[PhpUnitBridge] fix reporting deprecations when they come from DebugClassLoader

This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Grekas 2021-02-02 14:23:37 +01:00
parent 9197199731
commit 6a4312deac
8 changed files with 114 additions and 99 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,3 @@

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@ -132,44 +132,48 @@ class DeprecationErrorHandler
return \call_user_func(self::getPhpUnitErrorHandler(), $type, $msg, $file, $line, $context);
$deprecation = new Deprecation($msg, debug_backtrace(), $file);
$trace = debug_backtrace();
if (isset($trace[1]['function'], $trace[1]['args'][0]) && ('trigger_error' === $trace[1]['function'] || 'user_error' === $trace[1]['function'])) {
$msg = $trace[1]['args'][0];
$deprecation = new Deprecation($msg, $trace, $file);
if ($deprecation->isMuted()) {
return null;
$group = 'other';
if ($deprecation->originatesFromAnObject()) {
$class = $deprecation->originatingClass();
$method = $deprecation->originatingMethod();
$msg = $deprecation->getMessage();
$msg = $deprecation->getMessage();
if (error_reporting() & $type) {
$group = 'unsilenced';
} elseif ($deprecation->isLegacy()) {
$group = 'legacy';
} else {
$group = [
Deprecation::TYPE_SELF => 'remaining self',
Deprecation::TYPE_DIRECT => 'remaining direct',
Deprecation::TYPE_INDIRECT => 'remaining indirect',
Deprecation::TYPE_UNDETERMINED => 'other',
if (error_reporting() & $type) {
$group = 'unsilenced';
} elseif ($deprecation->isLegacy()) {
$group = 'legacy';
} else {
$group = [
Deprecation::TYPE_SELF => 'remaining self',
Deprecation::TYPE_DIRECT => 'remaining direct',
Deprecation::TYPE_INDIRECT => 'remaining indirect',
Deprecation::TYPE_UNDETERMINED => 'other',
if ($this->getConfiguration()->shouldDisplayStackTrace($msg)) {
echo "\n".ucfirst($group).' '.$deprecation->toString();
if ($this->getConfiguration()->shouldDisplayStackTrace($msg)) {
echo "\n".ucfirst($group).' '.$deprecation->toString();
if ('legacy' !== $group) {
$ref = &$this->deprecations[$group][$msg]['count'];
if ('legacy' !== $group) {
$ref = &$this->deprecations[$group][$msg]['count'];
if ($deprecation->originatesFromAnObject()) {
$class = $deprecation->originatingClass();
$method = $deprecation->originatingMethod();
$ref = &$this->deprecations[$group][$msg][$class.'::'.$method];
} else {
$ref = &$this->deprecations[$group][$msg]['count'];

