[Routing] Match 77.7x faster by compiling routes in one regexp

This commit is contained in:
Nicolas Grekas 2018-01-29 18:46:50 +01:00
parent 882ffe9ee1
commit f933f70483
20 changed files with 1548 additions and 1791 deletions

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@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\Dumper;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\Dumper\PhpMatcherDumper;
* PhpGeneratorDumper creates a PHP class able to generate URLs for a given set of routes.
@ -88,7 +90,7 @@ EOF;
$properties[] = $compiledRoute->getHostTokens();
$properties[] = $route->getSchemes();
$routes .= sprintf(" '%s' => %s,\n", $name, str_replace("\n", '', var_export($properties, true)));
$routes .= sprintf(" '%s' => %s,\n", $name, PhpMatcherDumper::export($properties));
$routes .= ' )';

View File

@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\Dumper;
* Collection of routes.
* @author Arnaud Le Blanc <arnaud.lb@gmail.com>
* @internal
class DumperCollection implements \IteratorAggregate
* @var DumperCollection|null
private $parent;
* @var DumperCollection[]|DumperRoute[]
private $children = array();
* @var array
private $attributes = array();
* Returns the children routes and collections.
* @return self[]|DumperRoute[]
public function all()
return $this->children;
* Adds a route or collection.
* @param DumperRoute|DumperCollection The route or collection
public function add($child)
if ($child instanceof self) {
$this->children[] = $child;
* Sets children.
* @param array $children The children
public function setAll(array $children)
foreach ($children as $child) {
if ($child instanceof self) {
$this->children = $children;
* Returns an iterator over the children.
* @return \Iterator|DumperCollection[]|DumperRoute[] The iterator
public function getIterator()
return new \ArrayIterator($this->children);
* Returns the root of the collection.
* @return self The root collection
public function getRoot()
return (null !== $this->parent) ? $this->parent->getRoot() : $this;
* Returns the parent collection.
* @return self|null The parent collection or null if the collection has no parent
protected function getParent()
return $this->parent;
* Sets the parent collection.
protected function setParent(DumperCollection $parent)
$this->parent = $parent;
* Returns true if the attribute is defined.
* @param string $name The attribute name
* @return bool true if the attribute is defined, false otherwise
public function hasAttribute($name)
return array_key_exists($name, $this->attributes);
* Returns an attribute by name.
* @param string $name The attribute name
* @param mixed $default Default value is the attribute doesn't exist
* @return mixed The attribute value
public function getAttribute($name, $default = null)
return $this->hasAttribute($name) ? $this->attributes[$name] : $default;
* Sets an attribute by name.
* @param string $name The attribute name
* @param mixed $value The attribute value
public function setAttribute($name, $value)
$this->attributes[$name] = $value;
* Sets multiple attributes.
* @param array $attributes The attributes
public function setAttributes($attributes)
$this->attributes = $attributes;

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\Dumper;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Route;
* Container for a Route.
* @author Arnaud Le Blanc <arnaud.lb@gmail.com>
* @internal
class DumperRoute
private $name;
private $route;
public function __construct(string $name, Route $route)
$this->name = $name;
$this->route = $route;
public function getName(): string
return $this->name;
public function getRoute(): Route
return $this->route;

