Add tests for urlRedirectAction

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Jonas Flodén 2012-11-19 20:04:16 +01:00
parent 15a5868ab4
commit 64216f25a5
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@ -109,4 +109,131 @@ class RedirectControllerTest extends TestCase
$this->assertEquals('', $returnResponse->headers->get('Location'));
$this->assertEquals(302, $returnResponse->getStatusCode());
public function testUrlRedirectDefaultPortParameters()
$host = '';
$baseUrl = '/base';
$path = '/redirect-path';
$httpPort = 1080;
$httpsPort = 1443;
$expectedUrl = "https://$host:$httpsPort$baseUrl$path";
$request = $this->createRequestObject('http', $host, $httpPort, $baseUrl);
$controller = $this->createRedirectController($request, null, $httpsPort);
$returnValue = $controller->urlRedirectAction($path, false, 'https');
$this->assertRedirectUrl($returnValue, $expectedUrl);
$expectedUrl = "http://$host:$httpPort$baseUrl$path";
$request = $this->createRequestObject('https', $host, $httpPort, $baseUrl);
$controller = $this->createRedirectController($request, $httpPort);
$returnValue = $controller->urlRedirectAction($path, false, 'http');
$this->assertRedirectUrl($returnValue, $expectedUrl);
public function urlRedirectProvider()
return array(
// Standard ports
array('http', null, null, 'http', 80, ""),
array('http', 80, null, 'http', 80, ""),
array('https', null, null, 'http', 80, ""),
array('https', 80, null, 'http', 80, ""),
array('http', null, null, 'https', 443, ""),
array('http', null, 443, 'https', 443, ""),
array('https', null, null, 'https', 443, ""),
array('https', null, 443, 'https', 443, ""),
// Non-standard ports
array('http', null, null, 'http', 8080, ":8080"),
array('http', 4080, null, 'http', 8080, ":4080"),
array('http', 80, null, 'http', 8080, ""),
array('https', null, null, 'http', 8080, ""),
array('https', null, 8443, 'http', 8080, ":8443"),
array('https', null, 443, 'http', 8080, ""),
array('https', null, null, 'https', 8443, ":8443"),
array('https', null, 4443, 'https', 8443, ":4443"),
array('https', null, 443, 'https', 8443, ""),
array('http', null, null, 'https', 8443, ""),
array('http', 8080, 4443, 'https', 8443, ":8080"),
array('http', 80, 4443, 'https', 8443, ""),
* @dataProvider urlRedirectProvider
public function testUrlRedirect($scheme, $httpPort, $httpsPort, $requestScheme, $requestPort, $expectedPort)
$host = '';
$baseUrl = '/base';
$path = '/redirect-path';
$expectedUrl = "$scheme://$host$expectedPort$baseUrl$path";
$request = $this->createRequestObject($requestScheme, $host, $requestPort, $baseUrl);
$controller = $this->createRedirectController($request);
$returnValue = $controller->urlRedirectAction($path, false, $scheme, $httpPort, $httpsPort);
$this->assertRedirectUrl($returnValue, $expectedUrl);
public function createRequestObject($scheme, $host, $port, $baseUrl)
$request = $this->getMock('Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request');
return $request;
public function createRedirectController($request, $httpPort = null, $httpsPort = null)
$container = $this->getMock('Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface');
if ($httpPort != null) {
if ($httpsPort != null) {
$controller = new RedirectController();
return $controller;
public function assertRedirectUrl($returnValue, $expectedUrl)
"Expected: $expectedUrl\nGot: " . $returnValue->headers->get('Location'));