* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ require_once __DIR__.'/../../../bootstrap.php'; use Symfony\Components\OutputEscaper\Safe; $t = new LimeTest(13); // ->getValue() $t->diag('->getValue()'); $safe = new Safe('foo'); $t->is($safe->getValue(), 'foo', '->getValue() returns the embedded value'); // ->__set() ->__get() $t->diag('->__set() ->__get()'); class TestClass1 { public $foo = 'bar'; } $safe = new Safe(new TestClass1()); $t->is($safe->foo, 'bar', '->__get() returns the object parameter'); $safe->foo = 'baz'; $t->is($safe->foo, 'baz', '->__set() sets the object parameter'); // ->__call() $t->diag('->__call()'); class TestClass2 { public function doSomething() { return 'ok'; } } $safe = new Safe(new TestClass2()); $t->is($safe->doSomething(), 'ok', '->__call() invokes the embedded method'); // ->__isset() ->__unset() $t->diag('->__isset() ->__unset()'); class TestClass3 { public $boolValue = true, $nullValue = null; } $safe = new Safe(new TestClass3()); $t->is(isset($safe->boolValue), true, '->__isset() returns true if the property is not null'); $t->is(isset($safe->nullValue), false, '->__isset() returns false if the property is null'); $t->is(isset($safe->undefinedValue), false, '->__isset() returns false if the property does not exist'); unset($safe->boolValue); $t->is(isset($safe->boolValue), false, '->__unset() unsets the embedded property'); // Iterator $t->diag('Iterator'); $input = array('one' => 1, 'two' => 2, 'three' => 3, 'children' => array(1, 2, 3)); $output = array(); $safe = new Safe($input); foreach ($safe as $key => $value) { $output[$key] = $value; } $t->same($output, $input, '"Iterator" implementation imitates an array'); // ArrayAccess $t->diag('ArrayAccess'); $safe = new Safe(array('foo' => 'bar')); $t->is($safe['foo'], 'bar', '"ArrayAccess" implementation returns a value from the embedded array'); $safe['foo'] = 'baz'; $t->is($safe['foo'], 'baz', '"ArrayAccess" implementation sets a value on the embedded array'); $t->is(isset($safe['foo']), true, '"ArrayAccess" checks if a value is set on the embedded array'); unset($safe['foo']); $t->is(isset($safe['foo']), false, '"ArrayAccess" unsets a value on the embedded array');