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ use Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\ExpressionFunctionProviderInterface;
* @author Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
* @author Tobias Schultze <http://tobion.de>
* @author Arnaud Le Blanc <arnaud.lb@gmail.com>
* @author Nicolas Grekas <p@tchwork.com>
class PhpMatcherDumper extends MatcherDumper
@ -93,7 +94,21 @@ EOF;
private function generateMatchMethod($supportsRedirections)
$code = rtrim($this->compileRoutes($this->getRoutes(), $supportsRedirections), "\n");
// Group hosts by same-suffix, re-order when possible
$matchHost = false;
$routes = new StaticPrefixCollection();
foreach ($this->getRoutes()->all() as $name => $route) {
if ($host = $route->getHost()) {
$matchHost = true;
$host = '/'.str_replace('.', '/', rtrim(explode('}', strrev($host), 2)[0], '.'));
$routes->addRoute($host ?: '/', array($name, $route));
$routes = $matchHost ? $routes->populateCollection(new RouteCollection()) : $this->getRoutes();
$code = rtrim($this->compileRoutes($routes, $supportsRedirections, $matchHost), "\n");
$fetchHost = $matchHost ? " \$host = strtolower(\$context->getHost());\n" : '';
return <<<EOF
public function match(\$rawPathinfo)
@ -102,16 +117,15 @@ EOF;
\$pathinfo = rawurldecode(\$rawPathinfo);
\$trimmedPathinfo = rtrim(\$pathinfo, '/');
\$context = \$this->context;
\$request = \$this->request ?: \$this->createRequest(\$pathinfo);
\$requestMethod = \$canonicalMethod = \$context->getMethod();
if ('HEAD' === \$requestMethod) {
\$canonicalMethod = 'GET';
throw 0 < count(\$allow) ? new MethodNotAllowedException(array_unique(\$allow)) : new ResourceNotFoundException();
throw \$allow ? new MethodNotAllowedException(array_keys(\$allow)) : new ResourceNotFoundException();
@ -124,34 +138,12 @@ EOF;
* @return string PHP code
private function compileRoutes(RouteCollection $routes, $supportsRedirections)
private function compileRoutes(RouteCollection $routes, $supportsRedirections, $matchHost)
$fetchedHost = false;
$groups = $this->groupRoutesByHostRegex($routes);
$code = '';
list($staticRoutes, $dynamicRoutes) = $this->groupStaticRoutes($routes, $supportsRedirections);
foreach ($groups as $collection) {
if (null !== $regex = $collection->getAttribute('host_regex')) {
if (!$fetchedHost) {
$code .= " \$host = \$context->getHost();\n\n";
$fetchedHost = true;
$code .= sprintf(" if (preg_match(%s, \$host, \$hostMatches)) {\n", var_export($regex, true));
$tree = $this->buildStaticPrefixCollection($collection);
$groupCode = $this->compileStaticPrefixRoutes($tree, $supportsRedirections);
if (null !== $regex) {
// apply extra indention at each line (except empty ones)
$groupCode = preg_replace('/^.{2,}$/m', ' $0', $groupCode);
$code .= $groupCode;
$code .= " }\n\n";
} else {
$code .= $groupCode;
$code = $this->compileStaticRoutes($staticRoutes, $supportsRedirections, $matchHost);
$code .= $this->compileDynamicRoutes($dynamicRoutes, $supportsRedirections, $matchHost);
if ('' === $code) {
$code .= " if ('/' === \$pathinfo) {\n";
@ -162,55 +154,391 @@ EOF;
return $code;
private function buildStaticPrefixCollection(DumperCollection $collection)
$prefixCollection = new StaticPrefixCollection();
foreach ($collection as $dumperRoute) {
$prefix = $dumperRoute->getRoute()->compile()->getStaticPrefix();
$prefixCollection->addRoute($prefix, $dumperRoute);
return $prefixCollection;
* Generates PHP code to match a tree of routes.
* @param StaticPrefixCollection $collection A StaticPrefixCollection instance
* @param bool $supportsRedirections Whether redirections are supported by the base class
* @param string $ifOrElseIf either "if" or "elseif" to influence chaining
* @return string PHP code
* Splits static routes from dynamic routes, so that they can be matched first, using a simple switch.
private function compileStaticPrefixRoutes(StaticPrefixCollection $collection, $supportsRedirections, $ifOrElseIf = 'if')
private function groupStaticRoutes(RouteCollection $collection, bool $supportsRedirections): array
$code = '';
$prefix = $collection->getPrefix();
$staticRoutes = $dynamicRegex = array();
$dynamicRoutes = new RouteCollection();
if (!empty($prefix) && '/' !== $prefix) {
$code .= sprintf(" %s (0 === strpos(\$pathinfo, %s)) {\n", $ifOrElseIf, var_export($prefix, true));
foreach ($collection->all() as $name => $route) {
$compiledRoute = $route->compile();
$hostRegex = $compiledRoute->getHostRegex();
$regex = $compiledRoute->getRegex();
if ($hasTrailingSlash = $supportsRedirections && $pos = strpos($regex, '/$')) {
$regex = substr_replace($regex, '/?$', $pos, 2);
if (!$compiledRoute->getPathVariables()) {
$host = !$compiledRoute->getHostVariables() ? $route->getHost() : '';
$url = $route->getPath();
if ($hasTrailingSlash) {
$url = rtrim($url, '/');
foreach ($dynamicRegex as list($hostRx, $rx)) {
if (preg_match($rx, $url) && (!$host || !$hostRx || preg_match($hostRx, $host))) {
$dynamicRegex[] = array($hostRegex, $regex);
$dynamicRoutes->add($name, $route);
continue 2;
$ifOrElseIf = 'if';
foreach ($collection->getItems() as $route) {
if ($route instanceof StaticPrefixCollection) {
$code .= $this->compileStaticPrefixRoutes($route, $supportsRedirections, $ifOrElseIf);
$ifOrElseIf = 'elseif';
$staticRoutes[$url][$name] = array($hasTrailingSlash, $route);
} else {
$code .= $this->compileRoute($route[1]->getRoute(), $route[1]->getName(), $supportsRedirections, $prefix)."\n";
$ifOrElseIf = 'if';
$dynamicRegex[] = array($hostRegex, $regex);
$dynamicRoutes->add($name, $route);
if (!empty($prefix) && '/' !== $prefix) {
$code .= " }\n\n";
// apply extra indention at each line (except empty ones)
$code = preg_replace('/^.{2,}$/m', ' $0', $code);
return array($staticRoutes, $dynamicRoutes);
* Compiles static routes in a switch statement.
* Condition-less paths are put in a static array in the switch's default, with generic matching logic.
* Paths that can match two or more routes, or have user-specified conditions are put in separate switch's cases.
* @throws \LogicException
private function compileStaticRoutes(array $staticRoutes, bool $supportsRedirections, bool $matchHost): string
if (!$staticRoutes) {
return '';
$code = $default = '';
$checkTrailingSlash = false;
foreach ($staticRoutes as $url => $routes) {
if (1 === count($routes)) {
foreach ($routes as $name => list($hasTrailingSlash, $route)) {
if (!$route->getCondition()) {
if (!$supportsRedirections && $route->getSchemes()) {
throw new \LogicException('The "schemes" requirement is only supported for URL matchers that implement RedirectableUrlMatcherInterface.');
$checkTrailingSlash = $checkTrailingSlash || $hasTrailingSlash;
$default .= sprintf(
"%s => array(%s, %s, %s, %s),\n",
self::export(array('_route' => $name) + $route->getDefaults()),
self::export(!$route->compile()->getHostVariables() ? $route->getHost() : $route->compile()->getHostRegex() ?: null),
self::export(array_flip($route->getMethods()) ?: null),
self::export(array_flip($route->getSchemes()) ?: null).($hasTrailingSlash ? ', true' : '')
$code .= sprintf(" case %s:\n", self::export($url));
foreach ($routes as $name => list($hasTrailingSlash, $route)) {
$code .= $this->compileRoute($route, $name, $supportsRedirections, $hasTrailingSlash);
$code .= " break;\n";
$matchedPathinfo = $supportsRedirections ? '$trimmedPathinfo' : '$pathinfo';
if ($default) {
$code .= <<<EOF
\$routes = array(
{$this->indent($default, 4)} );
if (!isset(\$routes[{$matchedPathinfo}])) {
list(\$ret, \$requiredHost, \$requiredMethods, \$requiredSchemes) = \$routes[{$matchedPathinfo}];
{$this->compileSwitchDefault(false, $matchedPathinfo, $matchHost, $supportsRedirections, $checkTrailingSlash)}
return sprintf(" switch (%s) {\n%s }\n\n", $matchedPathinfo, $this->indent($code));
* Compiles a regular expression followed by a switch statement to match dynamic routes.
* The regular expression matches both the host and the pathinfo at the same time. For stellar performance,
* it is built as a tree of patterns, with re-ordering logic to group same-prefix routes together when possible.
* Patterns are named so that we know which one matched (https://pcre.org/current/doc/html/pcre2syntax.html#SEC23).
* This name is used to "switch" to the additional logic required to match the final route.
* Condition-less paths are put in a static array in the switch's default, with generic matching logic.
* Paths that can match two or more routes, or have user-specified conditions are put in separate switch's cases.
* Last but not least:
* - Because it is not possibe to mix unicode/non-unicode patterns in a single regexp, several of them can be generated.
* - The same regexp can be used several times when the logic in the switch rejects the match. When this happens, the
* matching-but-failing subpattern is blacklisted by replacing its name by "(*F)", which forces a failure-to-match.
* To ease this backlisting operation, the name of subpatterns is also the string offset where the replacement should occur.
private function compileDynamicRoutes(RouteCollection $collection, bool $supportsRedirections, bool $matchHost): string
if (!$collection->all()) {
return '';
$code = '';
$state = (object) array(
'switch' => '',
'default' => '',
'mark' => 0,
'markTail' => 0,
'supportsRedirections' => $supportsRedirections,
'checkTrailingSlash' => false,
'hostVars' => array(),
'vars' => array(),
$state->getVars = static function ($m) use ($state) {
if ('_route' === $m[1]) {
return '?:';
$state->vars[] = $m[1];
return '';
$prev = null;
$perModifiers = array();
foreach ($collection->all() as $name => $route) {
preg_match('#[a-zA-Z]*$#', $route->compile()->getRegex(), $rx);
if ($prev !== $rx[0] && $route->compile()->getPathVariables()) {
$routes = new RouteCollection();
$perModifiers[] = array($rx[0], $routes);
$prev = $rx[0];
$routes->add($name, $route);
foreach ($perModifiers as list($modifiers, $routes)) {
$prev = false;
$perHost = array();
foreach ($routes->all() as $name => $route) {
$regex = $route->compile()->getHostRegex();
if ($prev !== $regex) {
$routes = new RouteCollection();
$perHost[] = array($regex, $routes);
$prev = $regex;
$routes->add($name, $route);
$prev = false;
$code .= "\n {$state->mark} => '{^(?'";
$state->mark += 4;
foreach ($perHost as list($hostRegex, $routes)) {
if ($matchHost) {
if ($hostRegex) {
preg_match('#^.\^(.*)\$.[a-zA-Z]*$#', $hostRegex, $rx);
$state->vars = array();
$hostRegex = '(?i:'.preg_replace_callback('#\?P<([^>]++)>#', $state->getVars, $rx[1]).')';
$state->hostVars = $state->vars;
} else {
$hostRegex = '[^/]*+';
$state->hostVars = array();
$state->mark += 3 + $prev + strlen($hostRegex);
$code .= "\n .".self::export(($prev ? ')' : '')."|{$hostRegex}(?");
$prev = true;
$tree = new StaticPrefixCollection();
foreach ($routes->all() as $name => $route) {
preg_match('#^.\^(.*)\$.[a-zA-Z]*$#', $route->compile()->getRegex(), $rx);
$state->vars = array();
$regex = preg_replace_callback('#\?P<([^>]++)>#', $state->getVars, $rx[1]);
$tree->addRoute($regex, array($name, $regex, $state->vars, $route));
$code .= $this->compileStaticPrefixCollection($tree, $state);
if ($matchHost) {
$code .= "\n .')'";
$code .= "\n .')$}{$modifiers}',";
if ($state->default) {
$state->switch .= <<<EOF
\$routes = array(
{$this->indent($state->default, 4)} );
list(\$ret, \$vars, \$requiredMethods, \$requiredSchemes) = \$routes[\$m];
{$this->compileSwitchDefault(true, '$m', $matchHost, $supportsRedirections, $state->checkTrailingSlash)}
$matchedPathinfo = $matchHost ? '$host.$pathinfo' : '$pathinfo';
return <<<EOF
\$matchedPathinfo = {$matchedPathinfo};
\$regexList = array({$code}
foreach (\$regexList as \$offset => \$regex) {
while (preg_match(\$regex, \$matchedPathinfo, \$matches)) {
switch (\$m = (int) \$matches['MARK']) {
{$this->indent($state->switch, 3)} }
if ({$state->mark} === \$m) {
\$regex = substr_replace(\$regex, 'F', \$m - \$offset, 1 + strlen(\$m));
\$offset += strlen(\$m);
* Compiles a regexp tree of subpatterns that matches nested same-prefix routes.
* @param \stdClass $state A simple state object that keeps track of the progress of the compilation,
* and gathers the generated switch's "case" and "default" statements
private function compileStaticPrefixCollection(StaticPrefixCollection $tree, \stdClass $state, int $prefixLen = 0)
$code = '';
$prevRegex = null;
$routes = $tree->getRoutes();
foreach ($routes as $i => $route) {
if ($route instanceof StaticPrefixCollection) {
$prevRegex = null;
$prefix = substr($route->getPrefix(), $prefixLen);
$state->mark += 3 + strlen($prefix);
$code .= "\n .".self::export("|{$prefix}(?");
$code .= $this->indent($this->compileStaticPrefixCollection($route, $state, $prefixLen + strlen($prefix)));
$code .= "\n .')'";
$state->markTail += 1;
list($name, $regex, $vars, $route) = $route;
$compiledRoute = $route->compile();
$hasTrailingSlash = $state->supportsRedirections && '' !== $regex && '/' === $regex[-1];
if ($compiledRoute->getRegex() === $prevRegex) {
$state->switch = substr_replace($state->switch, $this->compileRoute($route, $name, $state->supportsRedirections, $hasTrailingSlash)."\n", -19, 0);
$methods = array_flip($route->getMethods());
$hasTrailingSlash = $hasTrailingSlash && (!$methods || isset($methods['GET']));
$state->mark += 3 + $state->markTail + $hasTrailingSlash + strlen($regex) - $prefixLen;
$state->markTail = 2 + strlen($state->mark);
$code .= "\n .";
$code .= self::export(sprintf('|%s(*:%s)', substr($regex, $prefixLen).($hasTrailingSlash ? '?' : ''), $state->mark));
$vars = array_merge($state->hostVars, $vars);
if (!$route->getCondition() && (!is_array($next = $routes[1 + $i] ?? null) || $regex !== $next[1])) {
$prevRegex = null;
$state->checkTrailingSlash = $state->checkTrailingSlash || $hasTrailingSlash;
$state->default .= sprintf(
"%s => array(%s, %s, %s, %s),\n",
self::export(array('_route' => $name) + $route->getDefaults()),
self::export($methods ?: null),
self::export(array_flip($route->getSchemes()) ?: null).($hasTrailingSlash ? ', true' : '')
} else {
$prevRegex = $compiledRoute->getRegex();
$combine = ' $matches = array(';
foreach ($vars as $j => $m) {
$combine .= sprintf('%s => $matches[%d] ?? null, ', self::export($m), 1 + $j);
$combine = $vars ? substr_replace($combine, ");\n\n", -2) : '';
$state->switch .= <<<EOF
case {$state->mark}:
{$combine}{$this->compileRoute($route, $name, $state->supportsRedirections, $hasTrailingSlash)}
return $code;
* A simple helper to compiles the switch's "default" for both static and dynamic routes.
private function compileSwitchDefault(bool $hasVars, string $routesKey, bool $matchHost, bool $supportsRedirections, bool $checkTrailingSlash)
if ($hasVars) {
$code = <<<EOF
foreach (\$vars as \$i => \$v) {
if (isset(\$matches[1 + \$i])) {
\$ret[\$v] = \$matches[1 + \$i];
} elseif ($matchHost) {
$code = <<<EOF
if (\$requiredHost) {
if ('#' !== \$requiredHost[0] ? \$requiredHost !== \$host : !preg_match(\$requiredHost, \$host, \$hostMatches)) {
if ('#' === \$requiredHost[0] && \$hostMatches) {
\$hostMatches['_route'] = \$ret['_route'];
\$ret = \$this->mergeDefaults(\$hostMatches, \$ret);
} else {
$code = '';
if ($supportsRedirections && $checkTrailingSlash) {
$code .= <<<EOF
if (empty(\$routes[{$routesKey}][4]) || '/' === \$pathinfo[-1]) {
// no-op
} elseif ('GET' !== \$canonicalMethod) {
\$allow['GET'] = 'GET';
} else {
return array_replace(\$ret, \$this->redirect(\$rawPathinfo.'/', \$ret['_route']));
if ($supportsRedirections) {
$code .= <<<EOF
if (\$requiredSchemes && !isset(\$requiredSchemes[\$context->getScheme()])) {
if ('GET' !== \$canonicalMethod) {
\$allow['GET'] = 'GET';
return array_replace(\$ret, \$this->redirect(\$rawPathinfo, \$ret['_route'], key(\$requiredSchemes)));
$code .= <<<EOF
if (\$requiredMethods && !isset(\$requiredMethods[\$canonicalMethod]) && !isset(\$requiredMethods[\$requestMethod])) {
\$allow += \$requiredMethods;
return \$ret;
return $code;
@ -218,64 +546,58 @@ EOF;
* Compiles a single Route to PHP code used to match it against the path info.
* @param Route $route A Route instance
* @param string $name The name of the Route
* @param bool $supportsRedirections Whether redirections are supported by the base class
* @param string|null $parentPrefix The prefix of the parent collection used to optimize the code
* @param Route $route A Route instance
* @param string $name The name of the Route
* @param bool $supportsRedirections Whether redirections are supported by the base class
* @param bool $hasTrailingSlash Whether the path has a trailing slash
* @return string PHP code
* @throws \LogicException
private function compileRoute(Route $route, $name, $supportsRedirections, $parentPrefix = null)
private function compileRoute(Route $route, string $name, bool $supportsRedirections, bool $hasTrailingSlash): string
$code = '';
$compiledRoute = $route->compile();
$conditions = array();
$hasTrailingSlash = false;
$matches = false;
$hostMatches = false;
$methods = $route->getMethods();
$matches = (bool) $compiledRoute->getPathVariables();
$hostMatches = (bool) $compiledRoute->getHostVariables();
$methods = array_flip($route->getMethods());
$supportsTrailingSlash = $supportsRedirections && (!$methods || isset($methods['GET']));
$supportsTrailingSlash = $supportsRedirections && (!$methods || in_array('GET', $methods));
$regex = $compiledRoute->getRegex();
if (!count($compiledRoute->getPathVariables()) && false !== preg_match('#^(.)\^(?P<url>.*?)\$\1#'.('u' === substr($regex, -1) ? 'u' : ''), $regex, $m)) {
if ($supportsTrailingSlash && '/' === substr($m['url'], -1)) {
$conditions[] = sprintf('%s === $trimmedPathinfo', var_export(rtrim(str_replace('\\', '', $m['url']), '/'), true));
$hasTrailingSlash = true;
} else {
$conditions[] = sprintf('%s === $pathinfo', var_export(str_replace('\\', '', $m['url']), true));
} else {
if ($compiledRoute->getStaticPrefix() && $compiledRoute->getStaticPrefix() !== $parentPrefix) {
$conditions[] = sprintf('0 === strpos($pathinfo, %s)', var_export($compiledRoute->getStaticPrefix(), true));
if ($supportsTrailingSlash && $pos = strpos($regex, '/$')) {
$regex = substr($regex, 0, $pos).'/?$'.substr($regex, $pos + 2);
$hasTrailingSlash = true;
$conditions[] = sprintf('preg_match(%s, $pathinfo, $matches)', var_export($regex, true));
$matches = true;
if ($compiledRoute->getHostVariables()) {
$hostMatches = true;
if ($hasTrailingSlash && !$supportsTrailingSlash) {
$hasTrailingSlash = false;
$conditions[] = "'/' === \$pathinfo[-1]";
if ($route->getCondition()) {
$conditions[] = $this->getExpressionLanguage()->compile($route->getCondition(), array('context', 'request'));
$expression = $this->getExpressionLanguage()->compile($route->getCondition(), array('context', 'request'));
if (false !== strpos($expression, '$request')) {
$conditions[] = '($request = $request ?? $this->request ?: $this->createRequest($pathinfo))';
$conditions[] = $expression;
if (!$compiledRoute->getHostRegex()) {
// no-op
} elseif ($hostMatches) {
$conditions[] = sprintf('preg_match(%s, $host, $hostMatches)', self::export($compiledRoute->getHostRegex()));
} else {
$conditions[] = sprintf('%s === $host', self::export($route->getHost()));
$conditions = implode(' && ', $conditions);
$code .= <<<EOF
if ($conditions) {
$code .= <<<EOF
// $name
if ($conditions) {
} else {
$code .= " // {$name}\n";
$gotoname = 'not_'.preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/', '', $name);
@ -296,20 +618,20 @@ EOF;
$code .= sprintf(
" \$ret = \$this->mergeDefaults(array_replace(%s), %s);\n",
implode(', ', $vars),
str_replace("\n", '', var_export($route->getDefaults(), true))
} elseif ($route->getDefaults()) {
$code .= sprintf(" \$ret = %s;\n", str_replace("\n", '', var_export(array_replace($route->getDefaults(), array('_route' => $name)), true)));
$code .= sprintf(" \$ret = %s;\n", self::export(array_replace($route->getDefaults(), array('_route' => $name))));
} else {
$code .= sprintf(" \$ret = array('_route' => '%s');\n", $name);
if ($hasTrailingSlash) {
$code .= <<<EOF
if ('/' === substr(\$pathinfo, -1)) {
if ('/' === \$pathinfo[-1]) {
// no-op
} elseif ('GET' !== \$canonicalMethod) {
\$allow[] = 'GET';
\$allow['GET'] = 'GET';
goto $gotoname;
} else {
return array_replace(\$ret, \$this->redirect(\$rawPathinfo.'/', '$name'));
@ -323,12 +645,12 @@ EOF;
if (!$supportsRedirections) {
throw new \LogicException('The "schemes" requirement is only supported for URL matchers that implement RedirectableUrlMatcherInterface.');
$schemes = str_replace("\n", '', var_export(array_flip($schemes), true));
$schemes = self::export(array_flip($schemes));
$code .= <<<EOF
\$requiredSchemes = $schemes;
if (!isset(\$requiredSchemes[\$context->getScheme()])) {
if ('GET' !== \$canonicalMethod) {
\$allow[] = 'GET';
\$allow['GET'] = 'GET';
goto $gotoname;
@ -340,56 +662,17 @@ EOF;
if ($methods) {
if (1 === count($methods)) {
if ('HEAD' === $methods[0]) {
$code .= <<<EOF
if ('HEAD' !== \$requestMethod) {
\$allow[] = 'HEAD';
$methodVariable = isset($methods['GET']) ? '$canonicalMethod' : '$requestMethod';
$methods = self::export($methods);
$code .= <<<EOF
if (!isset((\$a = {$methods})[{$methodVariable}])) {
\$allow += \$a;
goto $gotoname;
} else {
$code .= <<<EOF
if ('$methods[0]' !== \$canonicalMethod) {
\$allow[] = '$methods[0]';
goto $gotoname;
} else {
$methodVariable = 'requestMethod';
if (in_array('GET', $methods)) {
// Since we treat HEAD requests like GET requests we don't need to match it.
$methodVariable = 'canonicalMethod';
$methods = array_values(array_filter($methods, function ($method) { return 'HEAD' !== $method; }));
if (1 === count($methods)) {
$code .= <<<EOF
if ('$methods[0]' !== \$$methodVariable) {
\$allow[] = '$methods[0]';
goto $gotoname;
} else {
$methods = implode("', '", $methods);
$code .= <<<EOF
if (!in_array(\$$methodVariable, array('$methods'))) {
\$allow = array_merge(\$allow, array('$methods'));
goto $gotoname;
if ($hasTrailingSlash || $schemes || $methods) {
@ -397,42 +680,17 @@ EOF;
} else {
$code = substr_replace($code, 'return', $retOffset, 6);
$code .= " }\n";
if ($conditions) {
$code .= " }\n";
} elseif ($hasTrailingSlash || $schemes || $methods) {
$code .= ' ';
if ($hasTrailingSlash || $schemes || $methods) {
$code .= " $gotoname:\n";
return $code;
* Groups consecutive routes having the same host regex.
* The result is a collection of collections of routes having the same host regex.
* @param RouteCollection $routes A flat RouteCollection
* @return DumperCollection A collection with routes grouped by host regex in sub-collections
private function groupRoutesByHostRegex(RouteCollection $routes)
$groups = new DumperCollection();
$currentGroup = new DumperCollection();
$currentGroup->setAttribute('host_regex', null);
foreach ($routes as $name => $route) {
$hostRegex = $route->compile()->getHostRegex();
if ($currentGroup->getAttribute('host_regex') !== $hostRegex) {
$currentGroup = new DumperCollection();
$currentGroup->setAttribute('host_regex', $hostRegex);
$currentGroup->add(new DumperRoute($name, $route));
return $groups;
return $conditions ? $this->indent($code) : $code;
private function getExpressionLanguage()
@ -446,4 +704,44 @@ EOF;
return $this->expressionLanguage;
private function indent($code, $level = 1)
return preg_replace('/^./m', str_repeat(' ', $level).'$0', $code);
* @internal
public static function export($value): string
if (null === $value) {
return 'null';
if (!\is_array($value)) {
return str_replace("\n", '\'."\n".\'', var_export($value, true));
if (!$value) {
return 'array()';
$i = 0;
$export = 'array(';
foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
if ($i === $k) {
} else {
$export .= self::export($k).' => ';
if (\is_int($k) && $i < $k) {
$i = 1 + $k;
$export .= self::export($v).', ';
return substr_replace($export, ')', -2);

