* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Messenger; use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Exception\LogicException; use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Stamp\HandledStamp; /** * Leverages a message bus to expect a single, synchronous message handling and return its result. * * @author Maxime Steinhausser * * @experimental in 4.2 */ trait HandleTrait { /** @var MessageBusInterface */ private $messageBus; /** * Dispatches the given message, expecting to be handled by a single handler * and returns the result from the handler returned value. * This behavior is useful for both synchronous command & query buses, * the last one usually returning the handler result. * * @param object|Envelope $message The message or the message pre-wrapped in an envelope * * @return mixed The handler returned value */ private function handle($message) { if (!$this->messageBus instanceof MessageBusInterface) { throw new LogicException(sprintf('You must provide a "%s" instance in the "%s::$messageBus" property, "%s" given.', MessageBusInterface::class, \get_class($this), \is_object($this->messageBus) ? \get_class($this->messageBus) : \gettype($this->messageBus))); } $envelope = $this->messageBus->dispatch($message); /** @var HandledStamp[] $handledStamps */ $handledStamps = $envelope->all(HandledStamp::class); if (!$handledStamps) { throw new LogicException(sprintf('Message of type "%s" was handled zero times. Exactly one handler is expected when using "%s::%s()".', \get_class($envelope->getMessage()), \get_class($this), __FUNCTION__)); } if (\count($handledStamps) > 1) { $handlers = implode(', ', array_map(function (HandledStamp $stamp): string { return sprintf('"%s"', $stamp->getHandlerAlias() ?? $stamp->getCallableName()); }, $handledStamps)); throw new LogicException(sprintf('Message of type "%s" was handled multiple times. Only one handler is expected when using "%s::%s()", got %d: %s.', \get_class($envelope->getMessage()), \get_class($this), __FUNCTION__, \count($handledStamps), $handlers)); } return $handledStamps[0]->getResult(); } }