* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command; use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument; use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface; use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouterInterface; /** * A console command for retrieving information about routes * * @author Fabien Potencier */ class RouterDebugCommand extends ContainerAwareCommand { /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function isEnabled() { if (!$this->getContainer()->has('router')) { return false; } $router = $this->getContainer()->get('router'); if (!$router instanceof RouterInterface) { return false; } return parent::isEnabled(); } /** * @see Command */ protected function configure() { $this ->setDefinition(array( new InputArgument('name', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'A route name'), )) ->setName('router:debug') ->setDescription('Displays current routes for an application') ->setHelp(<<router:debug displays the configured routes: router:debug EOF ) ; } /** * @see Command */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $router = $this->getContainer()->get('router'); $routes = array(); foreach ($router->getRouteCollection()->all() as $name => $route) { $routes[$name] = $route->compile(); } if ($input->getArgument('name')) { $this->outputRoute($output, $routes, $input->getArgument('name')); } else { $this->outputRoutes($output, $routes); } } protected function outputRoutes(OutputInterface $output, $routes) { $output->writeln($this->getHelper('formatter')->formatSection('router', 'Current routes')); $maxName = 4; $maxMethod = 6; foreach ($routes as $name => $route) { $requirements = $route->getRequirements(); $method = isset($requirements['_method']) ? strtoupper(is_array($requirements['_method']) ? implode(', ', $requirements['_method']) : $requirements['_method']) : 'ANY'; if (strlen($name) > $maxName) { $maxName = strlen($name); } if (strlen($method) > $maxMethod) { $maxMethod = strlen($method); } } $format = '%-'.$maxName.'s %-'.$maxMethod.'s %s'; // displays the generated routes $format1 = '%-'.($maxName + 19).'s %-'.($maxMethod + 19).'s %s'; $output->writeln(sprintf($format1, 'Name', 'Method', 'Pattern')); foreach ($routes as $name => $route) { $requirements = $route->getRequirements(); $method = isset($requirements['_method']) ? strtoupper(is_array($requirements['_method']) ? implode(', ', $requirements['_method']) : $requirements['_method']) : 'ANY'; $output->writeln(sprintf($format, $name, $method, $route->getPattern())); } } /** * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When route does not exist */ protected function outputRoute(OutputInterface $output, $routes, $name) { $output->writeln($this->getHelper('formatter')->formatSection('router', sprintf('Route "%s"', $name))); if (!isset($routes[$name])) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The route "%s" does not exist.', $name)); } $route = $routes[$name]; $output->writeln(sprintf('Name %s', $name)); $output->writeln(sprintf('Pattern %s', $route->getPattern())); $output->writeln(sprintf('Class %s', get_class($route))); $defaults = ''; $d = $route->getDefaults(); ksort($d); foreach ($d as $name => $value) { $defaults .= ($defaults ? "\n".str_repeat(' ', 13) : '').$name.': '.$this->formatValue($value); } $output->writeln(sprintf('Defaults %s', $defaults)); $requirements = ''; $r = $route->getRequirements(); ksort($r); foreach ($r as $name => $value) { $requirements .= ($requirements ? "\n".str_repeat(' ', 13) : '').$name.': '.$this->formatValue($value); } $output->writeln(sprintf('Requirements %s', $requirements)); $options = ''; $o = $route->getOptions(); ksort($o); foreach ($o as $name => $value) { $options .= ($options ? "\n".str_repeat(' ', 13) : '').$name.': '.$this->formatValue($value); } $output->writeln(sprintf('Options %s', $options)); $output->write('Regex '); $output->writeln(preg_replace('/^ /', '', preg_replace('/^/m', ' ', $route->getRegex())), OutputInterface::OUTPUT_RAW); } protected function formatValue($value) { if (is_object($value)) { return sprintf('object(%s)', get_class($value)); } if (is_string($value)) { return $value; } return preg_replace("/\n\s*/s", '', var_export($value, true)); } }