View File

@ -55,48 +55,64 @@ class Deprecation
public function __construct($message, array $trace, $file)
$this->trace = $trace;
if ('trigger_error' === (isset($trace[1]['function']) ? $trace[1]['function'] : null)
&& (DebugClassLoader::class === ($class = (isset($trace[2]['class']) ? $trace[2]['class'] : null)) || LegacyDebugClassLoader::class === $class)
&& 'checkClass' === (isset($trace[2]['function']) ? $trace[2]['function'] : null)
&& null !== ($extraFile = (isset($trace[2]['args'][1]) ? $trace[2]['args'][1] : null))
&& '' !== $extraFile
&& false !== $extraFile = realpath($extraFile)
) {
array_splice($this->originalFilesStack, 2, 1, $extraFile);
$this->message = $message;
$i = \count($trace);
while (1 < $i && $this->lineShouldBeSkipped($trace[--$i])) {
// No-op
$line = $trace[$i];
$this->triggeringFile = $file;
for ($j = 1; $j < $i; ++$j) {
if (!isset($trace[$j]['function'], $trace[1 + $j]['class'], $trace[1 + $j]['args'][0])) {
if ('trigger_error' === $trace[$j]['function'] && !isset($trace[$j]['class'])) {
if (\in_array($trace[1 + $j]['class'], [DebugClassLoader::class, LegacyDebugClassLoader::class], true)) {
$class = $trace[1 + $j]['args'][0];
$this->triggeringFile = isset($trace[1 + $j]['args'][1]) ? realpath($trace[1 + $j]['args'][1]) : (new \ReflectionClass($class))->getFileName();
array_splice($this->originalFilesStack, 0, $j, [$this->triggeringFile]);
if (isset($line['object']) || isset($line['class'])) {
if (isset($line['class']) && 0 === strpos($line['class'], SymfonyTestsListenerFor::class)) {
set_error_handler(function () {});
$parsedMsg = unserialize($this->message);
$this->message = $parsedMsg['deprecation'];
$this->originClass = $parsedMsg['class'];
$this->originMethod = $parsedMsg['method'];
if (isset($parsedMsg['files_stack'])) {
$this->originalFilesStack = $parsedMsg['files_stack'];
// If the deprecation has been triggered via
// \Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\Legacy\SymfonyTestsListenerTrait::endTest()
// then we need to use the serialized information to determine
// if the error has been triggered from vendor code.
if (isset($parsedMsg['triggering_file'])) {
$this->triggeringFile = $parsedMsg['triggering_file'];
if (!isset($line['class'], $trace[$i - 2]['function']) || 0 !== strpos($line['class'], SymfonyTestsListenerFor::class)) {
$this->originClass = isset($line['object']) ? \get_class($line['object']) : $line['class'];
$this->originMethod = $line['function'];
$this->originClass = isset($line['object']) ? \get_class($line['object']) : $line['class'];
$this->originMethod = $line['function'];
if ('trigger_error' !== $trace[$i - 2]['function'] || isset($trace[$i - 2]['class'])) {
$this->originClass = \get_class($line['args'][0]);
$this->originMethod = $line['args'][0]->getName();
set_error_handler(function () {});
$parsedMsg = unserialize($this->message);
$this->message = $parsedMsg['deprecation'];
$this->originClass = $parsedMsg['class'];
$this->originMethod = $parsedMsg['method'];
if (isset($parsedMsg['files_stack'])) {
$this->originalFilesStack = $parsedMsg['files_stack'];
// If the deprecation has been triggered via
// \Symfony\Bridge\PhpUnit\Legacy\SymfonyTestsListenerTrait::endTest()
// then we need to use the serialized information to determine
// if the error has been triggered from vendor code.
if (isset($parsedMsg['triggering_file'])) {
$this->triggeringFile = $parsedMsg['triggering_file'];
@ -130,7 +146,9 @@ class Deprecation
throw new \LogicException('Check with originatesFromAnObject() before calling this method.');
return $this->originClass;
$class = $this->originClass;
return false !== strpos($class, "@anonymous\0") ? (get_parent_class($class) ?: key(class_implements($class)) ?: 'class').'@anonymous' : $class;
@ -158,8 +176,7 @@ class Deprecation
public function isLegacy()
$class = $this->originatingClass();
if ((new \ReflectionClass($class))->isInternal()) {
if (!$this->originClass || (new \ReflectionClass($this->originClass))->isInternal()) {
return false;
@ -168,8 +185,8 @@ class Deprecation
return 0 === strpos($method, 'testLegacy')
|| 0 === strpos($method, 'provideLegacy')
|| 0 === strpos($method, 'getLegacy')
|| strpos($class, '\Legacy')
|| \in_array('legacy', Test::getGroups($class, $method), true);
|| strpos($this->originClass, '\Legacy')
|| \in_array('legacy', Test::getGroups($this->originClass, $method), true);
@ -195,11 +212,10 @@ class Deprecation
public function getType()
$triggeringFilePathType = $this->getPathType($this->triggeringFile);
if (self::PATH_TYPE_SELF === $triggeringFilePathType) {
if (self::PATH_TYPE_SELF === $pathType = $this->getPathType($this->triggeringFile)) {
return self::TYPE_SELF;
if (self::PATH_TYPE_UNDETERMINED === $triggeringFilePathType) {
if (self::PATH_TYPE_UNDETERMINED === $pathType) {
$erroringFile = $erroringPackage = null;
@ -208,10 +224,10 @@ class Deprecation
if ('-' === $file || 'Standard input code' === $file || !realpath($file)) {
if (self::PATH_TYPE_SELF === $this->getPathType($file)) {
if (self::PATH_TYPE_SELF === $pathType = $this->getPathType($file)) {
return self::TYPE_DIRECT;
if (self::PATH_TYPE_UNDETERMINED === $this->getPathType($file)) {
if (self::PATH_TYPE_UNDETERMINED === $pathType) {
if (null !== $erroringFile && null !== $erroringPackage) {
@ -233,7 +249,7 @@ class Deprecation
if (null === $this->originalFilesStack) {
$this->originalFilesStack = [];
foreach ($this->trace as $frame) {
if (!isset($frame['file']) || \in_array($frame['function'], ['require', 'require_once', 'include', 'include_once'], true)) {
if (!isset($frame['file'], $frame['function']) || (!isset($frame['class']) && \in_array($frame['function'], ['require', 'require_once', 'include', 'include_once'], true))) {
@ -259,13 +275,10 @@ class Deprecation
$relativePath = substr($path, \strlen($vendorRoot) + 1);
$vendor = strstr($relativePath, \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, true);
if (false === $vendor) {
throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Could not find directory separator "%s" in path "%s".', \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $relativePath));
return 'symfony';
return rtrim($vendor.'/'.strstr(substr(
\strlen($vendor) + 1
), \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, true), '/');
return rtrim($vendor.'/'.strstr(substr($relativePath, \strlen($vendor) + 1), \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, true), '/');
@ -279,6 +292,13 @@ class Deprecation
if (null === self::$vendors) {
self::$vendors = $paths = [];
self::$vendors[] = \dirname(__DIR__).\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Legacy';
if (class_exists(DebugClassLoader::class, false)) {
self::$vendors[] = \dirname((new \ReflectionClass(DebugClassLoader::class))->getFileName());
if (class_exists(LegacyDebugClassLoader::class, false)) {
self::$vendors[] = \dirname((new \ReflectionClass(LegacyDebugClassLoader::class))->getFileName());
foreach (get_declared_classes() as $class) {
if ('C' === $class[0] && 0 === strpos($class, 'ComposerAutoloaderInit')) {
$r = new \ReflectionClass($class);
@ -354,10 +374,9 @@ class Deprecation
$reflection->setValue($exception, $this->trace);
return 'deprecation triggered by '.$this->originatingClass().'::'.$this->originatingMethod().':'.
"\nStack trace:".
"\n".str_replace(' '.getcwd().\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, ' ', $exception->getTraceAsString()).
return ($this->originatesFromAnObject() ? 'deprecation triggered by '.$this->originatingClass().'::'.$this->originatingMethod().":\n" : '')
."Stack trace:\n"
.str_replace(' '.getcwd().\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, ' ', $exception->getTraceAsString())."\n";