View File

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\Dumper;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection;
* Prefix tree of routes preserving routes order.
@ -20,24 +22,24 @@ namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\Dumper;
class StaticPrefixCollection
* @var string
private $prefix;
private $staticPrefix;
private $matchStart = 0;
* @var array[]|StaticPrefixCollection[]
* @var string[]
private $prefixes = array();
* @var array[]|self[]
private $items = array();
* @var int
private $matchStart = 0;
public function __construct(string $prefix = '')
public function __construct(string $prefix = '/', string $staticPrefix = '/')
$this->prefix = $prefix;
$this->staticPrefix = $staticPrefix;
public function getPrefix(): string
@ -46,9 +48,9 @@ class StaticPrefixCollection
* @return mixed[]|StaticPrefixCollection[]
* @return array[]|self[]
public function getItems(): array
public function getRoutes(): array
return $this->items;
@ -56,28 +58,26 @@ class StaticPrefixCollection
* Adds a route to a group.
* @param string $prefix
* @param mixed $route
* @param array|self $route
public function addRoute(string $prefix, $route)
$prefix = '/' === $prefix ? $prefix : rtrim($prefix, '/');
list($prefix, $staticPrefix) = $this->detectCommonPrefix($prefix, $prefix) ?: array(rtrim($prefix, '/') ?: '/', '/');
if ($this->prefix === $prefix) {
if ($this->staticPrefix === $staticPrefix) {
// When a prefix is exactly the same as the base we move up the match start position.
// This is needed because otherwise routes that come afterwards have higher precedence
// than a possible regular expression, which goes against the input order sorting.
$this->items[] = array($prefix, $route);
$this->prefixes[] = $prefix;
$this->items[] = $route;
$this->matchStart = count($this->items);
foreach ($this->items as $i => $item) {
if ($i < $this->matchStart) {
for ($i = $this->matchStart; $i < \count($this->items); ++$i) {
$item = $this->items[$i];
if ($item instanceof self && $item->accepts($prefix)) {
$item->addRoute($prefix, $route);
@ -85,9 +85,8 @@ class StaticPrefixCollection
$group = $this->groupWithItem($item, $prefix, $route);
if ($group instanceof self) {
if ($group = $this->groupWithItem($i, $prefix, $route)) {
$this->prefixes[$i] = $group->getPrefix();
$this->items[$i] = $group;
@ -96,33 +95,43 @@ class StaticPrefixCollection
// No optimised case was found, in this case we simple add the route for possible
// grouping when new routes are added.
$this->items[] = array($prefix, $route);
$this->prefixes[] = $prefix;
$this->items[] = $route;
* Linearizes back a set of nested routes into a collection.
public function populateCollection(RouteCollection $routes): RouteCollection
foreach ($this->items as $route) {
if ($route instanceof self) {
} else {
return $routes;
* Tries to combine a route with another route or group.
* @param StaticPrefixCollection|array $item
* @param string $prefix
* @param mixed $route
* @return null|StaticPrefixCollection
private function groupWithItem($item, string $prefix, $route)
private function groupWithItem(int $i, string $prefix, $route): ?self
$itemPrefix = $item instanceof self ? $item->prefix : $item[0];
$commonPrefix = $this->detectCommonPrefix($prefix, $itemPrefix);
if (!$commonPrefix) {
if (!$commonPrefix = $this->detectCommonPrefix($prefix, $this->prefixes[$i])) {
return null;
$child = new self($commonPrefix);
$child = new self(...$commonPrefix);
$item = $this->items[$i];
if ($item instanceof self) {
$child->prefixes = array($commonPrefix[0]);
$child->items = array($item);
} else {
$child->addRoute($item[0], $item[1]);
$child->addRoute($this->prefixes[$i], $item);
$child->addRoute($prefix, $route);
@ -141,76 +150,48 @@ class StaticPrefixCollection
* Detects whether there's a common prefix relative to the group prefix and returns it.
* @return false|string A common prefix, longer than the base/group prefix, or false when none available
* @return null|array A common prefix, longer than the base/group prefix, or null when none available
private function detectCommonPrefix(string $prefix, string $anotherPrefix)
private function detectCommonPrefix(string $prefix, string $anotherPrefix): ?array
$baseLength = strlen($this->prefix);
$commonLength = $baseLength;
$end = min(strlen($prefix), strlen($anotherPrefix));
$staticLength = null;
for ($i = $baseLength; $i <= $end; ++$i) {
if (substr($prefix, 0, $i) !== substr($anotherPrefix, 0, $i)) {
for ($i = $baseLength; $i < $end && $prefix[$i] === $anotherPrefix[$i]; ++$i) {
if ('(' === $prefix[$i]) {
$staticLength = $staticLength ?? $i;
for ($j = 1 + $i, $n = 1; $j < $end && 0 < $n; ++$j) {
if ($prefix[$j] !== $anotherPrefix[$j]) {
break 2;
if ('(' === $prefix[$j]) {
} elseif (')' === $prefix[$j]) {
} elseif ('\\' === $prefix[$j] && (++$j === $end || $prefix[$j] !== $anotherPrefix[$j])) {
if (0 < $n) {
$i = $j;
} elseif ('\\' === $prefix[$i] && (++$i === $end || $prefix[$i] !== $anotherPrefix[$i])) {
$commonLength = $i;
$commonPrefix = rtrim(substr($prefix, 0, $commonLength), '/');
$staticLength = $staticLength ?? $i;
$commonPrefix = rtrim(substr($prefix, 0, $i), '/');
if (strlen($commonPrefix) > $baseLength) {
return $commonPrefix;
return array($commonPrefix, rtrim(substr($prefix, 0, $staticLength), '/') ?: '/');
return false;
* Optimizes the tree by inlining items from groups with less than 3 items.
public function optimizeGroups(): void
$index = -1;
while (isset($this->items[++$index])) {
$item = $this->items[$index];
if ($item instanceof self) {
// When a group contains only two items there's no reason to optimize because at minimum
// the amount of prefix check is 2. In this case inline the group.
if ($item->shouldBeInlined()) {
array_splice($this->items, $index, 1, $item->items);
// Lower index to pass through the same index again after optimizing.
// The first item of the replacements might be a group needing optimization.
private function shouldBeInlined(): bool
if (count($this->items) >= 3) {
return false;
foreach ($this->items as $item) {
if ($item instanceof self) {
return true;
foreach ($this->items as $item) {
if (is_array($item) && $item[0] === $this->prefix) {
return false;
return true;
return null;
@ -218,7 +199,7 @@ class StaticPrefixCollection
* @throws \LogicException when a prefix does not belong in a group
private function guardAgainstAddingNotAcceptedRoutes(string $prefix)
private function guardAgainstAddingNotAcceptedRoutes(string $prefix): void
if (!$this->accepts($prefix)) {
$message = sprintf('Could not add route with prefix %s to collection with prefix %s', $prefix, $this->prefix);

View File

@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ class UrlMatcher implements UrlMatcherInterface, RequestMatcherInterface
protected function mergeDefaults($params, $defaults)
foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
if (!is_int($key)) {
if (!\is_int($key) && null !== $value) {
$defaults[$key] = $value;

View File

@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ class ProjectUrlMatcher extends Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\UrlMatcher
$pathinfo = rawurldecode($rawPathinfo);
$trimmedPathinfo = rtrim($pathinfo, '/');
$context = $this->context;
$request = $this->request ?: $this->createRequest($pathinfo);
$requestMethod = $canonicalMethod = $context->getMethod();
if ('HEAD' === $requestMethod) {
@ -32,6 +31,6 @@ class ProjectUrlMatcher extends Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\UrlMatcher
throw new Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\NoConfigurationException();
throw 0 < count($allow) ? new MethodNotAllowedException(array_unique($allow)) : new ResourceNotFoundException();
throw $allow ? new MethodNotAllowedException(array_keys($allow)) : new ResourceNotFoundException();

