnit-Bridge] Fail-fast in simple-phpunit if one of the passthru() commands fails (mpdude) + * bug #35261 [Routing] Fix using a custom matcher & generator dumper class (fancyweb) + * bug #34643 [Dotenv] Fixed infinite loop with missing quote followed by quoted value (naitsirch) + * bug #35239 [Security\Http] Prevent canceled remember-me cookie from being accepted (chalasr) + * bug #35267 [Debug] fix ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandler (nicolas-grekas) + * bug #35252 [Serializer] Fix cache in MetadataAwareNameConverter (bastnic) + * bug #35200 [TwigBridge] do not render preferred choices as selected (xabbuh) + * bug #35243 [HttpKernel] release lock explicitly (nicolas-grekas) + * bug #35193 [TwigBridge] button_widget now has its title attr translated even if its label = null or false (stephen-lewis) + * bug #35219 [PhpUnitBridge] When using phpenv + phpenv-composer plugin, composer executable is wrapped into a bash script (oleg-andreyev) + * bug #35150 [Messenger] Added check if json_encode succeeded (toooni) + * bug #35137 [Messenger] Added check if json_encode succeeded (toooni) + * bug #35170 [FrameworkBundle][TranslationUpdateCommand] Do not output positive feedback on stderr (fancyweb) + * bug #35245 [HttpClient] fix exception in case of PSR17 discovery failure (nicolas-grekas) + * bug #35244 [Cache] fix processing chain adapter based cache pool (xabbuh) + * bug #35247 [FrameworkBundle][ContainerLintCommand] Only skip .errored. services (fancyweb) + * bug #35225 [DependencyInjection] Handle ServiceClosureArgument for callable in container linting (shieldo) + * bug #35223 [HttpClient] Don't read from the network faster than the CPU can deal with (nicolas-grekas) + * bug #35214 [DI] DecoratorServicePass should keep container.service_locator on the decorated definition (malarzm) + * bug #35209 [HttpClient] fix support for non-blocking resource streams (nicolas-grekas) + * bug #35210 [HttpClient] NativeHttpClient should not send >1.1 protocol version (nicolas-grekas) + * bug #35162 [Mailer] Make sure you can pass custom headers to Mailgun (Nyholm) + * bug #33672 [Mailer] Remove line breaks in email attachment content (Stuart Fyfe) + * bug #35101 [Routing] Fix i18n routing when the url contains the locale (fancyweb) + * bug #35124 [TwigBridge][Form] Added missing help messages in form themes (cmen) + * bug #35195 [HttpClient] fix casting responses to PHP streams (nicolas-grekas) + * bug #35168 [HttpClient] fix capturing SSL certificates with NativeHttpClient (nicolas-grekas) + * bug #35134 [PropertyInfo] Fix BC issue in phpDoc Reflection library (jaapio) + * bug #35184 [Mailer] Payload sent to Sendgrid doesn't include names (versgui) + * bug #35173 [Mailer][MailchimpBridge] Fix missing attachments when sending via Mandrill API (vilius-g) + * bug #35172 [Mailer][MailchimpBridge] Fix incorrect sender address when sender has name (vilius-g) + * bug #35125 [Translator] fix performance issue in MessageCatalogue and catalogue operations (ArtemBrovko) + * bug #35120 [HttpClient] fix scheduling pending NativeResponse (nicolas-grekas) + * bug #35117 [Cache] do not overwrite variable value (xabbuh) + * bug #35113 [VarDumper] Fix "Undefined index: argv" when using CliContextProvider (xepozz) + * bug #34673 Migrate server:log command away from WebServerBundle (jderusse) + * bug #35103 [Translation] Use `locale_parse` for computing fallback locales (alanpoulain) + * bug #35060 [Security] Fix missing defaults for auto-migrating encoders (chalasr) + * bug #35067 [DependencyInjection][CheckTypeDeclarationsPass] Handle \Closure for callable (fancyweb) + * bug #35094 [Console] Fix filtering out identical alternatives when there is a command loader (fancyweb) + * 4.4.2 (2019-12-19) * bug #35051 [DependencyInjection] Fix binding tagged services to containers (nicolas-grekas)