[Intl] Moved the content of the README file to symfony/symfony-docs

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Bernhard Schussek 2013-03-15 18:31:12 +01:00
parent 9899de79ba
commit 4a5c453266
1 changed files with 6 additions and 440 deletions

View File

@ -5,437 +5,12 @@ A PHP replacement layer for the C intl extension that includes additional data
from the ICU library.
The replacement layer is limited to the locale "en". If you want to use other
locales, you should [install the intl extension] [10] instead.
locales, you should [install the intl extension] [1] instead.
You can install the component in two different ways:
* Using the official Git repository (https://github.com/symfony/Intl);
* [Install it via Composer] [0] (`symfony/intl` on [Packagist] [1]).
If you install the component via Composer, the following classes and functions
of the intl extension will be automatically provided if the intl extension is
not loaded:
* [`\Locale`] [2]
* [`\NumberFormatter`] [3]
* [`\IntlDateFormatter`] [4]
* [`\Collator`] [5]
* [`intl_is_failure()`] [6]
* [`intl_get_error_code()`] [7]
* [`intl_get_error_message()`] [8]
* [`intl_error_name()`] [9]
If you don't use Composer but the Symfony ClassLoader component, you need to
load them manually by adding the following lines to your autoload code:
if (!function_exists('intl_is_failure')) {
require '/path/to/Icu/Resources/stubs/functions.php';
Stubbed Classes
The stubbed classes of the intl extension are limited to the locale "en" and
will throw an exception if you try to use a different locale. For using other
locales, [install the intl extension] [10] instead.
### Locale
The only method supported in the [´\Locale`] [2] class is `getDefault()` and
will always return "en". All other methods will throw an exception when used.
### NumberFormatter
Numbers can be formatted with the [`\NumberFormatter`] [3] class. The following
methods are supported. All other methods are not supported and will throw an
exception when used.
##### __construct($locale = $style = null, $pattern = null)
The only supported locale is "en". The supported styles are
`\NumberFormatter::DECIMAL` and `\NumberFormatter::CURRENCY`. The argument
`$pattern` may not be used.
##### ::create($locale = $style = null, $pattern = null)
See `__construct()`.
##### formatCurrency($value, $currency)
Fully supported.
##### format($value, $type = \NumberFormatter::TYPE_DEFAULT)
Only type `\NumberFormatter::TYPE_DEFAULT` is supported.
##### getAttribute($attr)
Fully supported.
##### getErrorCode()
Fully supported.
##### getErrorMessage()
Fully supported.
##### getLocale($type = \Locale::ACTUAL_LOCALE)
The parameter `$type` is ignored.
##### parse($value, $type = \NumberFormatter::TYPE_DOUBLE, &$position = null)
The supported types are `\NumberFormatter::TYPE_DOUBLE`,
`\NumberFormatter::TYPE_INT32` and `\NumberFormatter::TYPE_INT64`. The
parameter `$position` must always be `null`.
##### setAttribute($attr, $value)
The only supported attributes are `\NumberFormatter::FRACTION_DIGITS`,
`\NumberFormatter::GROUPING_USED` and `\NumberFormatter::ROUNDING_MODE`.
The only supported rounding modes are `\NumberFormatter::ROUND_HALFEVEN`,
`\NumberFormatter::ROUND_HALFDOWN` and `\NumberFormatter::ROUND_HALFUP`.
### IntlDateFormatter
Dates can be formatted with the [`\IntlDateFormatter`] [4] class. The following
methods are supported. All other methods are not supported and will throw an
exception when used.
##### __construct($locale, $datetype, $timetype, $timezone = null, $calendar = \IntlDateFormatter::GREGORIAN, $pattern = null)
The only supported locale is "en". The parameter `$calendar` can only be
##### ::create($locale, $datetype, $timetype, $timezone = null, $calendar = self::GREGORIAN, $pattern = null)
See `__construct()`.
##### format($timestamp)
Fully supported.
##### getCalendar()
Fully supported.
##### getDateType()
Fully supported.
##### getErrorCode()
Fully supported.
##### getErrorMessage()
Fully supported.
##### getLocale($type = StubLocale::ACTUAL_LOCALE)
The parameter `$type` is ignored.
##### getPattern()
Fully supported.
##### getTimeType()
Fully supported.
