* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Profiler; class MongoDbProfilerStorage implements ProfilerStorageInterface { protected $dsn; protected $lifetime; private $mongo; /** * Constructor. * * @param string $dsn A data source name */ public function __construct($dsn, $username = '', $password = '', $lifetime = 86400) { $this->dsn = $dsn; $this->lifetime = (int) $lifetime; } /** * Finds profiler tokens for the given criteria. * * @param string $ip The IP * @param string $url The URL * @param string $limit The maximum number of tokens to return * * @return array An array of tokens */ public function find($ip, $url, $limit) { $cursor = $this->getMongo()->find($this->buildQuery($ip, $url), array('_id', 'parent', 'ip', 'url', 'time'))->sort(array('time' => -1))->limit($limit); $tokens = array(); foreach ($cursor as $profile) { $tokens[] = $this->getData($profile); } return $tokens; } /** * Purges all data from the database. */ public function purge() { $this->getMongo()->remove(array()); } /** * Reads data associated with the given token. * * The method returns false if the token does not exists in the storage. * * @param string $token A token * * @return Profile The profile associated with token */ public function read($token) { $profile = $this->getMongo()->findOne(array('_id' => $token, 'data' => array('$exists' => true))); if (null !== $profile) { $profile = $this->createProfileFromData($this->getData($profile)); } return $profile; } /** * Write data associated with the given token. * * @param Profile $profile A Profile instance * * @return Boolean Write operation successful */ public function write(Profile $profile) { $this->cleanup(); $record = array( '_id' => $profile->getToken(), 'parent' => $profile->getParent() ? $profile->getParent()->getToken() : null, 'data' => serialize($profile->getCollectors()), 'ip' => $profile->getIp(), 'url' => $profile->getUrl(), 'time' => $profile->getTime() ); return $this->getMongo()->insert(array_filter($record, function ($v) { return !empty($v); })); } /** * Internal convenience method that returns the instance of the MongoDB Collection * * @return \MongoCollection */ protected function getMongo() { if ($this->mongo === null) { if (preg_match('#^(mongodb://.*)/(.*)/(.*)$#', $this->dsn, $matches)) { $mongo = new \Mongo($matches[1]); $database = $matches[2]; $collection = $matches[3]; $this->mongo = $mongo->selectCollection($database, $collection); } else { throw new \RuntimeException('Please check your configuration. You are trying to use MongoDB with an invalid dsn. "'.$this->dsn.'"'); } } return $this->mongo; } /** * @param array $data * @return Profile */ protected function createProfileFromData(array $data) { $profile = $this->getProfile($data); if ($data['parent']) { $parent = $this->getMongo()->findOne(array('_id' => $data['parent'], 'data' => array('$exists' => true))); if ($parent) { $profile->setParent($this->getProfile($this->getData($parent))); } } $profile->setChildren($this->readChildren($data['token'])); return $profile; } /** * @param string $token * @return array */ protected function readChildren($token) { $profiles = array(); $cursor = $this->getMongo()->find(array('parent' => $token, 'data' => array('$exists' => true))); foreach ($cursor as $d) { $profiles[] = $this->getProfile($this->getData($d)); } return $profiles; } protected function cleanup() { $this->getMongo()->remove(array('time' => array('$lt' => time() - $this->lifetime))); } /** * @param string $ip * @param string $url * @return array */ private function buildQuery($ip, $url) { $query = array(); if (!empty($ip)) { $query['ip'] = $ip; } if (!empty($url)) { $query['url'] = $url; } return $query; } /** * @param array $data * @return array */ private function getData(array $data) { return array( 'token' => $data['_id'], 'parent' => isset($data['parent']) ? $data['parent'] : null, 'ip' => isset($data['ip']) ? $data['ip'] : null, 'url' => isset($data['url']) ? $data['url'] : null, 'time' => isset($data['time']) ? $data['time'] : null, 'data' => isset($data['data']) ? $data['data'] : null, ); } /** * @param array $data * @return Profile */ private function getProfile(array $data) { $profile = new Profile($data['token']); $profile->setIp($data['ip']); $profile->setUrl($data['url']); $profile->setTime($data['time']); $profile->setCollectors(unserialize($data['data'])); return $profile; } }