Merge branch '5.0'

* 5.0: (21 commits)
  [DoctrineBridge] [DX] Improve condition for exception text in ManagerRegistry to avoid confusion
  Fix testing with mongodb
  suggest a non-deprecated function replacement
  Minor Travis cosmetic patch
  [Cache] fix checking for igbinary availability
  [HttpKernel] Check if lock can be released
  Fixes a runtime error (Impossible to access an attribute ("value") on a double variable...) when accessing the cache panel (@see #35419)
  bumped Symfony version to 5.0.4
  updated VERSION for 5.0.3
  updated CHANGELOG for 5.0.3
  bumped Symfony version to 4.4.4
  updated VERSION for 4.4.3
  updated CHANGELOG for 4.4.3
  bumped Symfony version to 4.3.11
  updated VERSION for 4.3.10
  updated CHANGELOG for 4.3.10
  bumped Symfony version to 3.4.38
  updated VERSION for 3.4.37
  update CONTRIBUTORS for 3.4.37
  updated CHANGELOG for 3.4.37
This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Grekas 2020-01-23 12:07:40 +01:00
commit f4ff77cc08
11 changed files with 310 additions and 58 deletions

View File

@ -171,15 +171,15 @@ before_install:
tfold ext.apcu tpecl apcu-5.1.17 $INI
tfold ext.mongodb tpecl mongodb-1.6.0alpha1 $INI
tfold ext.igbinary tpecl igbinary-2.0.8 $INI
tfold ext.mongodb tpecl mongodb-1.6.0 $INI
tfold ext.igbinary tpecl igbinary-3.1.2 $INI
tfold ext.zookeeper tpecl zookeeper-0.7.1 $INI
tfold ext.amqp tpecl amqp-1.9.4 $INI
tfold ext.redis tpecl redis-4.3.0 $INI "no"
- |
# List all php extensions with versions
- php -r 'foreach (get_loaded_extensions() as $extension) echo $extension . " " . phpversion($extension) . PHP_EOL;'
php -r 'foreach (get_loaded_extensions() as $extension) echo $extension . " " . phpversion($extension) . PHP_EOL;'
- |
# Load fixtures
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ install:
phpenv global $PHP
([[ $deps ]] && cd src/Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation; cp composer.json composer.bak; composer config platform.ext-mongodb 1.6.0; composer require --dev --no-update mongodb/mongodb)
([[ $deps ]] && cd src/Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation; cp composer.json composer.bak; composer config platform.ext-mongodb 1.6.0; composer require --dev --no-update mongodb/mongodb ~1.5.0)
tfold 'composer update' $COMPOSER_UP
tfold 'phpunit install' ./phpunit install
if [[ $deps = high ]]; then

View File

@ -7,6 +7,84 @@ in 4.3 minor versions.
To get the diff for a specific change, go to where XXX is the change hash
To get the diff between two versions, go to
* 4.3.10 (2020-01-21)
* bug #35364 [Yaml] Throw on unquoted exclamation mark (fancyweb)
* bug #35065 [Security] Use supportsClass in addition to UnsupportedUserException (linaori)
* bug #35343 [Security] Fix RememberMe with null password (jderusse)
* bug #34223 [DI] Suggest typed argument when binding fails with untyped argument (gudfar)
* bug #35324 [HttpClient] Fix strict parsing of response status codes (Armando-Walmeric)
* bug #35318 [Yaml] fix PHP const mapping keys using the inline notation (xabbuh)
* bug #35304 [HttpKernel] Fix that no-cache MUST revalidate with the origin (mpdude)
* bug #35299 Avoid `stale-if-error` in FrameworkBundle's HttpCache if kernel.debug = true (mpdude)
* bug #35151 [DI] deferred exceptions in ResolveParameterPlaceHoldersPass (Islam93)
* bug #35278 [EventDispatcher] expand listener in place (xabbuh)
* bug #35254 [PHPUnit-Bridge] Fail-fast in simple-phpunit if one of the passthru() commands fails (mpdude)
* bug #35261 [Routing] Fix using a custom matcher & generator dumper class (fancyweb)
* bug #34643 [Dotenv] Fixed infinite loop with missing quote followed by quoted value (naitsirch)
* bug #35239 [Security\Http] Prevent canceled remember-me cookie from being accepted (chalasr)
* bug #35267 [Debug] fix ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandler (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #35193 [TwigBridge] button_widget now has its title attr translated even if its label = null or false (stephen-lewis)
* bug #35219 [PhpUnitBridge] When using phpenv + phpenv-composer plugin, composer executable is wrapped into a bash script (oleg-andreyev)
* bug #35150 [Messenger] Added check if json_encode succeeded (toooni)
* bug #35170 [FrameworkBundle][TranslationUpdateCommand] Do not output positive feedback on stderr (fancyweb)
* bug #35223 [HttpClient] Don't read from the network faster than the CPU can deal with (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #35214 [DI] DecoratorServicePass should keep container.service_locator on the decorated definition (malarzm)
* bug #35210 [HttpClient] NativeHttpClient should not send >1.1 protocol version (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #33672 [Mailer] Remove line breaks in email attachment content (Stuart Fyfe)
* bug #35101 [Routing] Fix i18n routing when the url contains the locale (fancyweb)
* bug #35124 [TwigBridge][Form] Added missing help messages in form themes (cmen)
* bug #35168 [HttpClient] fix capturing SSL certificates with NativeHttpClient (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #35134 [PropertyInfo] Fix BC issue in phpDoc Reflection library (jaapio)
* bug #35173 [Mailer][MailchimpBridge] Fix missing attachments when sending via Mandrill API (vilius-g)
* bug #35172 [Mailer][MailchimpBridge] Fix incorrect sender address when sender has name (vilius-g)
* bug #35125 [Translator] fix performance issue in MessageCatalogue and catalogue operations (ArtemBrovko)
* bug #35120 [HttpClient] fix scheduling pending NativeResponse (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #35117 [Cache] do not overwrite variable value (xabbuh)
* bug #35113 [VarDumper] Fix "Undefined index: argv" when using CliContextProvider (xepozz)
* bug #35103 [Translation] Use `locale_parse` for computing fallback locales (alanpoulain)
* bug #35094 [Console] Fix filtering out identical alternatives when there is a command loader (fancyweb)
* bug #35039 [DI] skip looking for config class when the extension class is anonymous (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #35049 [ProxyManager] fix generating proxies for root-namespaced classes (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #35022 [Dotenv] FIX missing getenv (mccullagh)
* bug #35025 [HttpClient][Psr18Client] Remove Psr18ExceptionTrait (fancyweb)
* bug #35014 [HttpClient] make pushed responses retry-able (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #35010 [VarDumper] ignore failing __debugInfo() (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #34998 [DI] fix auto-binding service providers to their service subscribers (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #33670 [DI] Service locators can't be decorated (malarzm)
* bug #35000 [Console][SymfonyQuestionHelper] Handle multibytes question choices keys and custom prompt (fancyweb)
* bug #34996 Fix displaying anonymous classes on PHP 7.4 (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #29839 [Validator] fix comparisons with null values at property paths (xabbuh)
* bug #34900 [DoctrineBridge] Fixed submitting invalid ids when using queries with limit (HeahDude)
* bug #34791 [Serializer] Skip uninitialized (PHP 7.4) properties in PropertyNormalizer and ObjectNormalizer (vudaltsov)
* bug #34956 [Messenger][AMQP] Use delivery_mode=2 by default (lyrixx)
* bug #34915 [FrameworkBundle] Fix invalid Windows path normalization in TemplateNameParser (mvorisek)
* bug #34981 stop using deprecated Doctrine persistence classes (xabbuh)
* bug #34904 [Validator][ConstraintValidator] Safe fail on invalid timezones (fancyweb)
* bug #34955 Require doctrine/persistence ^1.3 (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #34923 [DI] Fix support for immutable setters in CallTrait (Lctrs)
* bug #34918 [Translation] fix memoryleak in PhpFileLoader (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #34920 [Routing] fix memoryleak when loading compiled routes (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #34787 [Cache] Propagate expiry when syncing items in ChainAdapter (trvrnrth)
* bug #34896 [Cache] fix memory leak when using PhpFilesAdapter (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #34438 [HttpFoundation] Use `Cache-Control: must-revalidate` only if explicit lifetime has been given (mpdude)
* bug #34449 [Yaml] Implement multiline string as scalar block for tagged values (natepage)
* bug #34601 [MonologBridge] Fix debug processor datetime type (mRoca)
* bug #34842 [ExpressionLanguage] Process division by zero (tigr1991)
* bug #34902 [PropertyAccess] forward caught exception (xabbuh)
* bug #34888 [TwigBundle] add tags before processing them (xabbuh)
* bug #34762 [Config] never try loading failed classes twice with ClassExistenceResource (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #34839 [Cache] fix memory leak when using PhpArrayAdapter (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #34812 [Yaml] fix parsing negative octal numbers (xabbuh)
* bug #34854 [Messenger] gracefully handle missing event dispatchers (xabbuh)
* bug #34788 [SecurityBundle] Properly escape regex in AddSessionDomainConstraintPass (fancyweb)
* bug #34755 [FrameworkBundle] resolve service locators in `debug:*` commands (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #34832 [Validator] Allow underscore character "_" in URL username and password (romainneutron)
* bug #34776 [DI] fix resolving bindings for named TypedReference (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #34738 [SecurityBundle] Passwords are not encoded when algorithm set to "true" (nieuwenhuisen)
* bug #34779 [Security] do not validate passwords when the hash is null (xabbuh)
* bug #34757 [DI] Fix making the container path-independent when the app is in /app (nicolas-grekas)
* 4.3.9 (2019-12-01)
* bug #34649 more robust initialization from request (dbu)

