name: PHPUnit on: push: pull_request: defaults: run: shell: bash jobs: tests: name: Tests runs-on: Ubuntu-20.04 env: extensions: amqp,apcu,igbinary,intl,mbstring,memcached,mongodb,redis strategy: matrix: include: - php: '7.2' - php: '8.0' - php: '7.4' mode: high-deps - php: '8.0' mode: low-deps - php: '8.1' mode: experimental fail-fast: false steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 with: fetch-depth: 2 - name: Configure for PHP 8.1 if: "${{ matrix.php == '8.1' }}" run: | echo "extensions=mbstring" >> $GITHUB_ENV composer config platform.php 8.0.99 - name: Setup PHP uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2 with: coverage: "none" ini-values: date.timezone=Europe/Paris,memory_limit=-1,default_socket_timeout=10,session.gc_probability=0,apc.enable_cli=1,zend.assertions=1 php-version: "${{ matrix.php }}" extensions: "${{ env.extensions }}" tools: flex - name: Configure environment run: | git config --global "" git config --global "Symfony" git config --global init.defaultBranch main git config --global advice.detachedHead false COMPOSER_HOME="$(composer config home)" ([ -d "$COMPOSER_HOME" ] || mkdir "$COMPOSER_HOME") && cp .github/composer-config.json "$COMPOSER_HOME/config.json" echo COLUMNS=120 >> $GITHUB_ENV echo PHPUNIT="$(readlink -f ./phpunit) --exclude-group tty,benchmark,intl-data" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo COMPOSER_UP='composer update --no-progress --ansi' >> $GITHUB_ENV SYMFONY_VERSIONS=$(git ls-remote -q --heads | cut -f2 | grep -o '/[1-9][0-9]*\.[0-9].*' | sort -V) SYMFONY_VERSION=$(grep ' VERSION = ' src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/Kernel.php | grep -P -o '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+') SYMFONY_FEATURE_BRANCH=$(curl -s | jq -r '."dev-name"') # Install the phpunit-bridge from a PR if required # # To run a PR with a patched phpunit-bridge, first submit the patch for the # phpunit-bridge as a separate PR against the next feature-branch then # uncomment and update the following line with that PR number #SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_BRIDGE_PR=32886 if [[ $SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_BRIDGE_PR ]]; then git fetch --depth=2 origin refs/pull/$SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_BRIDGE_PR/head git rm -rq src/Symfony/Bridge/PhpUnit git checkout -q FETCH_HEAD -- src/Symfony/Bridge/PhpUnit SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_BRIDGE_REF=$(curl -s$SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_BRIDGE_PR | jq -r .base.ref) sed -i 's/"symfony\/phpunit-bridge": ".*"/"symfony\/phpunit-bridge": "'$SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_BRIDGE_REF'.x@dev"/' composer.json rm -rf .phpunit fi # Create local composer packages for each patched components and reference them in composer.json files when cross-testing components if [[ ! "${{ matrix.mode }}" = *-deps ]]; then php .github/build-packages.php HEAD^ $SYMFONY_VERSION src/Symfony/Bridge/PhpUnit else echo SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER=weak >> $GITHUB_ENV cp composer.json composer.json.orig echo -e '{\n"require":{'"$(grep phpunit-bridge composer.json)"'"php":"*"},"minimum-stability":"dev"}' > composer.json php .github/build-packages.php HEAD^ $SYMFONY_VERSION $(find src/Symfony -mindepth 2 -type f -name composer.json -printf '%h\n') mv composer.json composer.json.phpunit mv composer.json.orig composer.json fi if [[ $SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_BRIDGE_PR ]]; then git rm -fq -- src/Symfony/Bridge/PhpUnit/composer.json git diff --staged -- src/Symfony/Bridge/PhpUnit/ | git apply -R --index fi # For the highest branch, in high-deps mode, the version before it is checked out and tested with the locally patched components if [[ "${{ matrix.mode }}" = high-deps && $SYMFONY_VERSION = $(echo "$SYMFONY_VERSIONS" | tail -n 1 | sed s/.//) ]]; then echo FLIP='^' >> $GITHUB_ENV SYMFONY_VERSION=$(echo "$SYMFONY_VERSIONS" | grep -FB1 /$SYMFONY_VERSION | head -n 1 | sed s/.