* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder; use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\ArrayNode; use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\PrototypedArrayNode; use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\NodeInterface; /** * This class provides a fluent interface for defining an array node. * * @author Johannes M. Schmitt */ class ArrayNodeDefinition extends NodeDefinition implements ParentNodeDefinitionInterface { protected $performDeepMerging; protected $ignoreExtraKeys; protected $children; protected $prototype; protected $atLeastOne; protected $allowNewKeys; protected $key; protected $removeKeyItem; protected $addDefaults; protected $nodeBuilder; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function __construct($name, NodeParentInterface $parent = null) { parent::__construct($name, $parent); $this->children = array(); $this->addDefaults = false; $this->allowNewKeys = true; $this->atLeastOne = false; $this->allowEmptyValue = true; $this->performDeepMerging = true; $this->nullEquivalent = array(); $this->trueEquivalent = array(); } /** * Set a custom children builder * * @param NodeBuilder $builder A custom NodeBuilder */ public function setBuilder(NodeBuilder $builder) { $this->nodeBuilder = $builder; } /** * Returns a builder to add children nodes * * @return NodeBuilder */ public function children() { return $this->getNodeBuilder(); } /** * Sets a prototype for child nodes. * * @param string $type the type of node * * @return NodeDefinition */ public function prototype($type) { $builder = $this->getNodeBuilder(); $this->prototype = $builder->node(null, $type); $this->prototype->parent = $this; return $this->prototype; } /** * Adds the default value if the node is not set in the configuration. * * @return ArrayNodeDefinition */ public function addDefaultsIfNotSet() { $this->addDefaults = true; return $this; } /** * Requires the node to have at least one element. * * @return ArrayNodeDefinition */ public function requiresAtLeastOneElement() { $this->atLeastOne = true; return $this; } /** * Disallows adding news keys in a subsequent configuration. * * If used all keys have to be defined in the same configuration file. * * @return ArrayNodeDefinition */ public function disallowNewKeysInSubsequentConfigs() { $this->allowNewKeys = false; return $this; } /** * Sets a normalization rule for XML configurations. * * @param string $singular The key to remap * @param string $plural The plural of the key for irregular plurals * * @return ArrayNodeDefinition */ public function fixXmlConfig($singular, $plural = null) { $this->normalization()->remap($singular, $plural); return $this; } /** * Set the attribute which value is to be used as key. * * This is useful when you have an indexed array that should be an * associative array. You can select an item from within the array * to be the key of the particular item. For example, if "id" is the * "key", then: * * array( * array('id' => 'my_name', 'foo' => 'bar'), * ) * * becomes * * array( * 'my_name' => array('foo' => 'bar'), * ) * * If you'd like "'id' => 'my_name'" to still be present in the resulting * array, then you can set the second argument of this method to false. * * @param string $name The name of the key * @param Boolean $removeKeyItem Whether or not the key item should be removed. * * @return ArrayNodeDefinition */ public function useAttributeAsKey($name, $removeKeyItem = true) { $this->key = $name; $this->removeKeyItem = $removeKeyItem; return $this; } /** * Sets whether the node can be unset. * * @param Boolean $allow * * @return ArrayNodeDefinition */ public function canBeUnset($allow = true) { $this->merge()->allowUnset($allow); return $this; } /** * Disables the deep merging of the node. * * @return ArrayNodeDefinition */ public function performNoDeepMerging() { $this->performDeepMerging = false; return $this; } /** * Allows extra config keys to be specified under an array without * throwing an exception. * * Those config values are simply ignored. This should be used only * in special cases where you want to send an entire configuration * array through a special tree that processes only part of the array. * * @return ArrayNodeDefinition */ public function ignoreExtraKeys() { $this->ignoreExtraKeys = true; return $this; } /** * Append a node definition. * * $node = new ArrayNodeDefinition() * ->children() * ->scalarNode('foo') * ->scalarNode('baz') * ->end() * ->append($this->getBarNodeDefinition()) * ; * * @return ArrayNodeDefinition This node */ public function append(NodeDefinition $node) { $this->children[$node->name] = $node->setParent($this); return $this; } /** * Returns a node builder to be used to add children and protoype * * @return NodeBuilder The node builder */ protected function getNodeBuilder() { if (null === $this->nodeBuilder) { $this->nodeBuilder = new NodeBuilder(); } return $this->nodeBuilder->setParent($this); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function createNode() { if (null == $this->prototype) { $node = new ArrayNode($this->name, $this->parent); } else { $node = new PrototypedArrayNode($this->name, $this->parent); } $node->setAddIfNotSet($this->addDefaults); $node->setAllowNewKeys($this->allowNewKeys); $node->addEquivalentValue(null, $this->nullEquivalent); $node->addEquivalentValue(true, $this->trueEquivalent); $node->addEquivalentValue(false, $this->falseEquivalent); $node->setPerformDeepMerging($this->performDeepMerging); $node->setRequired($this->required); $node->setIgnoreExtraKeys($this->ignoreExtraKeys); if (null !== $this->normalization) { $node->setNormalizationClosures($this->normalization->before); $node->setXmlRemappings($this->normalization->remappings); } if (null !== $this->merge) { $node->setAllowOverwrite($this->merge->allowOverwrite); $node->setAllowFalse($this->merge->allowFalse); } if (null !== $this->validation) { $node->setFinalValidationClosures($this->validation->rules); } if (null == $this->prototype) { foreach ($this->children as $child) { $child->parent = $node; $node->addChild($child->getNode()); } } else { if (null !== $this->key) { $node->setKeyAttribute($this->key, $this->removeKeyItem); } if (true === $this->atLeastOne) { $node->setMinNumberOfElements(1); } if (null !== $this->defaultValue) { $node->setDefaultValue($this->defaultValue); } $this->prototype->parent = $node; $node->setPrototype($this->prototype->getNode()); } return $node; } }