View File

@ -7,6 +7,67 @@ in 4.4 minor versions.
To get the diff for a specific change, go to where XXX is the change hash
To get the diff between two versions, go to
* 4.4.3 (2020-01-21)
* bug #35364 [Yaml] Throw on unquoted exclamation mark (fancyweb)
* bug #35065 [Security] Use supportsClass in addition to UnsupportedUserException (linaori)
* bug #35351 Revert #34797 "Fixed translations file dumper behavior" and fix #34713 (yceruto)
* bug #35355 [DI] Fix EnvVar not loaded when Loader requires an env var (jderusse)
* bug #35343 [Security] Fix RememberMe with null password (jderusse)
* bug #34223 [DI] Suggest typed argument when binding fails with untyped argument (gudfar)
* bug #35323 [FrameworkBundle] Set booted flag to false when test kernel is unset (thiagocordeiro)
* bug #35324 [HttpClient] Fix strict parsing of response status codes (Armando-Walmeric)
* bug #35318 [Yaml] fix PHP const mapping keys using the inline notation (xabbuh)
* bug #35306 [FrameworkBundle] Make sure one can use fragments.hinclude_default_template (Nyholm)
* bug #35304 [HttpKernel] Fix that no-cache MUST revalidate with the origin (mpdude)
* bug #35299 Avoid `stale-if-error` in FrameworkBundle's HttpCache if kernel.debug = true (mpdude)
* bug #35240 [SecurityBundle] Fix collecting traceable listeners info on lazy firewalls (chalasr)
* bug #35151 [DI] deferred exceptions in ResolveParameterPlaceHoldersPass (Islam93)
* bug #35290 [Filesystem][FilesystemCommonTrait] Use a dedicated directory when there are no namespace (fancyweb)
* bug #35099 [FrameworkBundle] Do not throw exception on value generate key (jderusse)
* bug #35278 [EventDispatcher] expand listener in place (xabbuh)
* bug #35269 [HttpKernel][FileLocator] Fix deprecation message (fancyweb)
* bug #35254 [PHPUnit-Bridge] Fail-fast in simple-phpunit if one of the passthru() commands fails (mpdude)
* bug #35261 [Routing] Fix using a custom matcher & generator dumper class (fancyweb)
* bug #34643 [Dotenv] Fixed infinite loop with missing quote followed by quoted value (naitsirch)
* bug #35239 [Security\Http] Prevent canceled remember-me cookie from being accepted (chalasr)
* bug #35267 [Debug] fix ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandler (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #35252 [Serializer] Fix cache in MetadataAwareNameConverter (bastnic)
* bug #35200 [TwigBridge] do not render preferred choices as selected (xabbuh)
* bug #35243 [HttpKernel] release lock explicitly (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #35193 [TwigBridge] button_widget now has its title attr translated even if its label = null or false (stephen-lewis)
* bug #35219 [PhpUnitBridge] When using phpenv + phpenv-composer plugin, composer executable is wrapped into a bash script (oleg-andreyev)
* bug #35150 [Messenger] Added check if json_encode succeeded (toooni)
* bug #35137 [Messenger] Added check if json_encode succeeded (toooni)
* bug #35170 [FrameworkBundle][TranslationUpdateCommand] Do not output positive feedback on stderr (fancyweb)
* bug #35245 [HttpClient] fix exception in case of PSR17 discovery failure (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #35244 [Cache] fix processing chain adapter based cache pool (xabbuh)
* bug #35247 [FrameworkBundle][ContainerLintCommand] Only skip .errored. services (fancyweb)
* bug #35225 [DependencyInjection] Handle ServiceClosureArgument for callable in container linting (shieldo)
* bug #35223 [HttpClient] Don't read from the network faster than the CPU can deal with (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #35214 [DI] DecoratorServicePass should keep container.service_locator on the decorated definition (malarzm)
* bug #35209 [HttpClient] fix support for non-blocking resource streams (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #35210 [HttpClient] NativeHttpClient should not send >1.1 protocol version (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #35162 [Mailer] Make sure you can pass custom headers to Mailgun (Nyholm)
* bug #33672 [Mailer] Remove line breaks in email attachment content (Stuart Fyfe)
* bug #35101 [Routing] Fix i18n routing when the url contains the locale (fancyweb)
* bug #35124 [TwigBridge][Form] Added missing help messages in form themes (cmen)
* bug #35195 [HttpClient] fix casting responses to PHP streams (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #35168 [HttpClient] fix capturing SSL certificates with NativeHttpClient (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #35134 [PropertyInfo] Fix BC issue in phpDoc Reflection library (jaapio)
* bug #35184 [Mailer] Payload sent to Sendgrid doesn't include names (versgui)
* bug #35173 [Mailer][MailchimpBridge] Fix missing attachments when sending via Mandrill API (vilius-g)
* bug #35172 [Mailer][MailchimpBridge] Fix incorrect sender address when sender has name (vilius-g)
* bug #35125 [Translator] fix performance issue in MessageCatalogue and catalogue operations (ArtemBrovko)
* bug #35120 [HttpClient] fix scheduling pending NativeResponse (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #35117 [Cache] do not overwrite variable value (xabbuh)
* bug #35113 [VarDumper] Fix "Undefined index: argv" when using CliContextProvider (xepozz)
* bug #34673 Migrate server:log command away from WebServerBundle (jderusse)
* bug #35103 [Translation] Use `locale_parse` for computing fallback locales (alanpoulain)
* bug #35060 [Security] Fix missing defaults for auto-migrating encoders (chalasr)
* bug #35067 [DependencyInjection][CheckTypeDeclarationsPass] Handle \Closure for callable (fancyweb)
* bug #35094 [Console] Fix filtering out identical alternatives when there is a command loader (fancyweb)
* 4.4.2 (2019-12-19)
* bug #35051 [DependencyInjection] Fix binding tagged services to containers (nicolas-grekas)

