updated CHANGELOG for 3.1.9

This commit is contained in:
Fabien Potencier 2017-01-12 12:43:31 -08:00
parent 473fd3b026
commit 7e12e0ad30
1 changed files with 46 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -7,6 +7,52 @@ in 3.1 minor versions.
To get the diff for a specific change, go to https://github.com/symfony/symfony/commit/XXX where XXX is the change hash
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* 3.1.9 (2017-01-12)
* bug #21218 [Form] DateTimeToLocalizedStringTransformer does not use timezone when using date only (magnetik)
* bug #20605 [Ldap] Always have a valid connection when using the EntryManager (bobvandevijver)
* bug #21104 [FrameworkBundle] fix IPv6 address handling in server commands (xabbuh)
* bug #20793 [Validator] Fix caching of constraints derived from non-serializable parents (uwej711)
* bug #19586 [TwigBundle] Fix bug where namespaced paths don't take parent bundles in account (wesleylancel)
* bug #21237 [FrameworkBundle] Fix relative paths used as cache keys (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #21183 [Validator] respect groups when merging constraints (xabbuh)
* bug #21179 [TwigBundle] Fixing regression in TwigEngine exception handling (Bertalan Attila)
* bug #21220 [DI] Fix missing new line after private alias (ogizanagi)
* bug #21211 Classloader tmpname (lyrixx)
* bug #21205 [TwigBundle] fixed usage when Templating is not installed (fabpot)
* bug #21155 [Validator] Check cascasdedGroups for being countable (scaytrase)
* bug #21200 [Filesystem] Check that directory is writable after created it in dumpFile() (chalasr)
* bug #21165 [Serializer] int is valid when float is expected when deserializing JSON (dunglas)
* bug #21166 [Cache] Fix order of writes in ChainAdapter (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #21113 [FrameworkBundle][HttpKernel] Fix resources loading for bundles with custom structure (chalasr)
* bug #21084 [Yaml] handle empty lines inside unindented collection (xabbuh)
* bug #20925 [HttpFoundation] Validate/cast cookie expire time (ro0NL)
* bug #21032 [SecurityBundle] Made collection of user provider unique when injecting them to the RemberMeService (lyrixx)
* bug #21078 [Console] Escape default value when dumping help (lyrixx)
* bug #21076 [Console] OS X Can't call cli_set_process_title php without superuser (ogizanagi)
* bug #20900 [Console] Descriptors should use Helper::strlen (ogizanagi)
* bug #21025 [Cache] remove is_writable check on filesystem cache (4rthem)
* bug #21064 [Debug] Wrap call to ->log in a try catch block (lyrixx)
* bug #21010 [Debug] UndefinedMethodFatalErrorHandler - Handle anonymous classes (SpacePossum)
* bug #20991 [cache] Bump RedisAdapter default timeout to 5s (Nicofuma)
* bug #20859 Avoid warning in PHP 7.2 because of non-countable data (wouterj)
* bug #21053 [Validator] override property constraints in child class (xabbuh)
* bug #21034 [FrameworkBundle] Make TemplateController working without the Templating component (dunglas)
* bug #20970 [Console] Fix question formatting using SymfonyStyle::ask() (chalasr, ogizanagi)
* bug #20999 [HttpKernel] Continuation of #20599 for 3.1 (ro0NL)
* bug #20975 [Form] fix group sequence based validation (xabbuh)
* bug #20599 [WebProfilerBundle] Display multiple HTTP headers in WDT (ro0NL)
* bug #20799 [TwigBundle] do not try to register incomplete definitions (xabbuh)
* bug #20961 [Validator] phpize default option values (xabbuh)
* bug #20934 [FrameworkBundle] Fix PHP form templates on translatable attributes (ro0NL)
* bug #20957 [FrameworkBundle] test for the Validator component to be present (xabbuh)
* bug #20936 [DependencyInjection] Fix on-invalid attribute type in xsd (ogizanagi)
* bug #20931 [VarDumper] Fix dumping by-ref variadics (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #20734 [Security] AbstractVoter->supportsAttribute gives false positive if attribute is zero (0) (martynas-foodpanda)
* bug #14082 [config] Fix issue when key removed and left value only (zerustech)
* bug #20910 [HttpFoundation] Fix cookie to string conversion for raw cookies (ro0NL)
* bug #20847 [Console] fixed BC issue with static closures (araines)
* 3.1.8 (2016-12-13)
* bug #20714 [FrameworkBundle] Fix unresolved parameters from default configs in debug:config (chalasr)