View File

@ -21,294 +21,209 @@ class ProjectUrlMatcher extends Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\UrlMatcher
$pathinfo = rawurldecode($rawPathinfo);
$trimmedPathinfo = rtrim($pathinfo, '/');
$context = $this->context;
$request = $this->request ?: $this->createRequest($pathinfo);
$requestMethod = $canonicalMethod = $context->getMethod();
$host = strtolower($context->getHost());
if ('HEAD' === $requestMethod) {
$canonicalMethod = 'GET';
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/foo')) {
// foo
if (preg_match('#^/foo/(?P<bar>baz|symfony)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'foo')), array ( 'def' => 'test',));
switch ($pathinfo) {
$routes = array(
'/test/baz' => array(array('_route' => 'baz'), null, null, null),
'/test/baz.html' => array(array('_route' => 'baz2'), null, null, null),
'/test/baz3/' => array(array('_route' => 'baz3'), null, null, null),
'/foofoo' => array(array('_route' => 'foofoo', 'def' => 'test'), null, null, null),
'/spa ce' => array(array('_route' => 'space'), null, null, null),
'/multi/new' => array(array('_route' => 'overridden2'), null, null, null),
'/multi/hey/' => array(array('_route' => 'hey'), null, null, null),
'/ababa' => array(array('_route' => 'ababa'), null, null, null),
'/route1' => array(array('_route' => 'route1'), 'a.example.com', null, null),
'/c2/route2' => array(array('_route' => 'route2'), 'a.example.com', null, null),
'/route4' => array(array('_route' => 'route4'), 'a.example.com', null, null),
'/c2/route3' => array(array('_route' => 'route3'), 'b.example.com', null, null),
'/route5' => array(array('_route' => 'route5'), 'c.example.com', null, null),
'/route6' => array(array('_route' => 'route6'), null, null, null),
'/route11' => array(array('_route' => 'route11'), '#^(?P<var1>[^\\.]++)\\.example\\.com$#sDi', null, null),
'/route12' => array(array('_route' => 'route12', 'var1' => 'val'), '#^(?P<var1>[^\\.]++)\\.example\\.com$#sDi', null, null),
'/route17' => array(array('_route' => 'route17'), null, null, null),
// foofoo
if ('/foofoo' === $pathinfo) {
return array ( 'def' => 'test', '_route' => 'foofoo',);
if (!isset($routes[$pathinfo])) {
list($ret, $requiredHost, $requiredMethods, $requiredSchemes) = $routes[$pathinfo];
if ($requiredHost) {
if ('#' !== $requiredHost[0] ? $requiredHost !== $host : !preg_match($requiredHost, $host, $hostMatches)) {
if ('#' === $requiredHost[0] && $hostMatches) {
$hostMatches['_route'] = $ret['_route'];
$ret = $this->mergeDefaults($hostMatches, $ret);
elseif (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/bar')) {
// bar
if (preg_match('#^/bar/(?P<foo>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
$ret = $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'bar')), array ());
if ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'GET';
goto not_bar;
if ($requiredMethods && !isset($requiredMethods[$canonicalMethod]) && !isset($requiredMethods[$requestMethod])) {
$allow += $requiredMethods;
return $ret;
// barhead
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/barhead') && preg_match('#^/barhead/(?P<foo>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
$ret = $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'barhead')), array ());
if ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'GET';
goto not_barhead;
$matchedPathinfo = $host.$pathinfo;
$regexList = array(
0 => '{^(?'
foreach ($regexList as $offset => $regex) {
while (preg_match($regex, $matchedPathinfo, $matches)) {
switch ($m = (int) $matches['MARK']) {
case 103:
$matches = array('foo' => $matches[1] ?? null);
// baz4
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'baz4')), array());
// baz5
$ret = $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'baz5')), array());
if (!isset(($a = array('POST' => 0))[$requestMethod])) {
$allow += $a;
goto not_baz5;
return $ret;
// baz.baz6
$ret = $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'baz.baz6')), array());
if (!isset(($a = array('PUT' => 0))[$requestMethod])) {
$allow += $a;
goto not_bazbaz6;
return $ret;
case 148:
$matches = array('foo' => $matches[1] ?? null);
// foo1
$ret = $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'foo1')), array());
if (!isset(($a = array('PUT' => 0))[$requestMethod])) {
$allow += $a;
goto not_foo1;
return $ret;
case 194:
$matches = array('foo1' => $matches[1] ?? null);
// foo2
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'foo2')), array());
case 266:
$matches = array('_locale' => $matches[1] ?? null, 'foo' => $matches[2] ?? null);
// foo3
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'foo3')), array());
$routes = array(
34 => array(array('_route' => 'foo', 'def' => 'test'), array('bar'), null, null),
57 => array(array('_route' => 'bar'), array('foo'), array('GET' => 0, 'HEAD' => 1), null),
77 => array(array('_route' => 'barhead'), array('foo'), array('GET' => 0), null),
119 => array(array('_route' => 'quoter'), array('quoter'), null, null),
156 => array(array('_route' => 'bar1'), array('bar'), null, null),
170 => array(array('_route' => 'overridden'), array('var'), null, null),
202 => array(array('_route' => 'bar2'), array('bar1'), null, null),
238 => array(array('_route' => 'helloWorld', 'who' => 'World!'), array('who'), null, null),
294 => array(array('_route' => 'bar3'), array('_locale', 'bar'), null, null),
315 => array(array('_route' => 'foo4'), array('foo'), null, null),
375 => array(array('_route' => 'route13'), array('var1', 'name'), null, null),
393 => array(array('_route' => 'route14', 'var1' => 'val'), array('var1', 'name'), null, null),
443 => array(array('_route' => 'route15'), array('name'), null, null),
478 => array(array('_route' => 'route16', 'var1' => 'val'), array('name'), null, null),
499 => array(array('_route' => 'a'), array(), null, null),
521 => array(array('_route' => 'b'), array('var'), null, null),
540 => array(array('_route' => 'c'), array('var'), null, null),
list($ret, $vars, $requiredMethods, $requiredSchemes) = $routes[$m];
foreach ($vars as $i => $v) {
if (isset($matches[1 + $i])) {
$ret[$v] = $matches[1 + $i];
if ($requiredMethods && !isset($requiredMethods[$canonicalMethod]) && !isset($requiredMethods[$requestMethod])) {
$allow += $requiredMethods;
return $ret;
return $ret;
elseif (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/test')) {
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/test/baz')) {
// baz
if ('/test/baz' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'baz');
if (540 === $m) {
// baz2
if ('/test/baz.html' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'baz2');
// baz3
if ('/test/baz3/' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'baz3');
$regex = substr_replace($regex, 'F', $m - $offset, 1 + strlen($m));
$offset += strlen($m);
// baz4
if (preg_match('#^/test/(?P<foo>[^/]++)/$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'baz4')), array ());
// baz5
if (preg_match('#^/test/(?P<foo>[^/]++)/$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
$ret = $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'baz5')), array ());
if ('POST' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'POST';
goto not_baz5;
return $ret;
// baz.baz6
if (preg_match('#^/test/(?P<foo>[^/]++)/$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
$ret = $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'baz.baz6')), array ());
if ('PUT' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'PUT';
goto not_bazbaz6;
return $ret;
// quoter
if (preg_match('#^/(?P<quoter>[\']+)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'quoter')), array ());
// space
if ('/spa ce' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'space');
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/a')) {
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/a/b\'b')) {
// foo1
if (preg_match('#^/a/b\'b/(?P<foo>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'foo1')), array ());
// bar1
if (preg_match('#^/a/b\'b/(?P<bar>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'bar1')), array ());
// overridden
if (preg_match('#^/a/(?P<var>.*)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'overridden')), array ());
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/a/b\'b')) {
// foo2
if (preg_match('#^/a/b\'b/(?P<foo1>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'foo2')), array ());
// bar2
if (preg_match('#^/a/b\'b/(?P<bar1>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'bar2')), array ());
elseif (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/multi')) {
// helloWorld
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/multi/hello') && preg_match('#^/multi/hello(?:/(?P<who>[^/]++))?$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'helloWorld')), array ( 'who' => 'World!',));
// hey
if ('/multi/hey/' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'hey');
// overridden2
if ('/multi/new' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'overridden2');
// foo3
if (preg_match('#^/(?P<_locale>[^/]++)/b/(?P<foo>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'foo3')), array ());
// bar3
if (preg_match('#^/(?P<_locale>[^/]++)/b/(?P<bar>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'bar3')), array ());
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/aba')) {
// ababa
if ('/ababa' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'ababa');
// foo4
if (preg_match('#^/aba/(?P<foo>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'foo4')), array ());
$host = $context->getHost();
if (preg_match('#^a\\.example\\.com$#sDi', $host, $hostMatches)) {
// route1
if ('/route1' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'route1');
// route2
if ('/c2/route2' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'route2');
if (preg_match('#^b\\.example\\.com$#sDi', $host, $hostMatches)) {
// route3
if ('/c2/route3' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'route3');
if (preg_match('#^a\\.example\\.com$#sDi', $host, $hostMatches)) {
// route4
if ('/route4' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'route4');
if (preg_match('#^c\\.example\\.com$#sDi', $host, $hostMatches)) {
// route5
if ('/route5' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'route5');
// route6
if ('/route6' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'route6');
if (preg_match('#^(?P<var1>[^\\.]++)\\.example\\.com$#sDi', $host, $hostMatches)) {
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/route1')) {
// route11
if ('/route11' === $pathinfo) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($hostMatches, array('_route' => 'route11')), array ());
// route12
if ('/route12' === $pathinfo) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($hostMatches, array('_route' => 'route12')), array ( 'var1' => 'val',));
// route13
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/route13') && preg_match('#^/route13/(?P<name>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($hostMatches, $matches, array('_route' => 'route13')), array ());
// route14
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/route14') && preg_match('#^/route14/(?P<name>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($hostMatches, $matches, array('_route' => 'route14')), array ( 'var1' => 'val',));
if (preg_match('#^c\\.example\\.com$#sDi', $host, $hostMatches)) {
// route15
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/route15') && preg_match('#^/route15/(?P<name>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'route15')), array ());
// route16
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/route16') && preg_match('#^/route16/(?P<name>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'route16')), array ( 'var1' => 'val',));
// route17
if ('/route17' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'route17');
// a
if ('/a/a...' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'a');
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/a/b')) {
// b
if (preg_match('#^/a/b/(?P<var>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'b')), array ());
// c
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/a/b/c') && preg_match('#^/a/b/c/(?P<var>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'c')), array ());
throw 0 < count($allow) ? new MethodNotAllowedException(array_unique($allow)) : new ResourceNotFoundException();
throw $allow ? new MethodNotAllowedException(array_keys($allow)) : new ResourceNotFoundException();