View File

@ -7,6 +7,70 @@ in 5.0 minor versions.
To get the diff for a specific change, go to where XXX is the change hash
To get the diff between two versions, go to
* 5.0.3 (2020-01-21)
* bug #35364 [Yaml] Throw on unquoted exclamation mark (fancyweb)
* bug #35065 [Security] Use supportsClass in addition to UnsupportedUserException (linaori)
* bug #35351 Revert #34797 "Fixed translations file dumper behavior" and fix #34713 (yceruto)
* bug #35356 [Filesystem] chown and chgrp should also accept int as owner and group (Slamdunk)
* bug #35335 [Security] Fix RememberMe with null password (jderusse)
* bug #35339 [String] add missing encoding when calling mb_ord() (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #35355 [DI] Fix EnvVar not loaded when Loader requires an env var (jderusse)
* bug #35343 [Security] Fix RememberMe with null password (jderusse)
* bug #34223 [DI] Suggest typed argument when binding fails with untyped argument (gudfar)
* bug #35323 [FrameworkBundle] Set booted flag to false when test kernel is unset (thiagocordeiro)
* bug #35324 [HttpClient] Fix strict parsing of response status codes (Armando-Walmeric)
* bug #35318 [Yaml] fix PHP const mapping keys using the inline notation (xabbuh)
* bug #35306 [FrameworkBundle] Make sure one can use fragments.hinclude_default_template (Nyholm)
* bug #35304 [HttpKernel] Fix that no-cache MUST revalidate with the origin (mpdude)
* bug #35299 Avoid `stale-if-error` in FrameworkBundle's HttpCache if kernel.debug = true (mpdude)
* bug #35240 [SecurityBundle] Fix collecting traceable listeners info on lazy firewalls (chalasr)
* bug #35151 [DI] deferred exceptions in ResolveParameterPlaceHoldersPass (Islam93)
* bug #35290 [Filesystem][FilesystemCommonTrait] Use a dedicated directory when there are no namespace (fancyweb)
* bug #35099 [FrameworkBundle] Do not throw exception on value generate key (jderusse)
* bug #35278 [EventDispatcher] expand listener in place (xabbuh)
* bug #35269 [HttpKernel][FileLocator] Fix deprecation message (fancyweb)
* bug #35254 [PHPUnit-Bridge] Fail-fast in simple-phpunit if one of the passthru() commands fails (mpdude)
* bug #35261 [Routing] Fix using a custom matcher & generator dumper class (fancyweb)
* bug #34643 [Dotenv] Fixed infinite loop with missing quote followed by quoted value (naitsirch)
* bug #35239 [Security\Http] Prevent canceled remember-me cookie from being accepted (chalasr)
* bug #35267 [Debug] fix ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandler (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #35252 [Serializer] Fix cache in MetadataAwareNameConverter (bastnic)
* bug #35200 [TwigBridge] do not render preferred choices as selected (xabbuh)
* bug #35243 [HttpKernel] release lock explicitly (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #35193 [TwigBridge] button_widget now has its title attr translated even if its label = null or false (stephen-lewis)
* bug #35219 [PhpUnitBridge] When using phpenv + phpenv-composer plugin, composer executable is wrapped into a bash script (oleg-andreyev)
* bug #35150 [Messenger] Added check if json_encode succeeded (toooni)
* bug #35137 [Messenger] Added check if json_encode succeeded (toooni)
* bug #35170 [FrameworkBundle][TranslationUpdateCommand] Do not output positive feedback on stderr (fancyweb)
* bug #35245 [HttpClient] fix exception in case of PSR17 discovery failure (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #35244 [Cache] fix processing chain adapter based cache pool (xabbuh)
* bug #35247 [FrameworkBundle][ContainerLintCommand] Only skip .errored. services (fancyweb)
* bug #35225 [DependencyInjection] Handle ServiceClosureArgument for callable in container linting (shieldo)
* bug #35223 [HttpClient] Don't read from the network faster than the CPU can deal with (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #35214 [DI] DecoratorServicePass should keep container.service_locator on the decorated definition (malarzm)
* bug #35209 [HttpClient] fix support for non-blocking resource streams (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #35210 [HttpClient] NativeHttpClient should not send >1.1 protocol version (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #35162 [Mailer] Make sure you can pass custom headers to Mailgun (Nyholm)
* bug #33672 [Mailer] Remove line breaks in email attachment content (Stuart Fyfe)
* bug #35101 [Routing] Fix i18n routing when the url contains the locale (fancyweb)
* bug #35124 [TwigBridge][Form] Added missing help messages in form themes (cmen)
* bug #35195 [HttpClient] fix casting responses to PHP streams (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #35168 [HttpClient] fix capturing SSL certificates with NativeHttpClient (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #35134 [PropertyInfo] Fix BC issue in phpDoc Reflection library (jaapio)
* bug #35184 [Mailer] Payload sent to Sendgrid doesn't include names (versgui)
* bug #35173 [Mailer][MailchimpBridge] Fix missing attachments when sending via Mandrill API (vilius-g)
* bug #35172 [Mailer][MailchimpBridge] Fix incorrect sender address when sender has name (vilius-g)
* bug #35125 [Translator] fix performance issue in MessageCatalogue and catalogue operations (ArtemBrovko)
* bug #35120 [HttpClient] fix scheduling pending NativeResponse (nicolas-grekas)
* bug #35117 [Cache] do not overwrite variable value (xabbuh)
* bug #35113 [VarDumper] Fix "Undefined index: argv" when using CliContextProvider (xepozz)
* bug #34673 Migrate server:log command away from WebServerBundle (jderusse)
* bug #35103 [Translation] Use `locale_parse` for computing fallback locales (alanpoulain)
* bug #35060 [Security] Fix missing defaults for auto-migrating encoders (chalasr)
* bug #35067 [DependencyInjection][CheckTypeDeclarationsPass] Handle \Closure for callable (fancyweb)
* bug #35094 [Console] Fix filtering out identical alternatives when there is a command loader (fancyweb)
* 5.0.2 (2019-12-19)
* bug #35051 [DependencyInjection] Fix binding tagged services to containers (nicolas-grekas)

