--- %YAML:1.0 test: Comments at the end of a line brief: > Comments at the end of a line yaml: | ex1: "foo # bar" ex2: "foo # bar" # comment ex3: 'foo # bar' # comment ex4: foo # comment php: | array('ex1' => 'foo # bar', 'ex2' => 'foo # bar', 'ex3' => 'foo # bar', 'ex4' => 'foo') --- test: Comments in the middle brief: > Comments in the middle yaml: | foo: # some comment # some comment bar: foo # some comment # some comment php: | array('foo' => array('bar' => 'foo')) --- test: Comments on a hash line brief: > Comments on a hash line yaml: | foo: # a comment foo: bar # a comment php: | array('foo' => array('foo' => 'bar')) --- test: 'Value starting with a #' brief: > 'Value starting with a #' yaml: | foo: '#bar' php: | array('foo' => '#bar') --- test: Document starting with a comment and a separator brief: > Commenting before document start is allowed yaml: | # document comment --- foo: bar # a comment php: | array('foo' => 'bar')