UPGRADE FROM 2.2 to 2.3 ======================= ### Form * Although this was not officially supported nor documented, it was possible to set the option "validation_groups" to false, resulting in the group "Default" being validated. Now, if you set "validation_groups" to false, the validation of a form will be skipped (except for a few integrity checks on the form). If you want to validate a form in group "Default", you should either explicitly set "validation_groups" to "Default" or alternatively set it to null. Before: ``` // equivalent notations for validating in group "Default" "validation_groups" => null "validation_groups" => "Default" "validation_groups" => false // notation for skipping validation "validation_groups" => array() ``` After: ``` // equivalent notations for validating in group "Default" "validation_groups" => null "validation_groups" => "Default" // equivalent notations for skipping validation "validation_groups" => false "validation_groups" => array() ```