View File

@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Victor Berchet (victor)
- Maxime Steinhausser (ogizanagi)
- Ryan Weaver (weaverryan)
- Jakub Zalas (jakubzalas)
- Javier Eguiluz (javier.eguiluz)
- Jakub Zalas (jakubzalas)
- Roland Franssen (ro0)
- Grégoire Pineau (lyrixx)
- Johannes S (johannes)
@ -32,16 +32,16 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Joseph Bielawski (stloyd)
- Alexander M. Turek (derrabus)
- Karma Dordrak (drak)
- Thomas Calvet (fancyweb)
- Lukas Kahwe Smith (lsmith)
- Martin Hasoň (hason)
- Hamza Amrouche (simperfit)
- Jeremy Mikola (jmikola)
- Jules Pietri (heah)
- Jean-François Simon (jfsimon)
- Jérémy DERUSSÉ (jderusse)
- Benjamin Eberlei (beberlei)
- Igor Wiedler (igorw)
- Jérémy DERUSSÉ (jderusse)
- Thomas Calvet (fancyweb)
- Eriksen Costa (eriksencosta)
- Guilhem Niot (energetick)
- Sarah Khalil (saro0h)
@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Diego Saint Esteben (dosten)
- Alexandre Salomé (alexandresalome)
- William Durand (couac)
- ornicar
- Matthias Pigulla (mpdude)
- Pierre du Plessis (pierredup)
- ornicar
- Dany Maillard (maidmaid)
- Francis Besset (francisbesset)
- stealth35 (stealth35)
- Alexander Mols (asm89)
- Matthias Pigulla (mpdude)
- Konstantin Myakshin (koc)
- Bulat Shakirzyanov (avalanche123)
- Valentin Udaltsov (vudaltsov)
@ -81,12 +81,12 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Andrej Hudec (pulzarraider)
- Michel Weimerskirch (mweimerskirch)
- Issei Murasawa (issei_m)
- Jan Schädlich (jschaedl)
- Eric Clemmons (ericclemmons)
- Charles Sarrazin (csarrazi)
- Jan Schädlich (jschaedl)
- Christian Raue
- Arnout Boks (aboks)
- Douglas Greenshields (shieldo)
- Arnout Boks (aboks)
- Deni
- Henrik Westphal (snc)
- Dariusz Górecki (canni)
@ -130,9 +130,9 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Joshua Thijssen
- Alex Pott
- Daniel Wehner (dawehner)
- Tugdual Saunier (tucksaun)
- excelwebzone
- Gordon Franke (gimler)
- Tugdual Saunier (tucksaun)
- Fabien Pennequin (fabienpennequin)
- Théo FIDRY (theofidry)
- Eric GELOEN (gelo)
@ -154,6 +154,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Daniel Gomes (danielcsgomes)
- Hidenori Goto (hidenorigoto)
- Andréia Bohner (andreia)
- Yanick Witschi (toflar)
- Julien Falque (julienfalque)
- Arnaud Kleinpeter (nanocom)
- Guilherme Blanco (guilhermeblanco)
@ -168,7 +169,6 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- jwdeitch
- Mikael Pajunen
- Alessandro Chitolina (alekitto)
- Yanick Witschi (toflar)
- Niels Keurentjes (curry684)
- Vyacheslav Pavlov
- Richard van Laak (rvanlaak)
@ -177,8 +177,10 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Vincent Touzet (vincenttouzet)
- jeremyFreeAgent (jeremyfreeagent)
- Rouven Weßling (realityking)
- Jérôme Parmentier (lctrs)
- Clemens Tolboom
- Helmer Aaviksoo
- Arman Hosseini (arman)
- Hiromi Hishida (77web)
- Matthieu Ouellette-Vachon (maoueh)
- Michał Pipa (michal.pipa)
@ -190,11 +192,11 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Tyson Andre
- GDIBass
- Samuel NELA (snela)
- Jérôme Parmentier (lctrs)
- Ben Davies (bendavies)
- Andreas Schempp (aschempp)
- James Halsall (jaitsu)
- Matthieu Napoli (mnapoli)
- Florent Mata (fmata)
- Arman Hosseini
- Warnar Boekkooi (boekkooi)
- Dmitrii Chekaliuk (lazyhammer)
- Clément JOBEILI (dator)
@ -211,7 +213,6 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Andre Rømcke (andrerom)
- mcfedr (mcfedr)
- Ben Davies (bendavies)
- Gary PEGEOT (gary-p)
- Ruben Gonzalez (rubenrua)
- Benjamin Dulau (dbenjamin)
@ -221,6 +222,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Andreas Hucks (meandmymonkey)
- Tom Van Looy (tvlooy)
- Noel Guilbert (noel)
- Anthony GRASSIOT (antograssiot)
- Stadly
- Stepan Anchugov (kix)
- bronze1man
@ -243,21 +245,24 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Dustin Whittle (dustinwhittle)
- jeff
- John Kary (johnkary)
- Andreas Schempp (aschempp)
- Jan Rosier (rosier)
- Justin Hileman (bobthecow)
- Blanchon Vincent (blanchonvincent)
- Michele Orselli (orso)
- Sven Paulus (subsven)
- Maxime Veber (nek-)
- Anthony GRASSIOT (antograssiot)
- Rui Marinho (ruimarinho)
- Eugene Wissner
- Edi Modrić (emodric)
- Pascal Montoya
- Julien Brochet (mewt)
- Leo Feyer
- Tristan Darricau (nicofuma)
- Victor Bocharsky (bocharsky_bw)
- Tomas Norkūnas (norkunas)
- Marcel Beerta (mazen)
- Ruud Kamphuis (ruudk)
- Antoine Makdessi (amakdessi)
- Maxime Helias (maxhelias)
- Pavel Batanov (scaytrase)
- Mantis Development
@ -271,6 +276,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Lorenz Schori
- Sébastien Lavoie (lavoiesl)
- Dariusz
- Dmitrii Poddubnyi (karser)
- Michael Babker (mbabker)
- Francois Zaninotto
- Alexander Kotynia (olden)
@ -279,11 +285,13 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Marcos Sánchez
- Elnur Abdurrakhimov (elnur)
- Manuel Reinhard (sprain)
- Tien Vo (tienvx)
- Danny Berger (dpb587)
- Antonio J. García Lagar (ajgarlag)
- Adam Prager (padam87)
- Przemysław Bogusz (przemyslaw-bogusz)
- Benoît Burnichon (bburnichon)
- Maciej Malarz (malarzm)
- Roman Marintšenko (inori)
- Xavier Montaña Carreras (xmontana)
- Rémon van de Kamp (rpkamp)
@ -299,14 +307,12 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Jordan Samouh (jordansamouh)
