[Messenger] remove patch release BC layer of durable and expiring delay

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Tobias Schultze 2019-08-19 20:02:16 +02:00
parent b681e935ad
commit d5aaf44529
1 changed files with 6 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -251,11 +251,7 @@ class Connection
$this->amqpDelayExchange = $this->amqpFactory->createExchange($this->channel());
if ('delays' === $this->connectionOptions['delay']['exchange_name']) {
// only add the new flag when the name was not provided explicitly so we're using the new default name to prevent a redeclaration error
// the condition will be removed in 4.4
return $this->amqpDelayExchange;
@ -278,24 +274,17 @@ class Connection
[$delay, $this->exchangeOptions['name'], $routingKey ?? ''],
if ('delay_%exchange_name%_%routing_key%_%delay%' === $this->connectionOptions['delay']['queue_name_pattern']) {
// the condition will be removed in 4.4
$extraArguments = [
// delete the delay queue 10 seconds after the message expires
// publishing another message redeclares the queue which renews the lease
'x-expires' => $delay + 10000,
} else {
$extraArguments = [];
'x-message-ttl' => $delay,
// delete the delay queue 10 seconds after the message expires
// publishing another message redeclares the queue which renews the lease
'x-expires' => $delay + 10000,
'x-dead-letter-exchange' => $this->exchangeOptions['name'],
// after being released from to DLX, make sure the original routing key will be used
// we must use an empty string instead of null for the argument to be picked up
'x-dead-letter-routing-key' => $routingKey ?? '',
] + $extraArguments);
return $queue;