//) git fetch --depth=2 origin $SYMFONY_VERSION git checkout -m FETCH_HEAD echo COMPONENTS=$(find src/Symfony -mindepth 2 -type f -name phpunit.xml.dist -printf '%h ') >> $GITHUB_ENV fi # Skip the phpunit-bridge on bugfix-branches when not in *-deps mode if [[ ! "${{ matrix.mode }}" = *-deps && $SYMFONY_VERSION != $SYMFONY_FEATURE_BRANCH ]]; then echo COMPONENTS=$(find src/Symfony -mindepth 2 -type f -name phpunit.xml.dist -not -wholename '*/Bridge/PhpUnit/*' -printf '%h ') >> $GITHUB_ENV else echo COMPONENTS=$(find src/Symfony -mindepth 2 -type f -name phpunit.xml.dist -printf '%h ') >> $GITHUB_ENV fi # Legacy tests are skipped when deps=high and when the current branch version has not the same major version number as the next one [[ "${{ matrix.mode }}" = high-deps && $SYMFONY_VERSION = *.4 ]] && echo LEGACY=,legacy >> $GITHUB_ENV || true echo SYMFONY_VERSION=$SYMFONY_VERSION >> $GITHUB_ENV echo COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION=$SYMFONY_VERSION.x-dev >> $GITHUB_ENV echo SYMFONY_REQUIRE=">=$([ '${{ matrix.mode }}' = low-deps ] && echo 3.4 || echo $SYMFONY_VERSION)" >> $GITHUB_ENV [[ "${{ matrix.mode }}" = *-deps ]] && mv composer.json.phpunit composer.json || true - name: Install dependencies run: | echo "::group::composer update" $COMPOSER_UP echo "::endgroup::" echo "::group::install phpunit" ./phpunit install echo "::endgroup::" - name: Patch return types if: "${{ matrix.php == '8.0' && ! matrix.mode }}" run: | sed -i 's/"\*\*\/Tests\/"//' composer.json composer install -q --optimize-autoloader SYMFONY_PATCH_TYPE_DECLARATIONS=force=1 php .github/patch-types.php SYMFONY_PATCH_TYPE_DECLARATIONS=force=1 php .github/patch-types.php # ensure the script is idempotent echo PHPUNIT="$PHPUNIT,legacy" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Run tests run: | _run_tests() { local ok=0 local title="$1$FLIP" local start=$(date -u +%s) OUTPUT=$(bash -xc "$2" 2>&1) || ok=1 local end=$(date -u +%s) if [[ $ok -ne 0 ]]; then printf "\n%-70s%10s\n" $title $(($end-$start))s echo "$OUTPUT" echo -e "\n::error::KO $title\\n" else printf "::group::%-68s%10s\n" $title $(($end-$start))s echo "$OUTPUT" echo -e "\n\\e[32mOK\\e[0m $title\\n\\n::endgroup::" fi [[ "${{ matrix.mode }}" = experimental ]] || (exit $ok) } export -f _run_tests if [[ ! "${{ matrix.mode }}" = *-deps ]]; then echo "$COMPONENTS" | xargs -n1 | parallel -j +3 "_run_tests {} '$PHPUNIT {}'" exit 0 fi (cd src/Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation; cp composer.json composer.bak; composer require --dev --no-update mongodb/mongodb) if [[ "${{ matrix.mode }}" = low-deps ]]; then echo "$COMPONENTS" | xargs -n1 | parallel -j +3 "_run_tests {} 'cd {} && $COMPOSER_UP --prefer-lowest --prefer-stable && $PHPUNIT'" exit 0 fi # matrix.mode = high-deps echo "$COMPONENTS" | xargs -n1 | parallel -j +3 "_run_tests {} 'cd {} && $COMPOSER_UP && $PHPUNIT$LEGACY'" || X=1 # get a list of the patched components (relies on .github/build-packages.php being called in the previous step) (cd src/Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation; mv composer.bak composer.json) PATCHED_COMPONENTS=$(git diff --name-only src/ | grep composer.json || true) # for x.4 branches, checkout and test previous major with the patched components (only for patched components) if [[ $PATCHED_COMPONENTS && $SYMFONY_VERSION = *.4 ]]; then export FLIP='^' SYMFONY_VERSION=$(echo $SYMFONY_VERSION | awk '{print $1 - 1}') echo -e "\\n\\e[33;1mChecking out Symfony $SYMFONY_VERSION and running tests with patched components as deps\\e[0m" export COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION=$SYMFONY_VERSION.x-dev export SYMFONY_REQUIRE=">=$SYMFONY_VERSION" git fetch --depth=2 origin $SYMFONY_VERSION git checkout -m FETCH_HEAD PATCHED_COMPONENTS=$(echo "$PATCHED_COMPONENTS" | xargs dirname | xargs -n1 -I{} bash -c "[ -e '{}/phpunit.xml.dist' ] && echo '{}'" | sort || true) (cd src/Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation; composer require --dev --no-update mongodb/mongodb) if [[ $PATCHED_COMPONENTS ]]; then echo "::group::install phpunit" ./phpunit install echo "::endgroup::" echo "$PATCHED_COMPONENTS" | parallel -j +3 "_run_tests {} 'cd {} && rm composer.lock vendor/ -Rf && $COMPOSER_UP && $PHPUNIT$LEGACY'" || X=1 fi fi [[ ! $X ]] || (exit 1) - name: Run tests with SIGCHLD enabled PHP if: "${{ matrix.php == '7.2' && ! matrix.mode }}" run: | mkdir build cd build wget -q tar -xjf php-7.2.5-pcntl-sigchild.tar.bz2 cd .. ./build/php/bin/php ./phpunit --colors=always src/Symfony/Component/Process