- Baptiste Lafontaine (magnetik)
- Jakub Kucharovic (jkucharovic)
- Edi Modrić (emodric)
- Uwe Jäger (uwej711)
- Eugene Leonovich (rybakit)
- Filippo Tessarotto
- Joseph Rouff (rouffj)
- Félix Labrecque (woodspire)
- GordonsLondon
- Tomas Norkūnas (norkunas)
- Quynh Xuan Nguyen (xuanquynh)
- Jan Sorgalla (jsor)
- Ray
@ -314,7 +320,6 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Chekote
- François Pluchino (francoispluchino)
- Christopher Hertel (chertel)
- Antoine Makdessi (amakdessi)
- Thomas Adam
- Jhonny Lidfors (jhonne)
- Diego Agulló (aeoris)
@ -335,7 +340,6 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Zan Baldwin (zanderbaldwin)
- Roumen Damianoff (roumen)
- Kim Hemsø Rasmussen (kimhemsoe)
- Dmitrii Poddubnyi (karser)
- Pascal Luna (skalpa)
- Wouter Van Hecke
- Peter Kruithof (pkruithof)
@ -348,6 +352,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Christian Schmidt
- Patrick Landolt (scube)
- MatTheCat
- Loick Piera (pyrech)
- David Badura (davidbadura)
- Chad Sikorra (chadsikorra)
- Chris Smith (cs278)
@ -368,7 +373,6 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Jerzy Zawadzki (jzawadzki)
- Wouter J
- Ismael Ambrosi (iambrosi)
- Ruud Kamphuis (ruudk)
- Emmanuel BORGES (eborges78)
- Aurelijus Valeiša (aurelijus)
- Jan Decavele (jandc)
@ -390,6 +394,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Thierry Thuon (lepiaf)
- Ricard Clau (ricardclau)
- Mark Challoner (markchalloner)
- Philippe Segatori
- Gennady Telegin (gtelegin)
- Erin Millard
- Artur Melo (restless)
@ -398,12 +403,12 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Thomas Royer (cydonia7)
- Nicolas LEFEVRE (nicoweb)
- alquerci
- Olivier Dolbeau (odolbeau)
- Mateusz Sip (mateusz_sip)
- Francesco Levorato
- Vitaliy Zakharov (zakharovvi)
- Tobias Sjösten (tobiassjosten)
- Gyula Sallai (salla)
- Maciej Malarz (malarzm)
- Inal DJAFAR (inalgnu)
- Christian Gärtner (dagardner)
- Dmytro Borysovskyi (dmytr0)
@ -415,13 +420,14 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Felix Labrecque
- Yaroslav Kiliba
- Terje Bråten
- Tien Vo (tienvx)
- Robbert Klarenbeek (robbertkl)
- Eric Masoero (eric-masoero)
- JhonnyL
- hossein zolfi (ocean)
- Clément Gautier (clementgautier)
- Bastien Jaillot (bastnic)
- Dāvis Zālītis (k0d3r1s)
- Emanuele Panzeri (thepanz)
- Sanpi
- Eduardo Gulias (egulias)
- giulio de donato (liuggio)
@ -437,6 +443,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Alex Bowers
- Philipp Cordes
- Costin Bereveanu (schniper)
- Vilius Grigaliūnas
- Loïc Chardonnet (gnusat)
- Marek Kalnik (marekkalnik)
- Vyacheslav Salakhutdinov (megazoll)
@ -446,9 +453,11 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Michele Locati
- Pavel Volokitin (pvolok)
- Valentine Boineau (valentineboineau)
- Benjamin Leveque (benji07)
- Arthur de Moulins (4rthem)
- Matthias Althaus (althaus)
- Nicolas Dewez (nicolas_dewez)
- Saif Eddin G
- Endre Fejes
- Tobias Naumann (tna)
- Daniel Beyer
@ -461,7 +470,6 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Lee Rowlands
- Krzysztof Piasecki (krzysztek)
- Maximilian Reichel (phramz)
- Loick Piera (pyrech)
- Alain Hippolyte (aloneh)
- Grenier Kévin (mcsky_biig)
- Karoly Negyesi (chx)
@ -484,6 +492,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Sébastien Santoro (dereckson)
- Brian King
- Michel Salib (michelsalib)
- Chris Tanaskoski
- geoffrey
- Steffen Roßkamp
- Alexandru Furculita (afurculita)
@ -494,6 +503,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Christopher Davis (chrisguitarguy)
- Webnet team (webnet)
- Farhad Safarov
- Jeroen Spee (jeroens)
- Jan Schumann
- Niklas Fiekas
- Markus Bachmann (baachi)
@ -502,8 +512,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Mihai Stancu
- Ivan Nikolaev (destillat)
- Gildas Quéméner (gquemener)
- Olivier Dolbeau (odolbeau)
- Jan Rosier (rosier)
- Oleg Andreyev
- Alessandro Lai (jean85)
- Desjardins Jérôme (jewome62)
- Arturs Vonda
@ -543,7 +552,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Gintautas Miselis
- Rob Bast
- Roberto Espinoza (respinoza)
- Emanuele Panzeri (thepanz)
- Alan Poulain
- Soufian EZ-ZANTAR (soezz)
- Zander Baldwin
- Gocha Ossinkine (ossinkine)
@ -602,7 +611,6 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Jakub Škvára (jskvara)
- Andrew Udvare (audvare)
- alexpods
- Saif Eddin G
- Johann Pardanaud
- Adam Szaraniec (mimol)
- Dariusz Ruminski
@ -620,7 +628,6 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Nils Adermann (naderman)
- Gábor Fási
- DUPUCH (bdupuch)
- Benjamin Leveque (benji07)
- Nate (frickenate)
- Timothée Barray (tyx)
- jhonnyL
@ -661,20 +668,22 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Disquedur
- Michiel Boeckaert (milio)
- Geoffrey Tran (geoff)
- Pablo Lozano (arkadis)
- Kyle
- Jan Behrens
- Mantas Var (mvar)
- Chris Tanaskoski
- Terje Bråten
- Sebastian Krebs
- Piotr Stankowski
- Baptiste Leduc (bleduc)
- Julien Maulny
- Sebastien Morel (plopix)
- Jean-Christophe Cuvelier [Artack]
- Julien Montel (julienmgel)
- Philippe Segatori
- Artem Henvald (artemgenvald)
- Dmitry Simushev
- Joe Bennett (kralos)
- alcaeus
- Fred Cox
- vitaliytv
@ -690,7 +699,6 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Kyle Evans (kevans91)
- Charles-Henri Bruyand
