UPGRADE FROM 3.1 to 3.2 ======================= FrameworkBundle --------------- * The `Controller::getUser()` method has been deprecated and will be removed in Symfony 4.0; typehint the security user object in the action instead. DependencyInjection ------------------- * Calling `get()` on a `ContainerBuilder` instance before compiling the container is deprecated and will throw an exception in Symfony 4.0. Form ---- * Calling `isValid()` on a `Form` instance before submitting it is deprecated and will throw an exception in Symfony 4.0. Before: ```php if ($form->isValid()) { // ... } ``` After: ```php if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) { // ... } ``` FrameworkBundle --------------- * The service `serializer.mapping.cache.doctrine.apc` is deprecated. APCu should now be automatically used when available. HttpFoundation --------------- * Extending the following methods of `Response` is deprecated (these methods will be `final` in 4.0): - `setDate`/`getDate` - `setExpires`/`getExpires` - `setLastModified`/`getLastModified` - `setProtocolVersion`/`getProtocolVersion` - `setStatusCode`/`getStatusCode` - `setCharset`/`getCharset` - `setPrivate`/`setPublic` - `getAge` - `getMaxAge`/`setMaxAge` - `setSharedMaxAge` - `getTtl`/`setTtl` - `setClientTtl` - `getEtag`/`setEtag` - `hasVary`/`getVary`/`setVary` - `isInvalid`/`isSuccessful`/`isRedirection`/`isClientError`/`isServerError` - `isOk`/`isForbidden`/`isNotFound`/`isRedirect`/`isEmpty` Validator --------- * `Tests\Constraints\AbstractConstraintValidatorTest` has been deprecated in favor of `Test\ConstraintValidatorTestCase`. Before: ```php // ... use Symfony\Component\Validator\Tests\Constraints\AbstractConstraintValidatorTest; class MyCustomValidatorTest extends AbstractConstraintValidatorTest { // ... } ``` After: ```php // ... use Symfony\Component\Validator\Test\ConstraintValidatorTestCase; class MyCustomValidatorTest extends ConstraintValidatorTestCase { // ... } ``` Yaml ---- * Support for silently ignoring duplicate mapping keys in YAML has been deprecated and will lead to a `ParseException` in Symfony 4.0. * Mappings with a colon (`:`) that is not followed by a whitespace are deprecated and will lead to a `ParseException` in Symfony 4.0 (e.g. `foo:bar` must be `foo: bar`).