* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Tests\DependencyInjection; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DependencyInjection\Configuration; use Symfony\Bundle\FullStack; use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Processor; class ConfigurationTest extends TestCase { public function testDefaultConfig() { $processor = new Processor(); $config = $processor->processConfiguration(new Configuration(true), array(array('secret' => 's3cr3t'))); $this->assertEquals( array_merge(array('secret' => 's3cr3t', 'trusted_hosts' => array()), self::getBundleDefaultConfig()), $config ); } public function testDoNoDuplicateDefaultFormResources() { $input = array('templating' => array( 'form' => array('resources' => array('FrameworkBundle:Form')), 'engines' => array('php'), )); $processor = new Processor(); $config = $processor->processConfiguration(new Configuration(true), array($input)); $this->assertEquals(array('FrameworkBundle:Form'), $config['templating']['form']['resources']); } /** * @dataProvider getTestValidTrustedProxiesData */ public function testValidTrustedProxies($trustedProxies, $processedProxies) { $processor = new Processor(); $configuration = new Configuration(true); $config = $processor->processConfiguration($configuration, array(array( 'secret' => 's3cr3t', 'trusted_proxies' => $trustedProxies, ))); $this->assertEquals($processedProxies, $config['trusted_proxies']); } public function getTestValidTrustedProxiesData() { return array( array(array(''), array('')), array(array('::1'), array('::1')), array(array('', '::1'), array('', '::1')), array(null, array()), array(false, array()), array(array(), array()), array(array(''), array('')), array(array('::ffff:0:0/96'), array('::ffff:0:0/96')), array(array(''), array('')), ); } /** * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Exception\InvalidConfigurationException */ public function testInvalidTypeTrustedProxies() { $processor = new Processor(); $configuration = new Configuration(true); $processor->processConfiguration($configuration, array( array( 'secret' => 's3cr3t', 'trusted_proxies' => 'Not an IP address', ), )); } /** * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Exception\InvalidConfigurationException */ public function testInvalidValueTrustedProxies() { $processor = new Processor(); $configuration = new Configuration(true); $processor->processConfiguration($configuration, array( array( 'secret' => 's3cr3t', 'trusted_proxies' => array('Not an IP address'), ), )); } public function testAssetsCanBeEnabled() { $processor = new Processor(); $configuration = new Configuration(true); $config = $processor->processConfiguration($configuration, array(array('assets' => null))); $defaultConfig = array( 'enabled' => true, 'version_strategy' => null, 'version' => null, 'version_format' => '%%s?%%s', 'base_path' => '', 'base_urls' => array(), 'packages' => array(), ); $this->assertEquals($defaultConfig, $config['assets']); } /** * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Exception\InvalidConfigurationException * @expectedExceptionMessage You cannot use both "version_strategy" and "version" at the same time under "assets". */ public function testInvalidVersionStrategy() { $processor = new Processor(); $configuration = new Configuration(true); $processor->processConfiguration($configuration, array( array( 'assets' => array( 'base_urls' => '//example.com', 'version' => 1, 'version_strategy' => 'foo', ), ), )); } /** * @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Exception\InvalidConfigurationException * @expectedExceptionMessage You cannot use both "version_strategy" and "version" at the same time under "assets" packages. */ public function testInvalidPackageVersionStrategy() { $processor = new Processor(); $configuration = new Configuration(true); $processor->processConfiguration($configuration, array( array( 'assets' => array( 'base_urls' => '//example.com', 'version' => 1, 'packages' => array( 'foo' => array( 'base_urls' => '//example.com', 'version' => 1, 'version_strategy' => 'foo', ), ), ), ), )); } protected static function getBundleDefaultConfig() { return array( 'http_method_override' => true, 'trusted_proxies' => array(), 'ide' => null, 'default_locale' => 'en', 'csrf_protection' => array( 'enabled' => false, ), 'form' => array( 'enabled' => !class_exists(FullStack::class), 'csrf_protection' => array( 'enabled' => null, // defaults to csrf_protection.enabled 'field_name' => '_token', ), ), 'esi' => array('enabled' => false), 'ssi' => array('enabled' => false), 'fragments' => array( 'enabled' => false, 'path' => '/_fragment', ), 'profiler' => array( 'enabled' => false, 'only_exceptions' => false, 'only_master_requests' => false, 'dsn' => 'file:%kernel.cache_dir%/profiler', 'collect' => true, 'matcher' => array( 'enabled' => false, 'ips' => array(), ), ), 'translator' => array( 'enabled' => !class_exists(FullStack::class), 'fallbacks' => array('en'), 'logging' => true, 'paths' => array(), ), 'validation' => array( 'enabled' => !class_exists(FullStack::class), 'enable_annotations' => !class_exists(FullStack::class), 'static_method' => array('loadValidatorMetadata'), 'translation_domain' => 'validators', 'strict_email' => false, 'mapping' => array( 'paths' => array(), ), ), 'annotations' => array( 'cache' => 'php_array', 'file_cache_dir' => '%kernel.cache_dir%/annotations', 'debug' => true, 'enabled' => true, ), 'serializer' => array( 'enabled' => !class_exists(FullStack::class), 'enable_annotations' => !class_exists(FullStack::class), 'mapping' => array('paths' => array()), ), 'property_access' => array( 'magic_call' => false, 'throw_exception_on_invalid_index' => false, ), 'property_info' => array( 'enabled' => false, ), 'router' => array( 'enabled' => false, 'http_port' => 80, 'https_port' => 443, 'strict_requirements' => true, ), 'session' => array( 'enabled' => false, 'storage_id' => 'session.storage.native', 'handler_id' => 'session.handler.native_file', 'cookie_httponly' => true, 'gc_probability' => 1, 'save_path' => '%kernel.cache_dir%/sessions', 'metadata_update_threshold' => '0', ), 'request' => array( 'enabled' => false, 'formats' => array(), ), 'templating' => array( 'enabled' => false, 'hinclude_default_template' => null, 'form' => array( 'resources' => array('FrameworkBundle:Form'), ), 'engines' => array(), 'loaders' => array(), ), 'assets' => array( 'enabled' => !class_exists(FullStack::class), 'version_strategy' => null, 'version' => null, 'version_format' => '%%s?%%s', 'base_path' => '', 'base_urls' => array(), 'packages' => array(), ), 'cache' => array( 'pools' => array(), 'app' => 'cache.adapter.filesystem', 'system' => 'cache.adapter.system', 'directory' => '%kernel.cache_dir%/pools', 'default_redis_provider' => 'redis://localhost', 'default_memcached_provider' => 'memcached://localhost', ), 'workflows' => array(), 'php_errors' => array( 'log' => true, 'throw' => true, ), ); } }