View File

@ -21,361 +21,253 @@ class ProjectUrlMatcher extends Symfony\Component\Routing\Tests\Fixtures\Redirec
$pathinfo = rawurldecode($rawPathinfo);
$trimmedPathinfo = rtrim($pathinfo, '/');
$context = $this->context;
$request = $this->request ?: $this->createRequest($pathinfo);
$requestMethod = $canonicalMethod = $context->getMethod();
$host = strtolower($context->getHost());
if ('HEAD' === $requestMethod) {
$canonicalMethod = 'GET';
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/foo')) {
// foo
if (preg_match('#^/foo/(?P<bar>baz|symfony)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'foo')), array ( 'def' => 'test',));
switch ($trimmedPathinfo) {
$routes = array(
'/test/baz' => array(array('_route' => 'baz'), null, null, null),
'/test/baz.html' => array(array('_route' => 'baz2'), null, null, null),
'/test/baz3' => array(array('_route' => 'baz3'), null, null, null, true),
'/foofoo' => array(array('_route' => 'foofoo', 'def' => 'test'), null, null, null),
'/spa ce' => array(array('_route' => 'space'), null, null, null),
'/multi/new' => array(array('_route' => 'overridden2'), null, null, null),
'/multi/hey' => array(array('_route' => 'hey'), null, null, null, true),
'/ababa' => array(array('_route' => 'ababa'), null, null, null),
'/route1' => array(array('_route' => 'route1'), 'a.example.com', null, null),
'/c2/route2' => array(array('_route' => 'route2'), 'a.example.com', null, null),
'/route4' => array(array('_route' => 'route4'), 'a.example.com', null, null),
'/c2/route3' => array(array('_route' => 'route3'), 'b.example.com', null, null),
'/route5' => array(array('_route' => 'route5'), 'c.example.com', null, null),
'/route6' => array(array('_route' => 'route6'), null, null, null),
'/route11' => array(array('_route' => 'route11'), '#^(?P<var1>[^\\.]++)\\.example\\.com$#sDi', null, null),
'/route12' => array(array('_route' => 'route12', 'var1' => 'val'), '#^(?P<var1>[^\\.]++)\\.example\\.com$#sDi', null, null),
'/route17' => array(array('_route' => 'route17'), null, null, null),
'/secure' => array(array('_route' => 'secure'), null, null, array('https' => 0)),
'/nonsecure' => array(array('_route' => 'nonsecure'), null, null, array('http' => 0)),
// foofoo
if ('/foofoo' === $pathinfo) {
return array ( 'def' => 'test', '_route' => 'foofoo',);
if (!isset($routes[$trimmedPathinfo])) {
list($ret, $requiredHost, $requiredMethods, $requiredSchemes) = $routes[$trimmedPathinfo];
elseif (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/bar')) {
// bar
if (preg_match('#^/bar/(?P<foo>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
$ret = $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'bar')), array ());
if ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'GET';
goto not_bar;
if ($requiredHost) {
if ('#' !== $requiredHost[0] ? $requiredHost !== $host : !preg_match($requiredHost, $host, $hostMatches)) {
if ('#' === $requiredHost[0] && $hostMatches) {
$hostMatches['_route'] = $ret['_route'];
$ret = $this->mergeDefaults($hostMatches, $ret);
return $ret;
// barhead
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/barhead') && preg_match('#^/barhead/(?P<foo>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
$ret = $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'barhead')), array ());
if ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'GET';
goto not_barhead;
if (empty($routes[$trimmedPathinfo][4]) || '/' === $pathinfo[-1]) {
// no-op
} elseif ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow['GET'] = 'GET';
} else {
return array_replace($ret, $this->redirect($rawPathinfo.'/', $ret['_route']));
return $ret;
elseif (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/test')) {
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/test/baz')) {
// baz
if ('/test/baz' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'baz');
// baz2
if ('/test/baz.html' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'baz2');
// baz3
if ('/test/baz3' === $trimmedPathinfo) {
$ret = array('_route' => 'baz3');
if ('/' === substr($pathinfo, -1)) {
// no-op
} elseif ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'GET';
goto not_baz3;
} else {
return array_replace($ret, $this->redirect($rawPathinfo.'/', 'baz3'));
if ($requiredSchemes && !isset($requiredSchemes[$context->getScheme()])) {
if ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow['GET'] = 'GET';
return $ret;
return array_replace($ret, $this->redirect($rawPathinfo, $ret['_route'], key($requiredSchemes)));
// baz4
if (preg_match('#^/test/(?P<foo>[^/]++)/?$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
$ret = $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'baz4')), array ());
if ('/' === substr($pathinfo, -1)) {
// no-op
} elseif ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'GET';
goto not_baz4;
} else {
return array_replace($ret, $this->redirect($rawPathinfo.'/', 'baz4'));
if ($requiredMethods && !isset($requiredMethods[$canonicalMethod]) && !isset($requiredMethods[$requestMethod])) {
$allow += $requiredMethods;
return $ret;
// baz5
if (preg_match('#^/test/(?P<foo>[^/]++)/$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
$ret = $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'baz5')), array ());
if ('POST' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'POST';
goto not_baz5;
$matchedPathinfo = $host.$pathinfo;
$regexList = array(
0 => '{^(?'
foreach ($regexList as $offset => $regex) {
while (preg_match($regex, $matchedPathinfo, $matches)) {
switch ($m = (int) $matches['MARK']) {
case 104:
$matches = array('foo' => $matches[1] ?? null);
// baz4
$ret = $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'baz4')), array());
if ('/' === $pathinfo[-1]) {
// no-op
} elseif ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow['GET'] = 'GET';
goto not_baz4;
} else {
return array_replace($ret, $this->redirect($rawPathinfo.'/', 'baz4'));
return $ret;
// baz5
if ('/' === $pathinfo[-1]) {
$ret = $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'baz5')), array());
if (!isset(($a = array('POST' => 0))[$requestMethod])) {
$allow += $a;
goto not_baz5;
return $ret;
// baz.baz6
if ('/' === $pathinfo[-1]) {
$ret = $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'baz.baz6')), array());
if (!isset(($a = array('PUT' => 0))[$requestMethod])) {
$allow += $a;
goto not_bazbaz6;
return $ret;
case 149:
$matches = array('foo' => $matches[1] ?? null);
// foo1
$ret = $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'foo1')), array());
if (!isset(($a = array('PUT' => 0))[$requestMethod])) {
$allow += $a;
goto not_foo1;
return $ret;
case 195:
$matches = array('foo1' => $matches[1] ?? null);
// foo2
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'foo2')), array());
case 267:
$matches = array('_locale' => $matches[1] ?? null, 'foo' => $matches[2] ?? null);
// foo3
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'foo3')), array());
$routes = array(
34 => array(array('_route' => 'foo', 'def' => 'test'), array('bar'), null, null),
57 => array(array('_route' => 'bar'), array('foo'), array('GET' => 0, 'HEAD' => 1), null),
77 => array(array('_route' => 'barhead'), array('foo'), array('GET' => 0), null),
120 => array(array('_route' => 'quoter'), array('quoter'), null, null),
157 => array(array('_route' => 'bar1'), array('bar'), null, null),
171 => array(array('_route' => 'overridden'), array('var'), null, null),
203 => array(array('_route' => 'bar2'), array('bar1'), null, null),
239 => array(array('_route' => 'helloWorld', 'who' => 'World!'), array('who'), null, null),
295 => array(array('_route' => 'bar3'), array('_locale', 'bar'), null, null),
316 => array(array('_route' => 'foo4'), array('foo'), null, null),
376 => array(array('_route' => 'route13'), array('var1', 'name'), null, null),
394 => array(array('_route' => 'route14', 'var1' => 'val'), array('var1', 'name'), null, null),
444 => array(array('_route' => 'route15'), array('name'), null, null),
479 => array(array('_route' => 'route16', 'var1' => 'val'), array('name'), null, null),
500 => array(array('_route' => 'a'), array(), null, null),
522 => array(array('_route' => 'b'), array('var'), null, null),
541 => array(array('_route' => 'c'), array('var'), null, null),
list($ret, $vars, $requiredMethods, $requiredSchemes) = $routes[$m];
foreach ($vars as $i => $v) {
if (isset($matches[1 + $i])) {
$ret[$v] = $matches[1 + $i];
if ($requiredSchemes && !isset($requiredSchemes[$context->getScheme()])) {
if ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow['GET'] = 'GET';
return array_replace($ret, $this->redirect($rawPathinfo, $ret['_route'], key($requiredSchemes)));
if ($requiredMethods && !isset($requiredMethods[$canonicalMethod]) && !isset($requiredMethods[$requestMethod])) {
$allow += $requiredMethods;
return $ret;
return $ret;
// baz.baz6
if (preg_match('#^/test/(?P<foo>[^/]++)/$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
$ret = $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'baz.baz6')), array ());
if ('PUT' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'PUT';
goto not_bazbaz6;
if (541 === $m) {
return $ret;
$regex = substr_replace($regex, 'F', $m - $offset, 1 + strlen($m));
$offset += strlen($m);
// quoter
if (preg_match('#^/(?P<quoter>[\']+)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'quoter')), array ());
// space
if ('/spa ce' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'space');
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/a')) {
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/a/b\'b')) {
// foo1
if (preg_match('#^/a/b\'b/(?P<foo>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'foo1')), array ());
// bar1
if (preg_match('#^/a/b\'b/(?P<bar>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'bar1')), array ());
// overridden
if (preg_match('#^/a/(?P<var>.*)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'overridden')), array ());
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/a/b\'b')) {
// foo2
if (preg_match('#^/a/b\'b/(?P<foo1>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'foo2')), array ());
// bar2
if (preg_match('#^/a/b\'b/(?P<bar1>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'bar2')), array ());
elseif (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/multi')) {
// helloWorld
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/multi/hello') && preg_match('#^/multi/hello(?:/(?P<who>[^/]++))?$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'helloWorld')), array ( 'who' => 'World!',));
// hey
if ('/multi/hey' === $trimmedPathinfo) {
$ret = array('_route' => 'hey');
if ('/' === substr($pathinfo, -1)) {
// no-op
} elseif ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'GET';
goto not_hey;
} else {
return array_replace($ret, $this->redirect($rawPathinfo.'/', 'hey'));
return $ret;
// overridden2
if ('/multi/new' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'overridden2');
// foo3
if (preg_match('#^/(?P<_locale>[^/]++)/b/(?P<foo>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'foo3')), array ());
// bar3
if (preg_match('#^/(?P<_locale>[^/]++)/b/(?P<bar>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'bar3')), array ());
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/aba')) {
// ababa
if ('/ababa' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'ababa');
// foo4
if (preg_match('#^/aba/(?P<foo>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'foo4')), array ());
$host = $context->getHost();
if (preg_match('#^a\\.example\\.com$#sDi', $host, $hostMatches)) {
// route1
if ('/route1' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'route1');
// route2
if ('/c2/route2' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'route2');
if (preg_match('#^b\\.example\\.com$#sDi', $host, $hostMatches)) {
// route3
if ('/c2/route3' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'route3');
if (preg_match('#^a\\.example\\.com$#sDi', $host, $hostMatches)) {
// route4
if ('/route4' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'route4');
if (preg_match('#^c\\.example\\.com$#sDi', $host, $hostMatches)) {
// route5
if ('/route5' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'route5');
// route6
if ('/route6' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'route6');
if (preg_match('#^(?P<var1>[^\\.]++)\\.example\\.com$#sDi', $host, $hostMatches)) {
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/route1')) {
// route11
if ('/route11' === $pathinfo) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($hostMatches, array('_route' => 'route11')), array ());
// route12
if ('/route12' === $pathinfo) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($hostMatches, array('_route' => 'route12')), array ( 'var1' => 'val',));
// route13
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/route13') && preg_match('#^/route13/(?P<name>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($hostMatches, $matches, array('_route' => 'route13')), array ());
// route14
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/route14') && preg_match('#^/route14/(?P<name>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($hostMatches, $matches, array('_route' => 'route14')), array ( 'var1' => 'val',));
if (preg_match('#^c\\.example\\.com$#sDi', $host, $hostMatches)) {
// route15
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/route15') && preg_match('#^/route15/(?P<name>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'route15')), array ());
// route16
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/route16') && preg_match('#^/route16/(?P<name>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'route16')), array ( 'var1' => 'val',));
// route17
if ('/route17' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'route17');
// a
if ('/a/a...' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'a');
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/a/b')) {
// b
if (preg_match('#^/a/b/(?P<var>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'b')), array ());
// c
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/a/b/c') && preg_match('#^/a/b/c/(?P<var>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'c')), array ());
// secure
if ('/secure' === $pathinfo) {
$ret = array('_route' => 'secure');
$requiredSchemes = array ( 'https' => 0,);
if (!isset($requiredSchemes[$context->getScheme()])) {
if ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'GET';
goto not_secure;
return array_replace($ret, $this->redirect($rawPathinfo, 'secure', key($requiredSchemes)));
return $ret;
// nonsecure
if ('/nonsecure' === $pathinfo) {
$ret = array('_route' => 'nonsecure');
$requiredSchemes = array ( 'http' => 0,);
if (!isset($requiredSchemes[$context->getScheme()])) {
if ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'GET';
goto not_nonsecure;
return array_replace($ret, $this->redirect($rawPathinfo, 'nonsecure', key($requiredSchemes)));
return $ret;
throw 0 < count($allow) ? new MethodNotAllowedException(array_unique($allow)) : new ResourceNotFoundException();
throw $allow ? new MethodNotAllowedException(array_keys($allow)) : new ResourceNotFoundException();

View File

@ -21,31 +21,76 @@ class ProjectUrlMatcher extends Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\UrlMatcher
$pathinfo = rawurldecode($rawPathinfo);
$trimmedPathinfo = rtrim($pathinfo, '/');
$context = $this->context;
$request = $this->request ?: $this->createRequest($pathinfo);
$requestMethod = $canonicalMethod = $context->getMethod();
if ('HEAD' === $requestMethod) {
$canonicalMethod = 'GET';
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/rootprefix')) {
// static
if ('/rootprefix/test' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'static');
switch ($pathinfo) {
case '/with-condition':
// with-condition
if (($context->getMethod() == "GET")) {
return array('_route' => 'with-condition');
$routes = array(
'/rootprefix/test' => array(array('_route' => 'static'), null, null, null),
// dynamic
if (preg_match('#^/rootprefix/(?P<var>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'dynamic')), array ());
if (!isset($routes[$pathinfo])) {
list($ret, $requiredHost, $requiredMethods, $requiredSchemes) = $routes[$pathinfo];
if ($requiredMethods && !isset($requiredMethods[$canonicalMethod]) && !isset($requiredMethods[$requestMethod])) {
$allow += $requiredMethods;
return $ret;
// with-condition
if ('/with-condition' === $pathinfo && ($context->getMethod() == "GET")) {
return array('_route' => 'with-condition');
$matchedPathinfo = $pathinfo;
$regexList = array(
0 => '{^(?'
foreach ($regexList as $offset => $regex) {
while (preg_match($regex, $matchedPathinfo, $matches)) {
switch ($m = (int) $matches['MARK']) {
$routes = array(
27 => array(array('_route' => 'dynamic'), array('var'), null, null),
list($ret, $vars, $requiredMethods, $requiredSchemes) = $routes[$m];
foreach ($vars as $i => $v) {
if (isset($matches[1 + $i])) {
$ret[$v] = $matches[1 + $i];
if ($requiredMethods && !isset($requiredMethods[$canonicalMethod]) && !isset($requiredMethods[$requestMethod])) {
$allow += $requiredMethods;
return $ret;
if (27 === $m) {
$regex = substr_replace($regex, 'F', $m - $offset, 1 + strlen($m));
$offset += strlen($m);
throw 0 < count($allow) ? new MethodNotAllowedException(array_unique($allow)) : new ResourceNotFoundException();
throw $allow ? new MethodNotAllowedException(array_keys($allow)) : new ResourceNotFoundException();

View File

@ -21,88 +21,54 @@ class ProjectUrlMatcher extends Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\UrlMatcher
$pathinfo = rawurldecode($rawPathinfo);
$trimmedPathinfo = rtrim($pathinfo, '/');
$context = $this->context;
$request = $this->request ?: $this->createRequest($pathinfo);
$requestMethod = $canonicalMethod = $context->getMethod();
if ('HEAD' === $requestMethod) {
$canonicalMethod = 'GET';
// just_head
if ('/just_head' === $pathinfo) {
$ret = array('_route' => 'just_head');
if ('HEAD' !== $requestMethod) {
$allow[] = 'HEAD';
goto not_just_head;
return $ret;
// head_and_get
if ('/head_and_get' === $pathinfo) {
$ret = array('_route' => 'head_and_get');
if ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'GET';
goto not_head_and_get;
return $ret;
// get_and_head
if ('/get_and_head' === $pathinfo) {
$ret = array('_route' => 'get_and_head');
if ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'GET';
goto not_get_and_head;
return $ret;
// post_and_head
if ('/post_and_head' === $pathinfo) {
$ret = array('_route' => 'post_and_head');
if (!in_array($requestMethod, array('POST', 'HEAD'))) {
$allow = array_merge($allow, array('POST', 'HEAD'));
goto not_post_and_head;
return $ret;
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/put_and_post')) {
// put_and_post
if ('/put_and_post' === $pathinfo) {
switch ($pathinfo) {
case '/put_and_post':
// put_and_post
$ret = array('_route' => 'put_and_post');
if (!in_array($requestMethod, array('PUT', 'POST'))) {
$allow = array_merge($allow, array('PUT', 'POST'));
if (!isset(($a = array('PUT' => 0, 'POST' => 1))[$requestMethod])) {
$allow += $a;
goto not_put_and_post;
return $ret;
// put_and_get_and_head
if ('/put_and_post' === $pathinfo) {
// put_and_get_and_head
$ret = array('_route' => 'put_and_get_and_head');
if (!in_array($canonicalMethod, array('PUT', 'GET'))) {
$allow = array_merge($allow, array('PUT', 'GET'));
if (!isset(($a = array('PUT' => 0, 'GET' => 1, 'HEAD' => 2))[$canonicalMethod])) {
$allow += $a;
goto not_put_and_get_and_head;
return $ret;
$routes = array(
'/just_head' => array(array('_route' => 'just_head'), null, array('HEAD' => 0), null),
'/head_and_get' => array(array('_route' => 'head_and_get'), null, array('HEAD' => 0, 'GET' => 1), null),
'/get_and_head' => array(array('_route' => 'get_and_head'), null, array('GET' => 0, 'HEAD' => 1), null),
'/post_and_head' => array(array('_route' => 'post_and_head'), null, array('POST' => 0, 'HEAD' => 1), null),
if (!isset($routes[$pathinfo])) {
list($ret, $requiredHost, $requiredMethods, $requiredSchemes) = $routes[$pathinfo];
if ($requiredMethods && !isset($requiredMethods[$canonicalMethod]) && !isset($requiredMethods[$requestMethod])) {
$allow += $requiredMethods;
return $ret;
throw 0 < count($allow) ? new MethodNotAllowedException(array_unique($allow)) : new ResourceNotFoundException();
throw $allow ? new MethodNotAllowedException(array_keys($allow)) : new ResourceNotFoundException();

