updated CHANGELOG for 2.3.38

This commit is contained in:
Fabien Potencier 2016-02-28 19:23:16 +01:00
parent fe4362cf39
commit 78f4e00140
1 changed files with 46 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -7,6 +7,52 @@ in 2.3 minor versions.
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* 2.3.38 (2016-02-28)
* bug #17947 Fix - #17676 (backport #17919 to 2.3) (Ocramius)
* bug #17942 Fix bug when using an private aliased factory service (WouterJ)
* bug #17542 ChoiceFormField of type "select" could be "disabled" (bouland)
* bug #17602 [HttpFoundation] Fix BinaryFileResponse incorrect behavior with if-range header (bburnichon)
* bug #17914 [Console] Fix escaping of trailing backslashes (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #17074 Fix constraint validator alias being required (Triiistan)
* bug #17867 [DependencyInjection] replace alias in factory services (xabbuh)
* bug #17569 [FrameworkBundle] read commands from bundles when accessing list (havvg)
* bug #16987 [FileSystem] Windows fix (flip111)
* bug #17835 [Yaml] fix default timezone to be UTC (xabbuh)
* bug #17823 [DependencyInjection] fix dumped YAML string (xabbuh)
* bug #17814 [DependencyInjection] fix dumped YAML snytax (xabbuh)
* bug #17099 [Form] Fixed violation mapping if multiple forms are using the same (or part of the same) property path (alekitto)
* bug #17719 [DependencyInjection] fixed exceptions thrown by get method of ContainerBuilder (lukaszmakuch)
* bug #17742 [DependencyInjection] Fix #16461 Container::set() replace aliases (mnapoli)
* bug #17745 Added more exceptions to singularify method (javiereguiluz)
* bug #17766 Fixed (string) catchable fatal error for PHP Incomplete Class instances (yceruto)
* bug #17757 [HttpFoundation] BinaryFileResponse sendContent return as parent. (2.3) (SpacePossum)
* bug #17702 [TwigBridge] forward compatibility with Yaml 3.1 (xabbuh)
* bug #17672 [DependencyInjection][Routing] add files used in FileResource objects (xabbuh)
* bug #17596 [Translation] Add resources from fallback locale to parent catalogue (c960657)
* bug #16956 [DependencyInjection] XmlFileLoader: enforce tags to have a name (xabbuh)
* bug #16265 [BrowserKit] Corrected HTTP_HOST logic (Naktibalda)
* bug #17555 [DependencyInjection] resolve aliases in factory services (xabbuh)
* bug #15272 [FrameworkBundle] Fix template location for PHP templates (jakzal)
* bug #11232 [Routing] Fixes fatal errors with object resources in AnnotationDirectoryLoader::supports (Tischoi)
* bug #17526 Escape the delimiter in Glob::toRegex (javiereguiluz)
* bug #17527 fixed undefined variable (fabpot)
* bug #15706 [framework-bundle] Added support for the `` trusted proxy (zerkms)
* bug #16274 [HttpKernel] Lookup the response even if the lock was released after two second wait (jakzal)
* bug #17355 [DoctrineBridge][Validator] >= 2.3 Pass association instead of ID as argument (xavismeh)
* bug #16736 [Request] Ignore invalid IP addresses sent by proxies (GromNaN)
* bug #16873 Able to load big xml files with DomCrawler (zorn-v)
* bug #16897 [Form] Fix constraints could be null if not set (DZunke)
* bug #17505 sort bundles in config:dump-reference command (xabbuh)
* bug #17478 [HttpFoundation] Do not overwrite the Authorization header if it is already set (jakzal)
* bug #17461 [Yaml] tag for dumped PHP objects must be a local one (xabbuh)
* bug #17423 [Process] Use stream based storage to avoid memory issues (romainneutron)
* bug #17373 [SecurityBundle] fix SecureRandom service constructor args (Tobion)
* bug #17377 Fix performance (PHP5) and memory (PHP7) issues when using token_get_all (nicolas-grekas, peteward)
* bug #17389 [Routing] Fixed correct class name in thrown exception (fixes #17388) (robinvdvleuten)
* bug #17358 [ClassLoader] Use symfony/polyfill-apcu (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #17370 [HttpFoundation][Cookie] Cookie DateTimeInterface fix (wildewouter)
* 2.3.37 (2016-01-14)
* security #17359 do not ship with a custom rng implementation (xabbuh, fabpot)