##### getTimeZoneId()
Fully supported.
##### isLenient()
Always returns `false`.
##### parse($value, &$position = null)
The parameter `$position` must always be `null`.
##### setLenient($lenient)
Only accepts `false`.
##### setPattern($pattern)
Fully supported.
##### setTimeZoneId($timeZoneId)
Fully supported.
##### setTimeZone($timeZone)
Fully supported.
### Collator
Localized strings can be sorted with the [`\Collator`] [5] class. The following
methods are supported. All other methods are not supported and will throw an
exception when used.
##### __construct($locale)
The only supported locale is "en".
##### create($locale)
See `__construct()`.
##### asort(&$array, $sortFlag = self::SORT_REGULAR)
Fully supported.
##### getErrorCode()
Fully supported.
##### getErrorMessage()
Fully supported.
##### getLocale($type = StubLocale::ACTUAL_LOCALE)
The parameter `$type` is ignored.
### ResourceBundle
The `\ResourceBundle` class is not and will not be supported. Instead, this
component ships a set of readers and writers for reading and writing arrays
(or array-like objects) from/to resource bundle files. The following classes
are supported:
##### TextBundleWriter
Writes an array or an array-like object to a plain text resource bundle. The
resulting .txt file can be converted to a binary .res file with the
`BundleCompiler` class.
use Symfony\Component\Intl\ResourceBundle\Writer\TextBundleWriter;
use Symfony\Component\Intl\ResourceBundle\Compiler\BundleCompiler;
$writer = new TextBundleWriter();
$writer->write('/path/to/bundle', 'en', array(
'Data' => array(
$compiler = new BundleCompiler();
$compiler->compile('/path/to/bundle', '/path/to/binary/bundle');
The command "genrb" must be available for the `BundleCompiler` to work. If the
command is located in a non-standard location, you can pass its path to the
`BundleCompiler` constructor.
##### PhpBundleWriter
Writes an array or an array-like object to a .php resource bundle.
use Symfony\Component\Intl\ResourceBundle\Writer\PhpBundleWriter;
$writer = new PhpBundleWriter();
$writer->write('/path/to/bundle', 'en', array(
'Data' => array(
##### BinaryBundleReader
Reads binary resource bundle files and returns an array or an array-like object.
This class currently only works with the intl extension installed.
use Symfony\Component\Intl\ResourceBundle\Reader\BinaryBundleReader;
$reader = new BinaryBundleReader();
$data = $reader->read('/path/to/bundle', 'en');
echo $data['Data']['entry1'];
##### PhpBundleReader
Reads resource bundles from .php files and returns an array or an array-like
use Symfony\Component\Intl\ResourceBundle\Reader\PhpBundleReader;
$reader = new PhpBundleReader();
$data = $reader->read('/path/to/bundle', 'en');
echo $data['Data']['entry1'];
##### BufferedBundleReader
Wraps another reader, but keeps the last N reads in a buffer, where N is a
buffer size passed to the constructor.
use Symfony\Component\Intl\ResourceBundle\Reader\BinaryBundleReader;
use Symfony\Component\Intl\ResourceBundle\Reader\BufferedBundleReader;
$reader = new BufferedBundleReader(new BinaryBundleReader(), 10);
// actually reads the file
$data = $reader->read('/path/to/bundle', 'en');
// returns data from the buffer
$data = $reader->read('/path/to/bundle', 'en');
// actually reads the file
$data = $reader->read('/path/to/bundle', 'fr');
##### StructuredBundleReader
Wraps another reader and offers a `readEntry()` method for reading an entry
of the resource bundle without having to worry whether array keys are set or
not. If a path cannot be resolved, `null` is returned.
use Symfony\Component\Intl\ResourceBundle\Reader\BinaryBundleReader;
use Symfony\Component\Intl\ResourceBundle\Reader\StructuredBundleReader;
$reader = new StructuredBundleReader(new BinaryBundleReader());
$data = $reader->read('/path/to/bundle', 'en');
// Produces an error if the key "Data" does not exist
echo $data['Data']['entry1'];
// Returns null if the key "Data" does not exist
echo $reader->readEntry('/path/to/bundle', 'en', array('Data', 'entry1'));
Additionally, the `readEntry()` method resolves fallback locales. For example,
the fallback locale of "en_GB" is "en". For single-valued entries (strings,
numbers etc.), the entry will be read from the fallback locale if it cannot be
found in the more specific locale. For multi-valued entries (arrays), the
values of the more specific and the fallback locale will be merged. In order
to suppress this behavior, the last parameter `$fallback` can be set to `false`.
echo $reader->readEntry('/path/to/bundle', 'en', array('Data', 'entry1'), false);
Included Resource Bundles
The ICU data is located in several "resource bundles". You can access a PHP
wrapper of these bundles through the static `Intl` class.