View File

@ -21,194 +21,110 @@ class ProjectUrlMatcher extends Symfony\Component\Routing\Tests\Fixtures\Redirec
$pathinfo = rawurldecode($rawPathinfo);
$trimmedPathinfo = rtrim($pathinfo, '/');
$context = $this->context;
$request = $this->request ?: $this->createRequest($pathinfo);
$requestMethod = $canonicalMethod = $context->getMethod();
if ('HEAD' === $requestMethod) {
$canonicalMethod = 'GET';
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/a')) {
// a_first
if ('/a/11' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'a_first');
switch ($trimmedPathinfo) {
$routes = array(
'/a/11' => array(array('_route' => 'a_first'), null, null, null),
'/a/22' => array(array('_route' => 'a_second'), null, null, null),
'/a/333' => array(array('_route' => 'a_third'), null, null, null),
'/a/44' => array(array('_route' => 'a_fourth'), null, null, null, true),
'/a/55' => array(array('_route' => 'a_fifth'), null, null, null, true),
'/a/66' => array(array('_route' => 'a_sixth'), null, null, null, true),
'/nested/group/a' => array(array('_route' => 'nested_a'), null, null, null, true),
'/nested/group/b' => array(array('_route' => 'nested_b'), null, null, null, true),
'/nested/group/c' => array(array('_route' => 'nested_c'), null, null, null, true),
'/slashed/group' => array(array('_route' => 'slashed_a'), null, null, null, true),
'/slashed/group/b' => array(array('_route' => 'slashed_b'), null, null, null, true),
'/slashed/group/c' => array(array('_route' => 'slashed_c'), null, null, null, true),
// a_second
if ('/a/22' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'a_second');
if (!isset($routes[$trimmedPathinfo])) {
list($ret, $requiredHost, $requiredMethods, $requiredSchemes) = $routes[$trimmedPathinfo];
// a_third
if ('/a/333' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'a_third');
if (empty($routes[$trimmedPathinfo][4]) || '/' === $pathinfo[-1]) {
// no-op
} elseif ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow['GET'] = 'GET';
} else {
return array_replace($ret, $this->redirect($rawPathinfo.'/', $ret['_route']));
if ($requiredSchemes && !isset($requiredSchemes[$context->getScheme()])) {
if ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow['GET'] = 'GET';
return array_replace($ret, $this->redirect($rawPathinfo, $ret['_route'], key($requiredSchemes)));
if ($requiredMethods && !isset($requiredMethods[$canonicalMethod]) && !isset($requiredMethods[$requestMethod])) {
$allow += $requiredMethods;
return $ret;
// a_wildcard
if (preg_match('#^/(?P<param>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'a_wildcard')), array ());
$matchedPathinfo = $pathinfo;
$regexList = array(
0 => '{^(?'
foreach ($regexList as $offset => $regex) {
while (preg_match($regex, $matchedPathinfo, $matches)) {
switch ($m = (int) $matches['MARK']) {
$routes = array(
16 => array(array('_route' => 'a_wildcard'), array('param'), null, null),
39 => array(array('_route' => 'nested_wildcard'), array('param'), null, null),
list($ret, $vars, $requiredMethods, $requiredSchemes) = $routes[$m];
foreach ($vars as $i => $v) {
if (isset($matches[1 + $i])) {
$ret[$v] = $matches[1 + $i];
if ($requiredSchemes && !isset($requiredSchemes[$context->getScheme()])) {
if ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow['GET'] = 'GET';
return array_replace($ret, $this->redirect($rawPathinfo, $ret['_route'], key($requiredSchemes)));
if ($requiredMethods && !isset($requiredMethods[$canonicalMethod]) && !isset($requiredMethods[$requestMethod])) {
$allow += $requiredMethods;
return $ret;
if (39 === $m) {
$regex = substr_replace($regex, 'F', $m - $offset, 1 + strlen($m));
$offset += strlen($m);
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/a')) {
// a_fourth
if ('/a/44' === $trimmedPathinfo) {
$ret = array('_route' => 'a_fourth');
if ('/' === substr($pathinfo, -1)) {
// no-op
} elseif ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'GET';
goto not_a_fourth;
} else {
return array_replace($ret, $this->redirect($rawPathinfo.'/', 'a_fourth'));
return $ret;
// a_fifth
if ('/a/55' === $trimmedPathinfo) {
$ret = array('_route' => 'a_fifth');
if ('/' === substr($pathinfo, -1)) {
// no-op
} elseif ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'GET';
goto not_a_fifth;
} else {
return array_replace($ret, $this->redirect($rawPathinfo.'/', 'a_fifth'));
return $ret;
// a_sixth
if ('/a/66' === $trimmedPathinfo) {
$ret = array('_route' => 'a_sixth');
if ('/' === substr($pathinfo, -1)) {
// no-op
} elseif ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'GET';
goto not_a_sixth;
} else {
return array_replace($ret, $this->redirect($rawPathinfo.'/', 'a_sixth'));
return $ret;
// nested_wildcard
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/nested') && preg_match('#^/nested/(?P<param>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'nested_wildcard')), array ());
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/nested/group')) {
// nested_a
if ('/nested/group/a' === $trimmedPathinfo) {
$ret = array('_route' => 'nested_a');
if ('/' === substr($pathinfo, -1)) {
// no-op
} elseif ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'GET';
goto not_nested_a;
} else {
return array_replace($ret, $this->redirect($rawPathinfo.'/', 'nested_a'));
return $ret;
// nested_b
if ('/nested/group/b' === $trimmedPathinfo) {
$ret = array('_route' => 'nested_b');
if ('/' === substr($pathinfo, -1)) {
// no-op
} elseif ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'GET';
goto not_nested_b;
} else {
return array_replace($ret, $this->redirect($rawPathinfo.'/', 'nested_b'));
return $ret;
// nested_c
if ('/nested/group/c' === $trimmedPathinfo) {
$ret = array('_route' => 'nested_c');
if ('/' === substr($pathinfo, -1)) {
// no-op
} elseif ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'GET';
goto not_nested_c;
} else {
return array_replace($ret, $this->redirect($rawPathinfo.'/', 'nested_c'));
return $ret;
elseif (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/slashed/group')) {
// slashed_a
if ('/slashed/group' === $trimmedPathinfo) {
$ret = array('_route' => 'slashed_a');
if ('/' === substr($pathinfo, -1)) {
// no-op
} elseif ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'GET';
goto not_slashed_a;
} else {
return array_replace($ret, $this->redirect($rawPathinfo.'/', 'slashed_a'));
return $ret;
// slashed_b
if ('/slashed/group/b' === $trimmedPathinfo) {
$ret = array('_route' => 'slashed_b');
if ('/' === substr($pathinfo, -1)) {
// no-op
} elseif ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'GET';
goto not_slashed_b;
} else {
return array_replace($ret, $this->redirect($rawPathinfo.'/', 'slashed_b'));
return $ret;
// slashed_c
if ('/slashed/group/c' === $trimmedPathinfo) {
$ret = array('_route' => 'slashed_c');
if ('/' === substr($pathinfo, -1)) {
// no-op
} elseif ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'GET';
goto not_slashed_c;
} else {
return array_replace($ret, $this->redirect($rawPathinfo.'/', 'slashed_c'));
return $ret;
throw 0 < count($allow) ? new MethodNotAllowedException(array_unique($allow)) : new ResourceNotFoundException();
throw $allow ? new MethodNotAllowedException(array_keys($allow)) : new ResourceNotFoundException();

View File

@ -21,189 +21,95 @@ class ProjectUrlMatcher extends Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\UrlMatcher
$pathinfo = rawurldecode($rawPathinfo);
$trimmedPathinfo = rtrim($pathinfo, '/');
$context = $this->context;
$request = $this->request ?: $this->createRequest($pathinfo);
$requestMethod = $canonicalMethod = $context->getMethod();
if ('HEAD' === $requestMethod) {
$canonicalMethod = 'GET';
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/trailing/simple')) {
// simple_trailing_slash_no_methods
if ('/trailing/simple/no-methods/' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'simple_trailing_slash_no_methods');
switch ($pathinfo) {
$routes = array(
'/trailing/simple/no-methods/' => array(array('_route' => 'simple_trailing_slash_no_methods'), null, null, null),
'/trailing/simple/get-method/' => array(array('_route' => 'simple_trailing_slash_GET_method'), null, array('GET' => 0), null),
'/trailing/simple/head-method/' => array(array('_route' => 'simple_trailing_slash_HEAD_method'), null, array('HEAD' => 0), null),
'/trailing/simple/post-method/' => array(array('_route' => 'simple_trailing_slash_POST_method'), null, array('POST' => 0), null),
'/not-trailing/simple/no-methods' => array(array('_route' => 'simple_not_trailing_slash_no_methods'), null, null, null),
'/not-trailing/simple/get-method' => array(array('_route' => 'simple_not_trailing_slash_GET_method'), null, array('GET' => 0), null),
'/not-trailing/simple/head-method' => array(array('_route' => 'simple_not_trailing_slash_HEAD_method'), null, array('HEAD' => 0), null),
'/not-trailing/simple/post-method' => array(array('_route' => 'simple_not_trailing_slash_POST_method'), null, array('POST' => 0), null),
// simple_trailing_slash_GET_method
if ('/trailing/simple/get-method/' === $pathinfo) {
$ret = array('_route' => 'simple_trailing_slash_GET_method');
if ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'GET';
goto not_simple_trailing_slash_GET_method;
if (!isset($routes[$pathinfo])) {
list($ret, $requiredHost, $requiredMethods, $requiredSchemes) = $routes[$pathinfo];
if ($requiredMethods && !isset($requiredMethods[$canonicalMethod]) && !isset($requiredMethods[$requestMethod])) {
$allow += $requiredMethods;
return $ret;
// simple_trailing_slash_HEAD_method
if ('/trailing/simple/head-method/' === $pathinfo) {
$ret = array('_route' => 'simple_trailing_slash_HEAD_method');
if ('HEAD' !== $requestMethod) {
$allow[] = 'HEAD';
goto not_simple_trailing_slash_HEAD_method;
return $ret;
// simple_trailing_slash_POST_method
if ('/trailing/simple/post-method/' === $pathinfo) {
$ret = array('_route' => 'simple_trailing_slash_POST_method');
if ('POST' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'POST';
goto not_simple_trailing_slash_POST_method;
return $ret;
elseif (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/trailing/regex')) {
// regex_trailing_slash_no_methods
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/trailing/regex/no-methods') && preg_match('#^/trailing/regex/no\\-methods/(?P<param>[^/]++)/$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'regex_trailing_slash_no_methods')), array ());
$matchedPathinfo = $pathinfo;
$regexList = array(
0 => '{^(?'
// regex_trailing_slash_GET_method
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/trailing/regex/get-method') && preg_match('#^/trailing/regex/get\\-method/(?P<param>[^/]++)/$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
$ret = $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'regex_trailing_slash_GET_method')), array ());
if ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'GET';
goto not_regex_trailing_slash_GET_method;
foreach ($regexList as $offset => $regex) {
while (preg_match($regex, $matchedPathinfo, $matches)) {
switch ($m = (int) $matches['MARK']) {
$routes = array(
47 => array(array('_route' => 'regex_trailing_slash_no_methods'), array('param'), null, null),
76 => array(array('_route' => 'regex_trailing_slash_GET_method'), array('param'), array('GET' => 0), null),
106 => array(array('_route' => 'regex_trailing_slash_HEAD_method'), array('param'), array('HEAD' => 0), null),
137 => array(array('_route' => 'regex_trailing_slash_POST_method'), array('param'), array('POST' => 0), null),
190 => array(array('_route' => 'regex_not_trailing_slash_no_methods'), array('param'), null, null),
219 => array(array('_route' => 'regex_not_trailing_slash_GET_method'), array('param'), array('GET' => 0), null),
249 => array(array('_route' => 'regex_not_trailing_slash_HEAD_method'), array('param'), array('HEAD' => 0), null),
279 => array(array('_route' => 'regex_not_trailing_slash_POST_method'), array('param'), array('POST' => 0), null),
list($ret, $vars, $requiredMethods, $requiredSchemes) = $routes[$m];
foreach ($vars as $i => $v) {
if (isset($matches[1 + $i])) {
$ret[$v] = $matches[1 + $i];
if ($requiredMethods && !isset($requiredMethods[$canonicalMethod]) && !isset($requiredMethods[$requestMethod])) {
$allow += $requiredMethods;
return $ret;
return $ret;
// regex_trailing_slash_HEAD_method
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/trailing/regex/head-method') && preg_match('#^/trailing/regex/head\\-method/(?P<param>[^/]++)/$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
$ret = $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'regex_trailing_slash_HEAD_method')), array ());
if ('HEAD' !== $requestMethod) {
$allow[] = 'HEAD';
goto not_regex_trailing_slash_HEAD_method;
if (279 === $m) {
return $ret;
$regex = substr_replace($regex, 'F', $m - $offset, 1 + strlen($m));
$offset += strlen($m);
// regex_trailing_slash_POST_method
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/trailing/regex/post-method') && preg_match('#^/trailing/regex/post\\-method/(?P<param>[^/]++)/$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
$ret = $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'regex_trailing_slash_POST_method')), array ());
if ('POST' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'POST';
goto not_regex_trailing_slash_POST_method;
return $ret;
elseif (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/not-trailing/simple')) {
// simple_not_trailing_slash_no_methods
if ('/not-trailing/simple/no-methods' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'simple_not_trailing_slash_no_methods');
// simple_not_trailing_slash_GET_method
if ('/not-trailing/simple/get-method' === $pathinfo) {
$ret = array('_route' => 'simple_not_trailing_slash_GET_method');
if ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'GET';
goto not_simple_not_trailing_slash_GET_method;
return $ret;
// simple_not_trailing_slash_HEAD_method
if ('/not-trailing/simple/head-method' === $pathinfo) {
$ret = array('_route' => 'simple_not_trailing_slash_HEAD_method');
if ('HEAD' !== $requestMethod) {
$allow[] = 'HEAD';
goto not_simple_not_trailing_slash_HEAD_method;
return $ret;
// simple_not_trailing_slash_POST_method
if ('/not-trailing/simple/post-method' === $pathinfo) {
$ret = array('_route' => 'simple_not_trailing_slash_POST_method');
if ('POST' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'POST';
goto not_simple_not_trailing_slash_POST_method;
return $ret;
elseif (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/not-trailing/regex')) {
// regex_not_trailing_slash_no_methods
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/not-trailing/regex/no-methods') && preg_match('#^/not\\-trailing/regex/no\\-methods/(?P<param>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'regex_not_trailing_slash_no_methods')), array ());
// regex_not_trailing_slash_GET_method
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/not-trailing/regex/get-method') && preg_match('#^/not\\-trailing/regex/get\\-method/(?P<param>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
$ret = $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'regex_not_trailing_slash_GET_method')), array ());
if ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'GET';
goto not_regex_not_trailing_slash_GET_method;
return $ret;
// regex_not_trailing_slash_HEAD_method
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/not-trailing/regex/head-method') && preg_match('#^/not\\-trailing/regex/head\\-method/(?P<param>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
$ret = $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'regex_not_trailing_slash_HEAD_method')), array ());
if ('HEAD' !== $requestMethod) {
$allow[] = 'HEAD';
goto not_regex_not_trailing_slash_HEAD_method;
return $ret;
// regex_not_trailing_slash_POST_method
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/not-trailing/regex/post-method') && preg_match('#^/not\\-trailing/regex/post\\-method/(?P<param>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
$ret = $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'regex_not_trailing_slash_POST_method')), array ());
if ('POST' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'POST';
goto not_regex_not_trailing_slash_POST_method;
return $ret;
throw 0 < count($allow) ? new MethodNotAllowedException(array_unique($allow)) : new ResourceNotFoundException();
throw $allow ? new MethodNotAllowedException(array_keys($allow)) : new ResourceNotFoundException();

