added ability for substitute aliases when mapping in YAML is on single line

This commit is contained in:
Michał Strzelecki 2014-07-24 10:48:45 +02:00 committed by Christian Flothmann
parent c963178206
commit 675a3fe7f6
3 changed files with 73 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -491,6 +491,59 @@ class Parser
return true;
* Substitute from alias where is used a <<
* @param mixed $values Parsed YAML in which aliases are not substituted
* @return mixed YAML with substituted aliases
* @throws Exception\ParseException When indentation problem are detected
private function substituteAliases($values)
if (is_array($values)) {
$keys = array();
foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
if ($key ==='<<' && preg_grep('/^\*.+/', (array) $value) === array_values((array) $value)) {
$values[$key] = array();
foreach ((array) $value as $ref) {
$refName = substr($ref, 1);
if (!array_key_exists($refName, $this->refs)) {
throw new ParseException(
sprintf('Reference "%s" does not exist.', $refName),
$this->getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1,
$keys = array_merge(
array_diff(array_keys($this->refs[$refName]), $keys)
$values[$key] = array_replace($this->refs[$refName], $values[$key]);
} elseif (!isset($result[$key]) || is_array($result[$key])) {
$keys[] = $key;
$values[$key] = $this->substituteAliases($value);
if (isset($values['<<'])) {
$values = array_replace($values['<<'], $values);
function ($a, $b) use ($keys) {
return array_search($a, $keys, true) - array_search($b, $keys, true);
return $values;
* Parses a YAML value.
@ -526,7 +579,7 @@ class Parser
try {
return Inline::parse($value, $exceptionOnInvalidType, $objectSupport, $objectForMap, $this->refs);
return $this->substituteAliases(Inline::parse($value, $exceptionOnInvalidType, $objectSupport, $objectForMap, $this->refs));
} catch (ParseException $e) {
$e->setParsedLine($this->getRealCurrentLineNb() + 1);

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ yaml: |
foo: bar
foo: ignore
bar: foo
bar_inline: {a: before, d: other, <<: *foo, b: new, x: Oren, c: { foo: bar, foo: ignore, bar: foo}}
foo: bar
foo: ignore
@ -46,15 +47,20 @@ yaml: |
p: 12345
<<: *nestedref
head_inline: &head_inline { <<: [ *foo , *dong , *foo2 ] }
recursive_inline: { <<: *head_inline, c: { <<: *foo2 } }
php: |
'foo' => array('a' => 'Steve', 'b' => 'Clark', 'c' => 'Brian', 'e' => 'notnull'),
'bar' => array('a' => 'before', 'd' => 'other', 'e' => null, 'b' => 'new', 'c' => array('foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'foo'), 'x' => 'Oren'),
'bar_inline' => array('a' => 'before', 'd' => 'other', 'b' => 'new', 'c' => array('foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'foo'), 'x' => 'Oren'),
'duplicate' => array('foo' => 'bar'),
'foo2' => array('a' => 'Ballmer'),
'ding' => array('fi', 'fei', 'fo', 'fam'),
'check' => array('a' => 'Steve', 'b' => 'Clark', 'c' => 'Brian', 'e' => 'notnull', 'fi', 'fei', 'fo', 'fam', 'isit' => 'tested'),
'head' => array('a' => 'Steve', 'b' => 'Clark', 'c' => 'Brian', 'e' => 'notnull', 'fi', 'fei', 'fo', 'fam'),
'taz' => array('a' => 'Steve', 'w' => array('p' => 1234)),
'nested' => array('a' => 'Steve', 'w' => array('p' => 12345), 'd' => 'Doug', 'z' => array('p' => 12345))
'nested' => array('a' => 'Steve', 'w' => array('p' => 12345), 'd' => 'Doug', 'z' => array('p' => 12345)),
'head_inline' => array('a' => 'Steve', 'b' => 'Clark', 'c' => 'Brian', 'fi', 'fei', 'fo', 'fam'),
'recursive_inline' => array('a' => 'Steve', 'b' => 'Clark', 'c' => array('a' => 'Ballmer'), 'fi', 'fei', 'fo', 'fam')

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@ -1207,6 +1207,18 @@ YAML;
$this->assertSame($expected, $this->parser->parse($yaml));
* @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException
* @expectedExceptionMessage Reference "foo" does not exist
public function testEvalRefException()
$yaml = <<<EOE
foo: { &foo { a: Steve, <<: *foo} }
class B