bug #35364 [Yaml] Throw on unquoted exclamation mark (fancyweb)

This PR was merged into the 4.3 branch.


[Yaml] Throw on unquoted exclamation mark

| Q             | A
| ------------- | ---
| Branch?       | 4.3
| Bug fix?      | yes
| New feature?  | no
| Deprecations? |
| Tickets       | https://github.com/symfony/symfony/issues/35344
| License       | MIT
| Doc PR        | -


6b4147c991 [Yaml] Throw on unquoted exclamation mark
This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Grekas 2020-01-21 12:09:03 +01:00
commit 79d9bdac35
2 changed files with 69 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -674,6 +674,10 @@ class Inline
$nextOffset = $i + $tagLength + 1;
$nextOffset += strspn($value, ' ', $nextOffset);
if ('' === $tag && (!isset($value[$nextOffset]) || \in_array($value[$nextOffset], [']', '}', ','], true))) {
throw new ParseException(sprintf('Using the unquoted scalar value "!" is not supported. You must quote it.', $value), self::$parsedLineNumber + 1, $value, self::$parsedFilename);
// Is followed by a scalar and is a built-in tag
if ('' !== $tag && (!isset($value[$nextOffset]) || !\in_array($value[$nextOffset], ['[', '{'], true)) && ('!' === $tag[0] || 'str' === $tag || 'php/const' === $tag || 'php/object' === $tag)) {
// Manage in {@link self::evaluateScalar()}

View File

@ -737,4 +737,69 @@ class InlineTest extends TestCase
'negative octal number' => [-28, '-034'],
* @dataProvider unquotedExclamationMarkThrowsProvider
public function testUnquotedExclamationMarkThrows(string $value)
$this->expectExceptionMessageRegExp('/^Using the unquoted scalar value "!" is not supported\. You must quote it at line 1 \(near "/');
public function unquotedExclamationMarkThrowsProvider()
return [
['! '],
['! '],
[' ! '],
['[! ]'],
['[! ]'],
['[!, "foo"]'],
['["foo", !, "ccc"]'],
['{foo: !}'],
['{foo: !}'],
['{foo: !, bar: "ccc"}'],
['{bar: "ccc", foo: ! }'],
['! [!]'],
* @dataProvider quotedExclamationMarkProvider
public function testQuotedExclamationMark($expected, string $value)
$this->assertSame($expected, Inline::parse($value));
// This provider should stay consistent with unquotedExclamationMarkThrowsProvider
public function quotedExclamationMarkProvider()
return [
['!', '"!"'],
['! ', '"! "'],
[' !', '" !"'],
[' ! ', '" ! "'],
[['!'], '["!"]'],
[['! '], '["! "]'],
[['!', 'foo'], '["!", "foo"]'],
[['foo', '!', 'ccc'], '["foo", "!", "ccc"]'],
[['foo' => '!'], '{foo: "!"}'],
[['foo' => ' !'], '{foo: " !"}'],
[['foo' => '!', 'bar' => 'ccc'], '{foo: "!", bar: "ccc"}'],
[['bar' => 'ccc', 'foo' => '! '], '{bar: "ccc", foo: "! "}'],
['!]]]', '"!]]]"'],
['!}', '"!}"'],
['!,}foo,]', '"!,}foo,]"'],
[['!'], '! ["!"]'],