View File

@ -21,229 +21,131 @@ class ProjectUrlMatcher extends Symfony\Component\Routing\Tests\Fixtures\Redirec
$pathinfo = rawurldecode($rawPathinfo);
$trimmedPathinfo = rtrim($pathinfo, '/');
$context = $this->context;
$request = $this->request ?: $this->createRequest($pathinfo);
$requestMethod = $canonicalMethod = $context->getMethod();
if ('HEAD' === $requestMethod) {
$canonicalMethod = 'GET';
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/trailing/simple')) {
// simple_trailing_slash_no_methods
if ('/trailing/simple/no-methods' === $trimmedPathinfo) {
$ret = array('_route' => 'simple_trailing_slash_no_methods');
if ('/' === substr($pathinfo, -1)) {
switch ($trimmedPathinfo) {
$routes = array(
'/trailing/simple/no-methods' => array(array('_route' => 'simple_trailing_slash_no_methods'), null, null, null, true),
'/trailing/simple/get-method' => array(array('_route' => 'simple_trailing_slash_GET_method'), null, array('GET' => 0), null, true),
'/trailing/simple/head-method' => array(array('_route' => 'simple_trailing_slash_HEAD_method'), null, array('HEAD' => 0), null, true),
'/trailing/simple/post-method' => array(array('_route' => 'simple_trailing_slash_POST_method'), null, array('POST' => 0), null, true),
'/not-trailing/simple/no-methods' => array(array('_route' => 'simple_not_trailing_slash_no_methods'), null, null, null),
'/not-trailing/simple/get-method' => array(array('_route' => 'simple_not_trailing_slash_GET_method'), null, array('GET' => 0), null),
'/not-trailing/simple/head-method' => array(array('_route' => 'simple_not_trailing_slash_HEAD_method'), null, array('HEAD' => 0), null),
'/not-trailing/simple/post-method' => array(array('_route' => 'simple_not_trailing_slash_POST_method'), null, array('POST' => 0), null),
if (!isset($routes[$trimmedPathinfo])) {
list($ret, $requiredHost, $requiredMethods, $requiredSchemes) = $routes[$trimmedPathinfo];
if (empty($routes[$trimmedPathinfo][4]) || '/' === $pathinfo[-1]) {
// no-op
} elseif ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'GET';
goto not_simple_trailing_slash_no_methods;
$allow['GET'] = 'GET';
} else {
return array_replace($ret, $this->redirect($rawPathinfo.'/', 'simple_trailing_slash_no_methods'));
return array_replace($ret, $this->redirect($rawPathinfo.'/', $ret['_route']));
if ($requiredSchemes && !isset($requiredSchemes[$context->getScheme()])) {
if ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow['GET'] = 'GET';
return array_replace($ret, $this->redirect($rawPathinfo, $ret['_route'], key($requiredSchemes)));
if ($requiredMethods && !isset($requiredMethods[$canonicalMethod]) && !isset($requiredMethods[$requestMethod])) {
$allow += $requiredMethods;
return $ret;
// simple_trailing_slash_GET_method
if ('/trailing/simple/get-method' === $trimmedPathinfo) {
$ret = array('_route' => 'simple_trailing_slash_GET_method');
if ('/' === substr($pathinfo, -1)) {
// no-op
} elseif ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'GET';
goto not_simple_trailing_slash_GET_method;
} else {
return array_replace($ret, $this->redirect($rawPathinfo.'/', 'simple_trailing_slash_GET_method'));
if ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'GET';
goto not_simple_trailing_slash_GET_method;
return $ret;
// simple_trailing_slash_HEAD_method
if ('/trailing/simple/head-method/' === $pathinfo) {
$ret = array('_route' => 'simple_trailing_slash_HEAD_method');
if ('HEAD' !== $requestMethod) {
$allow[] = 'HEAD';
goto not_simple_trailing_slash_HEAD_method;
return $ret;
// simple_trailing_slash_POST_method
if ('/trailing/simple/post-method/' === $pathinfo) {
$ret = array('_route' => 'simple_trailing_slash_POST_method');
if ('POST' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'POST';
goto not_simple_trailing_slash_POST_method;
return $ret;
elseif (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/trailing/regex')) {
// regex_trailing_slash_no_methods
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/trailing/regex/no-methods') && preg_match('#^/trailing/regex/no\\-methods/(?P<param>[^/]++)/?$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
$ret = $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'regex_trailing_slash_no_methods')), array ());
if ('/' === substr($pathinfo, -1)) {
// no-op
} elseif ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'GET';
goto not_regex_trailing_slash_no_methods;
} else {
return array_replace($ret, $this->redirect($rawPathinfo.'/', 'regex_trailing_slash_no_methods'));
$matchedPathinfo = $pathinfo;
$regexList = array(
0 => '{^(?'
foreach ($regexList as $offset => $regex) {
while (preg_match($regex, $matchedPathinfo, $matches)) {
switch ($m = (int) $matches['MARK']) {
$routes = array(
48 => array(array('_route' => 'regex_trailing_slash_no_methods'), array('param'), null, null, true),
78 => array(array('_route' => 'regex_trailing_slash_GET_method'), array('param'), array('GET' => 0), null, true),
108 => array(array('_route' => 'regex_trailing_slash_HEAD_method'), array('param'), array('HEAD' => 0), null),
139 => array(array('_route' => 'regex_trailing_slash_POST_method'), array('param'), array('POST' => 0), null),
192 => array(array('_route' => 'regex_not_trailing_slash_no_methods'), array('param'), null, null),
221 => array(array('_route' => 'regex_not_trailing_slash_GET_method'), array('param'), array('GET' => 0), null),
251 => array(array('_route' => 'regex_not_trailing_slash_HEAD_method'), array('param'), array('HEAD' => 0), null),
281 => array(array('_route' => 'regex_not_trailing_slash_POST_method'), array('param'), array('POST' => 0), null),
list($ret, $vars, $requiredMethods, $requiredSchemes) = $routes[$m];
foreach ($vars as $i => $v) {
if (isset($matches[1 + $i])) {
$ret[$v] = $matches[1 + $i];
if (empty($routes[$m][4]) || '/' === $pathinfo[-1]) {
// no-op
} elseif ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow['GET'] = 'GET';
} else {
return array_replace($ret, $this->redirect($rawPathinfo.'/', $ret['_route']));
if ($requiredSchemes && !isset($requiredSchemes[$context->getScheme()])) {
if ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow['GET'] = 'GET';
return array_replace($ret, $this->redirect($rawPathinfo, $ret['_route'], key($requiredSchemes)));
if ($requiredMethods && !isset($requiredMethods[$canonicalMethod]) && !isset($requiredMethods[$requestMethod])) {
$allow += $requiredMethods;
return $ret;
return $ret;
if (281 === $m) {
$regex = substr_replace($regex, 'F', $m - $offset, 1 + strlen($m));
$offset += strlen($m);
// regex_trailing_slash_GET_method
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/trailing/regex/get-method') && preg_match('#^/trailing/regex/get\\-method/(?P<param>[^/]++)/?$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
$ret = $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'regex_trailing_slash_GET_method')), array ());
if ('/' === substr($pathinfo, -1)) {
// no-op
} elseif ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'GET';
goto not_regex_trailing_slash_GET_method;
} else {
return array_replace($ret, $this->redirect($rawPathinfo.'/', 'regex_trailing_slash_GET_method'));
if ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'GET';
goto not_regex_trailing_slash_GET_method;
return $ret;
// regex_trailing_slash_HEAD_method
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/trailing/regex/head-method') && preg_match('#^/trailing/regex/head\\-method/(?P<param>[^/]++)/$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
$ret = $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'regex_trailing_slash_HEAD_method')), array ());
if ('HEAD' !== $requestMethod) {
$allow[] = 'HEAD';
goto not_regex_trailing_slash_HEAD_method;
return $ret;
// regex_trailing_slash_POST_method
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/trailing/regex/post-method') && preg_match('#^/trailing/regex/post\\-method/(?P<param>[^/]++)/$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
$ret = $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'regex_trailing_slash_POST_method')), array ());
if ('POST' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'POST';
goto not_regex_trailing_slash_POST_method;
return $ret;
elseif (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/not-trailing/simple')) {
// simple_not_trailing_slash_no_methods
if ('/not-trailing/simple/no-methods' === $pathinfo) {
return array('_route' => 'simple_not_trailing_slash_no_methods');
// simple_not_trailing_slash_GET_method
if ('/not-trailing/simple/get-method' === $pathinfo) {
$ret = array('_route' => 'simple_not_trailing_slash_GET_method');
if ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'GET';
goto not_simple_not_trailing_slash_GET_method;
return $ret;
// simple_not_trailing_slash_HEAD_method
if ('/not-trailing/simple/head-method' === $pathinfo) {
$ret = array('_route' => 'simple_not_trailing_slash_HEAD_method');
if ('HEAD' !== $requestMethod) {
$allow[] = 'HEAD';
goto not_simple_not_trailing_slash_HEAD_method;
return $ret;
// simple_not_trailing_slash_POST_method
if ('/not-trailing/simple/post-method' === $pathinfo) {
$ret = array('_route' => 'simple_not_trailing_slash_POST_method');
if ('POST' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'POST';
goto not_simple_not_trailing_slash_POST_method;
return $ret;
elseif (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/not-trailing/regex')) {
// regex_not_trailing_slash_no_methods
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/not-trailing/regex/no-methods') && preg_match('#^/not\\-trailing/regex/no\\-methods/(?P<param>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'regex_not_trailing_slash_no_methods')), array ());
// regex_not_trailing_slash_GET_method
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/not-trailing/regex/get-method') && preg_match('#^/not\\-trailing/regex/get\\-method/(?P<param>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
$ret = $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'regex_not_trailing_slash_GET_method')), array ());
if ('GET' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'GET';
goto not_regex_not_trailing_slash_GET_method;
return $ret;
// regex_not_trailing_slash_HEAD_method
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/not-trailing/regex/head-method') && preg_match('#^/not\\-trailing/regex/head\\-method/(?P<param>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
$ret = $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'regex_not_trailing_slash_HEAD_method')), array ());
if ('HEAD' !== $requestMethod) {
$allow[] = 'HEAD';
goto not_regex_not_trailing_slash_HEAD_method;
return $ret;
// regex_not_trailing_slash_POST_method
if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/not-trailing/regex/post-method') && preg_match('#^/not\\-trailing/regex/post\\-method/(?P<param>[^/]++)$#sD', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
$ret = $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array('_route' => 'regex_not_trailing_slash_POST_method')), array ());
if ('POST' !== $canonicalMethod) {
$allow[] = 'POST';
goto not_regex_not_trailing_slash_POST_method;
return $ret;
throw 0 < count($allow) ? new MethodNotAllowedException(array_unique($allow)) : new ResourceNotFoundException();
throw $allow ? new MethodNotAllowedException(array_keys($allow)) : new ResourceNotFoundException();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\MethodNotAllowedException;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\ResourceNotFoundException;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\RequestContext;
* This class has been auto-generated
* by the Symfony Routing Component.
class ProjectUrlMatcher extends Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\UrlMatcher
public function __construct(RequestContext $context)
$this->context = $context;
public function match($rawPathinfo)
$allow = array();
$pathinfo = rawurldecode($rawPathinfo);
$trimmedPathinfo = rtrim($pathinfo, '/');
$context = $this->context;
$requestMethod = $canonicalMethod = $context->getMethod();
if ('HEAD' === $requestMethod) {
$canonicalMethod = 'GET';
$matchedPathinfo = $pathinfo;
$regexList = array(
0 => '{^(?'
11 => '{^(?'
26 => '{^(?'
foreach ($regexList as $offset => $regex) {
while (preg_match($regex, $matchedPathinfo, $matches)) {
switch ($m = (int) $matches['MARK']) {
$routes = array(
11 => array(array('_route' => 'a'), array('a'), null, null),
26 => array(array('_route' => 'b'), array('a'), null, null),
41 => array(array('_route' => 'c'), array('a'), null, null),
list($ret, $vars, $requiredMethods, $requiredSchemes) = $routes[$m];
foreach ($vars as $i => $v) {
if (isset($matches[1 + $i])) {
$ret[$v] = $matches[1 + $i];
if ($requiredMethods && !isset($requiredMethods[$canonicalMethod]) && !isset($requiredMethods[$requestMethod])) {
$allow += $requiredMethods;
return $ret;
if (41 === $m) {
$regex = substr_replace($regex, 'F', $m - $offset, 1 + strlen($m));
$offset += strlen($m);
throw $allow ? new MethodNotAllowedException(array_keys($allow)) : new ResourceNotFoundException();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\MethodNotAllowedException;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\ResourceNotFoundException;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\RequestContext;
* This class has been auto-generated
* by the Symfony Routing Component.
class ProjectUrlMatcher extends Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\UrlMatcher
public function __construct(RequestContext $context)
$this->context = $context;
public function match($rawPathinfo)
$allow = array();
$pathinfo = rawurldecode($rawPathinfo);
$trimmedPathinfo = rtrim($pathinfo, '/');
$context = $this->context;
$requestMethod = $canonicalMethod = $context->getMethod();
$host = strtolower($context->getHost());
if ('HEAD' === $requestMethod) {
$canonicalMethod = 'GET';
switch ($pathinfo) {
case '/':
// a
if (preg_match('#^(?P<d>[^\\.]++)\\.e\\.c\\.b\\.a$#sDi', $host, $hostMatches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($hostMatches, array('_route' => 'a')), array());
// c
if (preg_match('#^(?P<e>[^\\.]++)\\.e\\.c\\.b\\.a$#sDi', $host, $hostMatches)) {
return $this->mergeDefaults(array_replace($hostMatches, array('_route' => 'c')), array());
// b
if ('d.c.b.a' === $host) {
return array('_route' => 'b');
throw $allow ? new MethodNotAllowedException(array_keys($allow)) : new ResourceNotFoundException();