- Max Rath (drak3)
- Oleg Andreyev
- Stéphane Escandell (sescandell)
- Konstantin S. M. Möllers (ksmmoellers)
- James Johnston
@ -754,6 +762,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- M. Vondano
- Quentin de Longraye (quentinus95)
- Chris Heng (gigablah)
- Islam93
- Shaun Simmons (simshaun)
- Richard Bradley
- Ulumuddin Yunus (joenoez)
@ -766,6 +775,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Antoine Corcy
- Ahmed Ashraf (ahmedash95)
- Sascha Grossenbacher
- Alexander Menshchikov (zmey_kk)
- Szijarto Tamas
- Robin Lehrmann (robinlehrmann)
- Catalin Dan
@ -818,7 +828,6 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Michael Piecko
- Toni Peric (tperic)
- yclian
- Alan Poulain
- Aleksey Prilipko
- Andrew Berry
- twifty
@ -830,11 +839,11 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Dominik Ritter (dritter)
- Dimitri Gritsajuk (ottaviano)
- Sebastian Grodzicki (sgrodzicki)
- Mohamed Gamal
- Jeroen van den Enden (stoefke)
- Pascal Helfenstein
- Baldur Rensch (brensch)
- Pierre Rineau
- Vilius Grigaliūnas
- Vladyslav Petrovych
- Alex Xandra Albert Sim
- Carson Full
@ -843,6 +852,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Yuen-Chi Lian
- Tarjei Huse (tarjei)
- Besnik Br
- Toni Rudolf (toooni)
- Jose Gonzalez
- Jonathan (jls-esokia)
- Oleksii Zhurbytskyi
@ -851,6 +861,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Claudio Zizza
- Dave Marshall (davedevelopment)
- Jakub Kulhan (jakubkulhan)
- Shaharia Azam
- avorobiev
- Grégoire Penverne (gpenverne)
- Venu
@ -896,6 +907,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Franco Traversaro (belinde)
- Francis Turmel (fturmel)
- Nikita Nefedov (nikita2206)
- Alex Bacart
- cgonzalez
- Ben
- Vincent Composieux (eko)
@ -919,6 +931,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Reen Lokum
- Andreas Möller (localheinz)
- Martin Parsiegla (spea)
- Ivan
- Quentin Schuler
- Pierre Vanliefland (pvanliefland)
- Roy Klutman (royklutman)
@ -969,6 +982,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Derek ROTH
- Ben Johnson
- mweimerskirch
- Lctrs
- Dmytro Boiko (eagle)
- Shin Ohno (ganchiku)
- Geert De Deckere (geertdd)
@ -1009,6 +1023,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Marcos Gómez Vilches (markitosgv)
- Matthew Davis (mdavis1982)
- Markus S. (staabm)
- Guilliam Xavier
- Maks
- Antoine LA
- den
@ -1030,14 +1045,12 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Benoît Merlet (trompette)
- Koen Kuipers
- datibbaw
- Pablo Lozano (arkadis)
- Erik Saunier (snickers)
- Rootie
- Daniel Alejandro Castro Arellano (lexcast)
- sensio
- Thomas Jarrand
- Antoine Bluchet (soyuka)
- Sebastien Morel (plopix)
- Patrick Kaufmann
- Anton Dyshkant
- Reece Fowell (reecefowell)
@ -1152,6 +1165,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- AKeeman (akeeman)
- Mert Simsek (mrtsmsk0)
- Lin Clark
- Meneses (c77men)
- Jeremy David (jeremy.david)
- Jordi Rejas
- Troy McCabe
@ -1185,6 +1199,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- HypeMC
- jfcixmedia
- Dominic Tubach
- Nicolas Philippe (nikophil)
- Nikita Konstantinov
- Martijn Evers
- Vitaliy Ryaboy (vitaliy)
@ -1241,7 +1256,9 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- e-ivanov
- Michał (bambucha15)
- Einenlum
- Jérémy Jarrié (gagnar)
- Jochen Bayer (jocl)
- Michel Roca (mroca)
- Patrick Carlo-Hickman
- Bruno MATEU
- Jeremy Bush
@ -1274,14 +1291,17 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- rchoquet
- gitlost
- Taras Girnyk
- Rémi Leclerc
- Jan Vernarsky
- Amine Yakoubi
- Eduardo García Sanz (coma)
- Sergio (deverad)
- James Gilliland
- fduch (fduch)
- Stuart Fyfe
- David de Boer (ddeboer)
- Eno Mullaraj (emullaraj)
- Nathan PAGE (nathix)
- Ryan Rogers
- Klaus Purer
- arnaud (arnooo999)
@ -1404,6 +1424,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Walter Dal Mut (wdalmut)
- abluchet
- Ruud Arentsen
- Ahmed Raafat
- Harald Tollefsen
- Matthieu
- Albin Kerouaton
@ -1431,6 +1452,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Constantine Shtompel
- Jules Lamur
- Renato Mendes Figueiredo
- Benjamin RICHARD
- pdommelen
- Eric Stern
- ShiraNai7
@ -1453,8 +1475,9 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- m.chwedziak
- Andreas Frömer
- Philip Frank
- David Brooks
- Lance McNearney
- Jeroen Spee (jeroens)
- Guillaume Verstraete
- Giorgio Premi
- ncou
- Ian Carroll
@ -1466,7 +1489,6 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Tom Corrigan (tomcorrigan)
- Luis Galeas
- Martin Pärtel
- Bastien Jaillot (bastnic)
- Daniel Rotter (danrot)
- Frédéric Bouchery (fbouchery)
- Patrick Daley (padrig)
@ -1475,7 +1497,6 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- WedgeSama
- Felds Liscia
- Chihiro Adachi (chihiro-adachi)
- Alex Bacart
- Raphaëll Roussel
- Tadcka
- Beth Binkovitz
@ -1504,6 +1525,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Mathieu Morlon
- Daniel Tschinder
- tuqqu
- Wojciech Gorczyca
- Rafał Muszyński (rafmus90)
- Sébastien Decrême (sebdec)
@ -1563,8 +1585,10 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Patrik Gmitter (patie)
- Peter Schultz
- Jonathan Gough
- Benhssaein Youssef
- Benjamin Bender
- Jared Farrish
- Trevor North
- karl.rixon
- raplider
- Konrad Mohrfeldt
