[ClassLoader] Added a class map file generator utility

fixed cs

Small refactoring for Finder support

If class name found, return

Find multiple classes and namespaces in the same file

fixed problems with inheritance and non-php files

Renamed ClassMapDumper to ClassMapGenerator

fixed error with splfileinfo
This commit is contained in:
Gyula Sallai 2011-10-25 17:28:19 +02:00
parent 6e60967827
commit ba3b321842
9 changed files with 253 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\ClassLoader;
* ClassMapGenerator
* @author Gyula Sallai <salla016@gmail.com>
class ClassMapGenerator
* Generate a class map file
* @param array|string $dirs Directories or a single path to search in
* @param string $file The name of the class map file
static public function dump($dirs, $file)
$dirs = (array) $dirs;
$maps = array();
foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
$maps = array_merge($maps, static::createMap($dir));
file_put_contents($file, sprintf('<?php return %s;', var_export($maps, true)));
* Iterate over all files in the given directory searching for classes
* @param Iterator|string $dir The directory to search in or an iterator
* @return array A class map array
static public function createMap($dir)
if (is_string($dir)) {
$dir = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir));
$map = array();
foreach ($dir as $file) {
if (!$file->isFile()) {
$path = $file->getRealPath();
if (pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) !== 'php') {
$classes = self::findClasses($path);
foreach ($classes as $class) {
$map[$class] = $path;
return $map;
* Extract the classes in the given file
* @param string $path The file to check
* @return array The found classes
static private function findClasses($path)
$contents = file_get_contents($path);
$tokens = token_get_all($contents);
$classes = array();
$namespace = '';
for ($i = 0, $max = count($tokens); $i < $max; $i++) {
$token = $tokens[$i];
if (is_string($token)) {
$class = '';
switch ($token[0]) {
$namespace = '';
// If there is a namespace, extract it
while (($t = $tokens[++$i]) && is_array($t)) {
if (in_array($t[0], array(T_STRING, T_NS_SEPARATOR))) {
$namespace .= $t[1];
$namespace .= '\\';
case T_CLASS:
// Find the classname
while (($t = $tokens[++$i]) && is_array($t)) {
if (T_STRING === $t[0]) {
$class .= $t[1];
} else if ($class !== '' && T_WHITESPACE == $t[0]) {
if (empty($namespace)) {
$classes[] = $class;
} else {
$classes[] = $namespace . $class;
return $classes;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Tests\Component\ClassLoader;
use Symfony\Component\ClassLoader\ClassMapGenerator;
class ClassMapGeneratorTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* @dataProvider getTestCreateMapTests
public function testCreateMap($directory, $expected)
$this->assertEquals($expected, ClassMapGenerator::createMap($directory));
public function getTestCreateMapTests()
return array(
array(__DIR__.'/Fixtures/Namespaced', array(
'Namespaced\\Bar' => realpath(__DIR__).'/Fixtures/Namespaced/Bar.php',
'Namespaced\\Foo' => realpath(__DIR__).'/Fixtures/Namespaced/Foo.php',
'Namespaced\\Baz' => realpath(__DIR__).'/Fixtures/Namespaced/Baz.php',
array(__DIR__.'/Fixtures/beta/NamespaceCollision', array(
'NamespaceCollision\\A\\B\\Bar' => realpath(__DIR__).'/Fixtures/beta/NamespaceCollision/A/B/Bar.php',
'NamespaceCollision\\A\\B\\Foo' => realpath(__DIR__).'/Fixtures/beta/NamespaceCollision/A/B/Foo.php',
array(__DIR__.'/Fixtures/Pearlike', array(
'Pearlike_Foo' => realpath(__DIR__).'/Fixtures/Pearlike/Foo.php',
'Pearlike_Bar' => realpath(__DIR__).'/Fixtures/Pearlike/Bar.php',
'Pearlike_Baz' => realpath(__DIR__).'/Fixtures/Pearlike/Baz.php',
array(__DIR__.'/Fixtures/classmap', array(
'Foo\\Bar\\A' => realpath(__DIR__).'/Fixtures/classmap/sameNsMultipleClasses.php',
'Foo\\Bar\\B' => realpath(__DIR__).'/Fixtures/classmap/sameNsMultipleClasses.php',
'Alpha\\A' => realpath(__DIR__).'/Fixtures/classmap/multipleNs.php',
'Alpha\\B' => realpath(__DIR__).'/Fixtures/classmap/multipleNs.php',
'Beta\\A' => realpath(__DIR__).'/Fixtures/classmap/multipleNs.php',
'Beta\\B' => realpath(__DIR__).'/Fixtures/classmap/multipleNs.php',
'ClassMap\\SomeInterface' => realpath(__DIR__).'/Fixtures/classmap/SomeInterface.php',
'ClassMap\\SomeParent' => realpath(__DIR__).'/Fixtures/classmap/SomeParent.php',
'ClassMap\\SomeClass' => realpath(__DIR__).'/Fixtures/classmap/SomeClass.php',
public function testCreateMapFinderSupport()
if (!class_exists('Symfony\\Component\\Finder\\Finder')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('Finder component is not available');
$finder = new \Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder();
$finder->files()->in(__DIR__ . '/Fixtures/beta/NamespaceCollision');
'NamespaceCollision\\A\\B\\Bar' => realpath(__DIR__).'/Fixtures/beta/NamespaceCollision/A/B/Bar.php',
'NamespaceCollision\\A\\B\\Foo' => realpath(__DIR__).'/Fixtures/beta/NamespaceCollision/A/B/Foo.php',
), ClassMapGenerator::createMap($finder));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
namespace ClassMap;
class SomeClass extends SomeParent implements SomeInterface

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
namespace ClassMap;
interface SomeInterface

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
namespace ClassMap;
abstract class SomeParent

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
namespace Alpha {
class A {}
class B {}
namespace Beta {
class A {}
class B {}

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
$a = new stdClass();

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
This file should be skipped.

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
namespace Foo\Bar;
class A {}
class B {}