* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver; use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\Exception\OptionDefinitionException; use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\Exception\InvalidOptionsException; use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\Exception\MissingOptionsException; /** * Helper for merging default and concrete option values. * * @author Bernhard Schussek * @author Tobias Schultze */ class OptionsResolver { /** * The default option values. * @var Options */ private $defaultOptions; /** * The options known by the resolver. * @var array */ private $knownOptions = array(); /** * The options without defaults that are required to be passed to resolve(). * @var array */ private $requiredOptions = array(); /** * A list of accepted values for each option. * @var array */ private $allowedValues = array(); /** * A list of accepted types for each option. * @var array */ private $allowedTypes = array(); /** * A list of filters transforming each resolved options. * @var array */ private $filters = array(); /** * Creates a new instance. */ public function __construct() { $this->defaultOptions = new Options(); } /** * Sets default option values. * * The options can either be values of any types or closures that * evaluate the option value lazily. These closures must have one * of the following signatures: * * * function (Options $options) * function (Options $options, $value) * * * The second parameter passed to the closure is the previously * set default value, in case you are overwriting an existing * default value. * * The closures should return the lazily created option value. * * @param array $defaultValues A list of option names as keys and default * values or closures as values. * * @return OptionsResolver The resolver instance. */ public function setDefaults(array $defaultValues) { foreach ($defaultValues as $option => $value) { $this->defaultOptions->overload($option, $value); $this->knownOptions[$option] = true; unset($this->requiredOptions[$option]); } return $this; } /** * Replaces default option values. * * Old defaults are erased, which means that closures passed here cannot * access the previous default value. This may be useful to improve * performance if the previous default value is calculated by an expensive * closure. * * @param array $defaultValues A list of option names as keys and default * values or closures as values. * * @return OptionsResolver The resolver instance. */ public function replaceDefaults(array $defaultValues) { foreach ($defaultValues as $option => $value) { $this->defaultOptions->set($option, $value); $this->knownOptions[$option] = true; unset($this->requiredOptions[$option]); } return $this; } /** * Sets optional options. * * This method declares a valid option names without setting default values for * them. If these options are not passed to {@link resolve()} and no default has * been set for them, they will be missing in the final options array. This can * be helpful if you want to determine whether an option has been set or not * because otherwise {@link resolve()} would trigger an exception for unknown * options. * * @param array $optionNames A list of option names. * * @return OptionsResolver The resolver instance. * * @throws OptionDefinitionException When trying to pass default values. */ public function setOptional(array $optionNames) { foreach ($optionNames as $key => $option) { if (!is_int($key)) { throw new OptionDefinitionException('You should not pass default values to setOptional()'); } $this->knownOptions[$option] = true; } return $this; } /** * Sets required options. * * If these options are not passed to resolve() and no default has been set for * them, an exception will be thrown. * * @param array $optionNames A list of option names. * * @return OptionsResolver The resolver instance. * * @throws OptionDefinitionException When trying to pass default values. */ public function setRequired(array $optionNames) { foreach ($optionNames as $key => $option) { if (!is_int($key)) { throw new OptionDefinitionException('You should not pass default values to setRequired()'); } $this->knownOptions[$option] = true; // set as required if no default has been set already if (!isset($this->defaultOptions[$option])) { $this->requiredOptions[$option] = true; } } return $this; } /** * Sets allowed values for a list of options. * * @param array $allowedValues A list of option names as keys and arrays * with values acceptable for that option as * values. * * @return OptionsResolver The resolver instance. * * @throws InvalidOptionsException If an option has not been defined * (see {@link isKnown()}) for which * an allowed value is set. */ public function setAllowedValues(array $allowedValues) { $this->validateOptionsExistence($allowedValues); $this->allowedValues = array_replace($this->allowedValues, $allowedValues); return $this; } /** * Adds allowed values for a list of options. * * The values are merged with the allowed values defined previously. * * @param array $allowedValues A list of option names as keys and arrays * with values acceptable for that option as * values. * * @return OptionsResolver The resolver instance. * * @throws InvalidOptionsException If an option has not been defined for * which an allowed value is set. */ public function addAllowedValues(array $allowedValues) { $this->validateOptionsExistence($allowedValues); $this->allowedValues = array_merge_recursive($this->allowedValues, $allowedValues); return $this; } /** * Sets allowed types for a list of options. * * @param array $allowedTypes A list of option names as keys and type * names passed as string or array as values. * * @return OptionsResolver The resolver instance. * * @throws InvalidOptionsException If an option has not been defined for * which an allowed type is set. */ public function setAllowedTypes(array $allowedTypes) { $this->validateOptionNames(array_keys($allowedTypes)); $this->allowedTypes = array_replace($this->allowedTypes, $allowedTypes); return $this; } /** * Adds allowed types for a list of options. * * The types are merged with the allowed types defined previously. * * @param array $allowedTypes A list of option names as keys and type * names passed as string or array as values. * * @return OptionsResolver The resolver instance. * * @throws InvalidOptionsException If an option has not been defined for * which an allowed type is set. */ public function addAllowedTypes(array $allowedTypes) { $this->validateOptionNames(array_keys($allowedTypes)); $this->allowedTypes = array_merge_recursive($this->allowedTypes, $allowedTypes); return $this; } /** * Sets filters that are applied on resolved options. * * The filters should be closures with the following signature: * * * function (Options $options, $value) * * * The second parameter passed to the closure is the value of * the option. * * The closure should return the filtered value. * * @param array $filters * @return OptionsResolver */ public function setFilters(array $filters) { $this->validateOptionsExistence($filters); $this->filters = array_replace($this->filters, $filters); return $this; } /** * Returns whether an option is known. * * An option is known if it has been passed to either {@link setDefaults()}, * {@link setRequired()} or {@link setOptional()} before. * * @param string $option The name of the option. * @return Boolean Whether the option is known. */ public function isKnown($option) { return isset($this->knownOptions[$option]); } /** * Returns whether an option is required. * * An option is required if it has been passed to {@link setRequired()}, * but not to {@link setDefaults()}. That is, the option has been declared * as required and no default value has been set. * * @param string $option The name of the option. * @return Boolean Whether the option is required. */ public function isRequired($option) { return isset($this->requiredOptions[$option]); } /** * Returns the combination of the default and the passed options. * * @param array $options The custom option values. * * @return array A list of options and their values. * * @throws InvalidOptionsException If any of the passed options has not * been defined or does not contain an * allowed value. * @throws MissingOptionsException If a required option is missing. * @throws OptionDefinitionException If a cyclic dependency is detected * between two lazy options. */ public function resolve(array $options) { $this->validateOptionsExistence($options); $this->validateOptionsCompleteness($options); // Make sure this method can be called multiple times $combinedOptions = clone $this->defaultOptions; // Override options set by the user foreach ($options as $option => $value) { $combinedOptions->set($option, $value); } // Apply filters foreach ($this->filters as $option => $filter) { $combinedOptions->overload($option, $filter); } // Resolve options $resolvedOptions = $combinedOptions->all(); $this->validateOptionValues($resolvedOptions); $this->validateOptionTypes($resolvedOptions); return $resolvedOptions; } /** * Validates that the given option names exist and throws an exception * otherwise. * * @param array $options An list of option names as keys. * * @throws InvalidOptionsException If any of the options has not been defined. */ private function validateOptionsExistence(array $options) { $diff = array_diff_key($options, $this->knownOptions); if (count($diff) > 0) { ksort($this->knownOptions); ksort($diff); throw new InvalidOptionsException(sprintf( (count($diff) > 1 ? 'The options "%s" do not exist.' : 'The option "%s" does not exist.') . ' Known options are: "%s"', implode('", "', array_keys($diff)), implode('", "', array_keys($this->knownOptions)) )); } } /** * Validates that all required options are given and throws an exception * otherwise. * * @param array $options An list of option names as keys. * * @throws MissingOptionsException If a required option is missing. */ private function validateOptionsCompleteness(array $options) { $diff = array_diff_key($this->requiredOptions, $options); if (count($diff) > 0) { ksort($diff); throw new MissingOptionsException(sprintf( count($diff) > 1 ? 'The required options "%s" are missing.' : 'The required option "%s" is missing.', implode('", "', array_keys($diff)) )); } } /** * Validates that the given option values match the allowed values and * throws an exception otherwise. * * @param array $options A list of option values. * * @throws InvalidOptionsException If any of the values does not match the * allowed values of the option. */ private function validateOptionValues(array $options) { foreach ($this->allowedValues as $option => $allowedValues) { if (!in_array($options[$option], $allowedValues, true)) { throw new InvalidOptionsException(sprintf('The option "%s" has the value "%s", but is expected to be one of "%s"', $option, $options[$option], implode('", "', $allowedValues))); } } } /** * Validates that the given options match the allowed types and * throws an exception otherwise. * * @param array $options A list of options. * * @throws InvalidOptionsException If any of the types does not match the * allowed types of the option. */ private function validateOptionTypes(array $options) { foreach ($this->allowedTypes as $option => $allowedTypes) { $value = $options[$option]; $allowedTypes = (array) $allowedTypes; foreach ($allowedTypes as $type) { $isFunction = 'is_' . $type; if (function_exists($isFunction) && $isFunction($value)) { continue 2; } elseif ($value instanceof $type) { continue 2; } } $printableValue = is_object($value) ? get_class($value) : (is_array($value) ? 'Array' : (string) $value); throw new InvalidOptionsException(sprintf( 'The option "%s" with value "%s" is expected to be of type "%s"', $option, $printableValue, implode('", "', $allowedTypes) )); } } }