@ -1636,6 +1660,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Francisco Facioni (fran6co)
- Stanislav Gamayunov (happyproff)
- Iwan van Staveren (istaveren)
- Alexander McCullagh (mccullagh)
- Povilas S. (povilas)
- Laurent Negre (raulnet)
- Evrard Boulou
@ -1772,6 +1797,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- JakeFr
- Simon Sargeant
- efeen
- Jan Christoph Beyer
- Nicolas Pion
- Muhammed Akbulut
- Roy-Orbison
@ -1785,6 +1811,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Johannes Müller (johmue)
- Jordi Llonch (jordillonch)
- Nicholas Ruunu (nicholasruunu)
- Jeroen van den Nieuwenhuisen (nieuwenhuisen)
- Cyril Pascal (paxal)
- Cédric Dugat (ph3nol)
- Philip Dahlstrøm (phidah)
@ -1825,10 +1852,10 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Dmitry Korotovsky
- mcorteel
- Michael van Tricht
- Ivan
- ReScO
- Tim Strehle
- Sam Ward
- Michael Voříšek
- Walther Lalk
- Adam
- Ivo
@ -1840,7 +1867,6 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- gedrox
- Bohan Yang
- Alan Bondarchuk
- Joe Bennett
- dropfen
- Andrey Chernykh
- Edvinas Klovas
@ -1858,6 +1884,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- thib92
- Rudolf Ratusiński
- Bertalan Attila
- Rafael Tovar
- Amin Hosseini (aminh)
- AmsTaFF (amstaff)
- Simon Müller (boscho)
@ -1872,10 +1899,13 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Jan Marek (janmarek)
- Mark de Haan (markdehaan)
- Dan Patrick (mdpatrick)
- naitsirch (naitsirch)
- Geoffrey Monte (numerogeek)
- Martijn Boers (plebian)
- Pedro Magalhães (pmmaga)
- Rares Vlaseanu (raresvla)
- tante kinast (tante)
- Stephen Lewis (tehanomalousone)
- Ahmed Hannachi (tiecoders)
- Vincent LEFORT (vlefort)
- Walid BOUGHDIRI (walidboughdiri)
@ -1982,7 +2012,6 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Klaas Naaijkens
- Daniel González Cerviño
- Rafał
- Lctrs
- Achilles Kaloeridis (achilles)
- Adria Lopez (adlpz)
- Aaron Scherer (aequasi)
@ -1993,8 +2022,10 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Masao Maeda (brtriver)
- Darius Leskauskas (darles)
- david perez (davidpv)
- Daniël Brekelmans (dbrekelmans)
- David Joos (djoos)
- Denis Klementjev (dklementjev)
- Dominik Pesch (dombn)
- Dominik Hajduk (dominikalp)
- Tomáš Polívka (draczris)
- Dennis Smink (dsmink)
@ -2005,6 +2036,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Gusakov Nikita (hell0w0rd)
- Yannick Ihmels (ihmels)
- Osman Üngür (import)
- Jaap van Otterdijk (jaapio)
- Javier Núñez Berrocoso (javiernuber)
- Jelle Bekker (jbekker)
- Giovanni Albero (johntree)
@ -2021,6 +2053,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Marek Šimeček (mssimi)
- Dmitriy Tkachenko (neka)
- Cayetano Soriano Gallego (neoshadybeat)
- Artem (nexim)
- Olivier Laviale (olvlvl)
- Ondrej Machulda (ondram)
- Pierre Gasté (pierre_g)
@ -2036,6 +2069,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Angel Fernando Quiroz Campos
- Ondrej Mirtes
- akimsko
- Stefan Kruppa
- Youpie
- srsbiz
- Taylan Kasap
@ -2075,6 +2109,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Till Klampaeckel (till)
- Tobias Weinert (tweini)
- Ulf Reimers (ureimers)
- Morten Wulff (wulff)
- Wotre
- goohib
- Tom Counsell
@ -2095,7 +2130,6 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Benjamin Morel
- Eric Grimois
- Piers Warmers
- Guilliam Xavier
- Sylvain Lorinet
- klyk50
- Andreas Lutro
@ -2235,10 +2269,12 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Oussama Elgoumri
- Dawid Nowak
- Lesnykh Ilia
- sabruss
- darnel
- Karolis Daužickas
- Nicolas
- Sergio Santoro
- Dmitriy Derepko
- tirnanog06
- phc
- Дмитрий Пацура
@ -2283,6 +2319,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Carsten Eilers (fnc)
- Sorin Gitlan (forapathy)
- Yohan Giarelli (frequence-web)
- Jesse Rushlow (geeshoe)
- Gerry Vandermaesen (gerryvdm)
- Ghazy Ben Ahmed (ghazy)
- Arash Tabriziyan (ghost098)
@ -2317,6 +2354,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Michal Čihař (mcihar)
- Matt Drollette (mdrollette)
- Adam Monsen (meonkeys)
- diego aguiar (mollokhan)
- Hugo Monteiro (monteiro)
- Ala Eddine Khefifi (nayzo)
- emilienbouard (neime)
@ -2332,6 +2370,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Philipp Hoffmann (philipphoffmann)
- Alex Carol (picard89)
- Daniel Perez Pinazo (pitiflautico)
- Igor Tarasov (polosatus)
- Phil Taylor (prazgod)
- Maxim Pustynnikov (pustynnikov)
- Ralf Kuehnel (ralfkuehnel)
@ -2365,7 +2404,6 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Wouter Sioen (wouter_sioen)
- Xavier Amado (xamado)
- Jesper Søndergaard Pedersen (zerrvox)
- Alexander Menshchikov (zmey_kk)
- Florent Cailhol
- szymek
- Ryan Linnit
@ -2377,6 +2415,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- MaPePeR
- Andreas Streichardt
- Alexandre Segura
- Vivien
- Pascal Hofmann
- david-binda
- smokeybear87
@ -2389,6 +2428,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- Sergey Fedotov
- Konstantin Scheumann
- Michael
- Nate Wiebe
- AbdElKader Bouadjadja
- DSeemiller
@ -2400,6 +2440,7 @@ Symfony is the result of the work of many people who made the code better
- max
- Alexander Bauer (abauer)
- Ahmad Mayahi (ahmadmayahi)
- Alireza Mirsepassi (alirezamirsepassi)
- Mohamed Karnichi (amiral)
- Andrew Carter (andrewcarteruk)
- Adam Elsodaney (archfizz)