Languages and Scripts
The translations of language and script names can be found in the language
use Symfony\Component\Intl\Intl;
$languages = Intl::getLanguageBundle()->getLanguageNames();
// => array('ab' => 'Abkhazian', ...)
$language = Intl::getLanguageBundle()->getLanguageName('de');
// => 'German'
$language = Intl::getLanguageBundle()->getLanguageName('de', 'AT');
// => 'Austrian German'
$scripts = Intl::getLanguageBundle()->getScriptNames();
// => array('Arab' => 'Arabic', ...)
$script = Intl::getLanguageBundle()->getScriptName('Hans');
// => 'Simplified'
All methods accept the translation locale as last, optional parameter, which
defaults to the current default locale.
$languages = Intl::getLanguageBundle()->getLanguageNames('de');
// => array('ab' => 'Abchasisch', ...)
The translations of country names can be found in the region bundle.
use Symfony\Component\Intl\Intl;
$countries = Intl::getRegionBundle()->getCountryNames();
// => array('AF' => 'Afghanistan', ...)
$country = Intl::getRegionBundle()->getCountryName('GB');
// => 'United Kingdom'
All methods accept the translation locale as last, optional parameter, which
defaults to the current default locale.
$countries = Intl::getRegionBundle()->getCountryNames('de');
// => array('AF' => 'Afghanistan', ...)
The translations of locale names can be found in the locale bundle.
use Symfony\Component\Intl\Intl;
$locales = Intl::getLocaleBundle()->getLocaleNames();
// => array('af' => 'Afrikaans', ...)
$locale = Intl::getLocaleBundle()->getLocaleName('zh_Hans_MO');
// => 'Chinese (Simplified, Macau SAR China)'
All methods accept the translation locale as last, optional parameter, which
defaults to the current default locale.
$locales = Intl::getLocaleBundle()->getLocaleNames('de');
// => array('af' => 'Afrikaans', ...)
The translations of currency names and other currency-related information can
be found in the currency bundle.
use Symfony\Component\Intl\Intl;
$currencies = Intl::getCurrencyBundle()->getCurrencyNames();
// => array('AFN' => 'Afghan Afghani', ...)
$currency = Intl::getCurrencyBundle()->getCurrencyName('INR');
// => 'Indian Rupee'
$symbol = Intl::getCurrencyBundle()->getCurrencySymbol('INR');
// => '₹'
$fractionDigits = Intl::getCurrencyBundle()->getFractionDigits('INR');
// => 2
$roundingIncrement = Intl::getCurrencyBundle()->getRoundingIncrement('INR');
// => 0
All methods (except for `getFractionDigits()` and `getRoundingIncrement()`)
accept the translation locale as last, optional parameter, which defaults to the
current default locale.
$currencies = Intl::getCurrencyBundle()->getCurrencyNames('de');
// => array('AFN' => 'Afghanische Afghani', ...)
The documentation for the component can be found [online] [2].
@ -446,14 +21,5 @@ You can run the unit tests with the following command:
$ composer.phar install --dev
$ phpunit
[0]: /components/using_components
[1]: https://packagist.org/packages/symfony/intl
[2]: http://www.php.net/manual/en/class.locale.php
[3]: http://www.php.net/manual/en/class.numberformatter.php
[4]: http://www.php.net/manual/en/class.intldateformatter.php
[5]: http://www.php.net/manual/en/class.collator.php
[6]: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.intl-error-name.php
[7]: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.intl-get-error-code.php
[8]: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.intl-get-error-message.php
[9]: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.intl-is-failure.php
[10]: http://www.php.net/manual/en/intl.setup.php
[0]: http://www.php.net/manual/en/intl.setup.php
[1]: http://symfony.com/doc/2.3/components/intl.html