View File

@ -183,6 +183,11 @@ class DeprecationTest extends TestCase
public function providerGetTypeUsesRightTrace()
$vendorDir = self::getVendorDir();
$fakeTrace = [
['function' => 'trigger_error'],
['class' => SymfonyTestsListenerTrait::class, 'function' => 'endTest'],
['class' => SymfonyTestsListenerForV5::class, 'function' => 'endTest'],
return [
'no_file_in_stack' => [Deprecation::TYPE_DIRECT, '', [['function' => 'myfunc1'], ['function' => 'myfunc2']]],
@ -205,7 +210,7 @@ class DeprecationTest extends TestCase
[['function' => 'myfunc1'], ['class' => SymfonyTestsListenerForV5::class, 'method' => 'mymethod']],
'serialized_stack_files_from_various_packages' => [
@ -218,7 +223,7 @@ class DeprecationTest extends TestCase
[['function' => 'myfunc1'], ['class' => SymfonyTestsListenerForV5::class, 'method' => 'mymethod']],

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@ -30,16 +30,6 @@ EOPHP
require __DIR__.'/fake_vendor/autoload.php';
// We need the real DebugClassLoader FQCN but in a vendor path.
if (!file_exists($errorHandlerRootDir = __DIR__.'/../../../../Component/ErrorHandler')) {
if (!file_exists($errorHandlerRootDir = __DIR__.'/../../vendor/symfony/error-handler')) {
die('Could not find the ErrorHandler component root directory.');
file_put_contents($fakeDebugClassLoadPath = __DIR__.'/fake_vendor/symfony/error-handler/DebugClassLoader.php', file_get_contents($errorHandlerRootDir.'/DebugClassLoader.php'));
require $fakeDebugClassLoadPath;
new \App\Services\BarService();

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@ -29,13 +29,11 @@ Unsilenced deprecation notices (3)
1x: unsilenced bar deprecation
1x in FooTestCase::testNonLegacyBar
Remaining direct deprecation notices (1)
Remaining direct deprecation notices (2)
1x: root deprecation
1x: silenced bar deprecation
1x in FooTestCase::testNonLegacyBar
Legacy deprecation notices (2)
Other deprecation notices (1)
1x: root deprecation

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
// Please update when phpunit needs to be reinstalled with fresh deps:
// Cache-Id: 2020-01-31 10:00 UTC
// Cache-Id: 2021-02-04 11:00 UTC