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ namespace Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine;
use Doctrine\Persistence\AbstractManagerRegistry;
use ProxyManager\Proxy\LazyLoadingInterface;
use Symfony\Bridge\ProxyManager\LazyProxy\Instantiator\RuntimeInstantiator;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Container;
@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ abstract class ManagerRegistry extends AbstractManagerRegistry
$manager = $this->container->get($name);
if (!$manager instanceof LazyLoadingInterface) {
throw new \LogicException('Resetting a non-lazy manager service is not supported. '.(interface_exists(LazyLoadingInterface::class) ? sprintf('Declare the "%s" service as lazy.', $name) : 'Try running "composer require symfony/proxy-manager-bridge".'));
throw new \LogicException('Resetting a non-lazy manager service is not supported. '.(interface_exists(LazyLoadingInterface::class) && class_exists(RuntimeInstantiator::class) ? sprintf('Declare the "%s" service as lazy.', $name) : 'Try running "composer require symfony/proxy-manager-bridge".'));
function (&$wrappedInstance, LazyLoadingInterface $manager) use ($name) {

View File

@ -73,6 +73,10 @@ To get specific information about a service, specify its name:
<info>php %command.full_name% validator</info>
To get specific information about a service including all its arguments, use the <info>--show-arguments</info> flag:
<info>php %command.full_name% validator --show-arguments</info>
To see available types that can be used for autowiring, use the <info>--types</info> flag:
<info>php %command.full_name% --types</info>

View File

@ -108,9 +108,9 @@
<div class="metric">
<span class="value">
{% if key == 'time' %}
{{ '%0.2f'|format(1000 * value.value) }} <span class="unit">ms</span>
{{ '%0.2f'|format(1000 * value) }} <span class="unit">ms</span>
{% elseif key == 'hit_read_ratio' %}
{{ value.value ?? 0 }} <span class="unit">%</span>
{{ value ?? 0 }} <span class="unit">%</span>
{% else %}
{{ value }}
{% endif %}

View File

@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ class DefaultMarshaller implements MarshallerInterface
public function __construct(bool $useIgbinarySerialize = null)
if (null === $useIgbinarySerialize) {
$useIgbinarySerialize = \extension_loaded('igbinary') && \PHP_VERSION_ID < 70400;
} elseif ($useIgbinarySerialize && (!\extension_loaded('igbinary') || \PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70400)) {
throw new CacheException('The "igbinary" PHP extension is not '.(\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70400 ? 'compatible with PHP 7.4.' : 'loaded.'));
$useIgbinarySerialize = \extension_loaded('igbinary') && (\PHP_VERSION_ID < 70400 || version_compare('3.1.0', phpversion('igbinary'), '<='));
} elseif ($useIgbinarySerialize && (!\extension_loaded('igbinary') || (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70400 && version_compare('3.1.0', phpversion('igbinary'), '>')))) {
throw new CacheException(\extension_loaded('igbinary') && \PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70400 ? 'Please upgrade the "igbinary" PHP extension to v3.1 or higher.' : 'The "igbinary" PHP extension is not loaded.');
$this->useIgbinarySerialize = $useIgbinarySerialize;
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class DefaultMarshaller implements MarshallerInterface
return null;
static $igbinaryNull;
if ($value === ($igbinaryNull ?? $igbinaryNull = \extension_loaded('igbinary') && \PHP_VERSION_ID < 70400 ? igbinary_serialize(null) : false)) {
if ($value === ($igbinaryNull ?? $igbinaryNull = \extension_loaded('igbinary') && (\PHP_VERSION_ID < 70400 || version_compare('3.1.0', phpversion('igbinary'), '<=')) ? igbinary_serialize(null) : false)) {
return null;
$unserializeCallbackHandler = ini_set('unserialize_callback_func', __CLASS__.'::handleUnserializeCallback');

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class DefaultMarshallerTest extends TestCase
'b' => function () {},
$expected = ['a' => \extension_loaded('igbinary') && \PHP_VERSION_ID < 70400 ? igbinary_serialize(123) : serialize(123)];
$expected = ['a' => \extension_loaded('igbinary') && (\PHP_VERSION_ID < 70400 || version_compare('3.1.0', phpversion('igbinary'), '<=')) ? igbinary_serialize(123) : serialize(123)];
$this->assertSame($expected, $marshaller->marshall($values, $failed));
$this->assertSame(['b'], $failed);
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class DefaultMarshallerTest extends TestCase
public function testIgbinaryUnserialize()
if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70400) {
if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70400 && version_compare('3.1.0', phpversion('igbinary'), '>')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('igbinary is not compatible with PHP 7.4.');
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class DefaultMarshallerTest extends TestCase
public function testIgbinaryUnserializeNotFoundClass()
if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70400) {
if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70400 && version_compare('3.1.0', phpversion('igbinary'), '>')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('igbinary is not compatible with PHP 7.4.');
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class DefaultMarshallerTest extends TestCase
public function testIgbinaryUnserializeInvalid()
if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70400) {
if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70400 && version_compare('3.1.0', phpversion('igbinary'), '>')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('igbinary is not compatible with PHP 7.4.');

View File

@ -553,7 +553,10 @@ abstract class Kernel implements KernelInterface, RebootableInterface, Terminabl
$this->dumpContainer($cache, $container, $class, $this->getContainerBaseClass());
if (method_exists($cache, 'release')) {
$this->container = require $cachePath;
$this->container->set('kernel', $this);