View File

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\Routing\Tests\Matcher\Dumper;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\Dumper\DumperCollection;
class DumperCollectionTest extends TestCase
public function testGetRoot()
$a = new DumperCollection();
$b = new DumperCollection();
$c = new DumperCollection();
$d = new DumperCollection();
$this->assertSame($a, $c->getRoot());

View File

@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ class PhpMatcherDumperTest extends TestCase
// prefixes
$collection1 = new RouteCollection();
$collection1->add('overridden', new Route('/overridden1'));
$collection1->add('foo1', new Route('/{foo}'));
$collection1->add('foo1', (new Route('/{foo}'))->setMethods('PUT'));
$collection1->add('bar1', new Route('/{bar}'));
$collection2 = new RouteCollection();
@ -399,6 +399,7 @@ class PhpMatcherDumperTest extends TestCase
$groupOptimisedCollection->add('slashed_b', new Route('/slashed/group/b/'));
$groupOptimisedCollection->add('slashed_c', new Route('/slashed/group/c/'));
/* test case 6 & 7 */
$trailingSlashCollection = new RouteCollection();
$trailingSlashCollection->add('simple_trailing_slash_no_methods', new Route('/trailing/simple/no-methods/', array(), array(), array(), '', array(), array()));
$trailingSlashCollection->add('simple_trailing_slash_GET_method', new Route('/trailing/simple/get-method/', array(), array(), array(), '', array(), array('GET')));
@ -418,6 +419,18 @@ class PhpMatcherDumperTest extends TestCase
$trailingSlashCollection->add('regex_not_trailing_slash_HEAD_method', new Route('/not-trailing/regex/head-method/{param}', array(), array(), array(), '', array(), array('HEAD')));
$trailingSlashCollection->add('regex_not_trailing_slash_POST_method', new Route('/not-trailing/regex/post-method/{param}', array(), array(), array(), '', array(), array('POST')));
/* test case 8 */
$unicodeCollection = new RouteCollection();
$unicodeCollection->add('a', new Route('/{a}', array(), array('a' => 'a'), array('utf8' => false)));
$unicodeCollection->add('b', new Route('/{a}', array(), array('a' => '.'), array('utf8' => true)));
$unicodeCollection->add('c', new Route('/{a}', array(), array('a' => '.'), array('utf8' => false)));
/* test case 9 */
$hostTreeCollection = new RouteCollection();
$hostTreeCollection->add('a', (new Route('/'))->setHost('{d}.e.c.b.a'));
$hostTreeCollection->add('b', (new Route('/'))->setHost('d.c.b.a'));
$hostTreeCollection->add('c', (new Route('/'))->setHost('{e}.e.c.b.a'));
return array(
array(new RouteCollection(), 'url_matcher0.php', array()),
array($collection, 'url_matcher1.php', array()),
@ -427,6 +440,8 @@ class PhpMatcherDumperTest extends TestCase
array($groupOptimisedCollection, 'url_matcher5.php', array('base_class' => 'Symfony\Component\Routing\Tests\Fixtures\RedirectableUrlMatcher')),
array($trailingSlashCollection, 'url_matcher6.php', array()),
array($trailingSlashCollection, 'url_matcher7.php', array('base_class' => 'Symfony\Component\Routing\Tests\Fixtures\RedirectableUrlMatcher')),
array($unicodeCollection, 'url_matcher8.php', array()),
array($hostTreeCollection, 'url_matcher9.php', array()),

View File

@ -18,10 +18,9 @@ class StaticPrefixCollectionTest extends TestCase
foreach ($routes as $route) {
list($path, $name) = $route;
$staticPrefix = (new Route($path))->compile()->getStaticPrefix();
$collection->addRoute($staticPrefix, $name);
$collection->addRoute($staticPrefix, array($name));
$dumped = $this->dumpCollection($collection);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $dumped);
@ -36,21 +35,22 @@ class StaticPrefixCollectionTest extends TestCase
array('/leading/segment/', 'leading_segment'),
/ root
/prefix/segment prefix_segment
/leading/segment leading_segment
'Not nested - group too small' => array(
'Nested - small group' => array(
array('/', 'root'),
array('/prefix/segment/aa', 'prefix_segment'),
array('/prefix/segment/bb', 'leading_segment'),
/ root
/prefix/segment/aa prefix_segment
/prefix/segment/bb leading_segment
-> prefix_segment
-> leading_segment
'Nested - contains item at intersection' => array(
@ -60,10 +60,10 @@ EOF
array('/prefix/segment/bb', 'leading_segment'),
/ root
-> /prefix/segment prefix_segment
-> /prefix/segment/bb leading_segment
-> prefix_segment
-> leading_segment
'Simple one level nesting' => array(
@ -74,11 +74,11 @@ EOF
array('/group/other/', 'other_segment'),
/ root
-> /group/segment nested_segment
-> /group/thing some_segment
-> /group/other other_segment
-> nested_segment
-> some_segment
-> other_segment
'Retain matching order with groups' => array(
@ -93,14 +93,14 @@ EOF
-> /group/aa aa
-> /group/bb bb
-> /group/cc cc
/ root
-> aa
-> bb
-> cc
-> /group/dd dd
-> /group/ee ee
-> /group/ff ff
-> dd
-> ee
-> ff
'Retain complex matching order with groups at base' => array(
@ -109,28 +109,30 @@ EOF
array('/prefixed/group/aa/', 'aa'),
array('/prefixed/group/bb/', 'bb'),
array('/prefixed/group/cc/', 'cc'),
array('/prefixed/', 'root'),
array('/prefixed/(.*)', 'root'),
array('/prefixed/group/dd/', 'dd'),
array('/prefixed/group/ee/', 'ee'),
array('/prefixed/', 'parent'),
array('/prefixed/group/ff/', 'ff'),
array('/aaa/222/', 'second_aaa'),
array('/aaa/333/', 'third_aaa'),
-> /aaa/111 first_aaa
-> /aaa/222 second_aaa
-> /aaa/333 third_aaa
-> first_aaa
-> second_aaa
-> third_aaa
-> /prefixed/group
-> -> /prefixed/group/aa aa
-> -> /prefixed/group/bb bb
-> -> /prefixed/group/cc cc
-> /prefixed root
-> -> aa
-> -> bb
-> -> cc
-> root
-> /prefixed/group
-> -> /prefixed/group/dd dd
-> -> /prefixed/group/ee ee
-> -> /prefixed/group/ff ff
-> -> dd
-> -> ee
-> -> ff
-> parent
@ -145,13 +147,13 @@ EOF
-> /aaa-111 a1
-> /aaa-222 a2
-> /aaa-333 a3
-> a1
-> a2
-> a3
-> /group-aa g1
-> /group-bb g2
-> /group-cc g3
-> g1
-> g2
-> g3
@ -161,7 +163,7 @@ EOF
$lines = array();
foreach ($collection->getItems() as $item) {
foreach ($collection->getRoutes() as $item) {
if ($item instanceof StaticPrefixCollection) {
$lines[] = $prefix.$item->getPrefix();
$lines[] = $this->dumpCollection($item, $prefix.'-> ');

View File

@ -475,6 +475,31 @@ class UrlMatcherTest extends TestCase
$this->assertEquals(array('_route' => 'buz'), $matcher->match('/prefix/buz'));
public function testSiblingRoutes()
$coll = new RouteCollection();
$coll->add('a', (new Route('/a{a}'))->setMethods('POST'));
$coll->add('b', (new Route('/a{a}'))->setMethods('PUT'));
$coll->add('c', new Route('/a{a}'));
$coll->add('d', (new Route('/b{a}'))->setCondition('false'));
$coll->add('e', (new Route('/{b}{a}'))->setCondition('false'));
$coll->add('f', (new Route('/{b}{a}'))->setRequirements(array('b' => 'b')));
$matcher = $this->getUrlMatcher($coll);
$this->assertEquals(array('_route' => 'c', 'a' => 'a'), $matcher->match('/aa'));
$this->assertEquals(array('_route' => 'f', 'b' => 'b', 'a' => 'a'), $matcher->match('/ba'));
public function testUnicodeRoute()
$coll = new RouteCollection();
$coll->add('a', new Route('/{a}', array(), array('a' => '.'), array('utf8' => false)));
$coll->add('b', new Route('/{a}', array(), array('a' => '.'), array('utf8' => true)));
$matcher = $this->getUrlMatcher($coll);
$this->assertEquals(array('_route' => 'b', 'a' => 'é'), $matcher->match('/é'));
protected function getUrlMatcher(RouteCollection $routes, RequestContext $context = null)
return new UrlMatcher($routes, $context ?: new RequestContext());