remove unused translation file

With Symfony 3, translation files have been moved to the Security Core
This commit is contained in:
Christian Flothmann 2017-02-16 17:54:26 +01:00
parent c24c4d544d
commit ea0c1cd6e7

View File

@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xliff version="1.2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<file source-language="en" datatype="plaintext" original="file.ext">
<trans-unit id="1">
<source>An authentication exception occurred.</source>
<target>Radās autentifikācijas kļūda.</target>
<trans-unit id="2">
<source>Authentication credentials could not be found.</source>
<target>Autentifikācijas dati nav atrasti.</target>
<trans-unit id="3">
<source>Authentication request could not be processed due to a system problem.</source>
<target>Autentifikācijas pieprasījums nevar tikt apstrādāts sistēmas problēmas dēļ.</target>
<trans-unit id="4">
<source>Invalid credentials.</source>
<target>Nederīgi autentifikācijas dati.</target>
<trans-unit id="5">
<source>Cookie has already been used by someone else.</source>
<target>Kāds cits jau izmantoja sīkdatni.</target>
<trans-unit id="6">
<source>Not privileged to request the resource.</source>
<target>Nav tiesību ši resursa izsaukšanai.</target>
<trans-unit id="7">
<source>Invalid CSRF token.</source>
<target>Nederīgs CSRF talons.</target>
<trans-unit id="8">
<source>Digest nonce has expired.</source>
<target>Vienreiz lietojamās atslēgas darbības laiks ir beidzies.</target>
<trans-unit id="9">
<source>No authentication provider found to support the authentication token.</source>
<target>Nav atrasts, autentifikācijas talonu atbalstošs, autentifikācijas sniedzējs.</target>
<trans-unit id="10">
<source>No session available, it either timed out or cookies are not enabled.</source>
<target>Sesija nav pieejama - vai nu tā beidzās, vai nu sīkdatnes nav iespējotas.</target>
<trans-unit id="11">
<source>No token could be found.</source>
<target>Nevar atrast nevienu talonu.</target>
<trans-unit id="12">
<source>Username could not be found.</source>
<target>Nevar atrast lietotājvārdu.</target>
<trans-unit id="13">
<source>Account has expired.</source>
<target>Konta derīguma termiņš ir beidzies.</target>
<trans-unit id="14">
<source>Credentials have expired.</source>
<target>Autentifikācijas datu derīguma termiņš ir beidzies.</target>
<trans-unit id="15">
<source>Account is disabled.</source>
<target>Konts ir atspējots.</target>
<trans-unit id="16">
<source>Account is locked.</source>
<target>Konts ir slēgts.</target>