CHANGELOG ========= 3.4.0 ----- * added PruneableInterface so PSR-6 or PSR-16 cache implementations can declare support for manual stale cache pruning * added FilesystemTrait::prune() and PhpFilesTrait::prune() implementations * now FilesystemAdapter, PhpFilesAdapter, FilesystemCache, and PhpFilesCache implement PruneableInterface and support manual stale cache pruning 3.3.0 ----- * [EXPERIMENTAL] added CacheItem::getPreviousTags() to get bound tags coming from the pool storage if any * added PSR-16 "Simple Cache" implementations for all existing PSR-6 adapters * added Psr6Cache and SimpleCacheAdapter for bidirectional interoperability between PSR-6 and PSR-16 * added MemcachedAdapter (PSR-6) and MemcachedCache (PSR-16) * added TraceableAdapter (PSR-6) and TraceableCache (PSR-16) 3.2.0 ----- * added TagAwareAdapter for tags-based invalidation * added PdoAdapter with PDO and Doctrine DBAL support * added PhpArrayAdapter and PhpFilesAdapter for OPcache-backed shared memory storage (PHP 7+ only) * added NullAdapter 3.1.0 ----- * added the component with strict PSR-6 implementations * added ApcuAdapter, ArrayAdapter, FilesystemAdapter and RedisAdapter * added AbstractAdapter, ChainAdapter and ProxyAdapter * added DoctrineAdapter and DoctrineProvider for bidirectional interoperability with Doctrine Cache