* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Tests\Component\Locale\Stub; use Symfony\Component\Locale\Locale; use Symfony\Component\Locale\Stub\StubIntlDateFormatter; class StubIntlDateFormatterTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public function formatProvider() { return array( array('y-M-d', 0, '1970-1-1'), /* escaping */ array("'M", 0, 'M'), array("'yy", 0, 'yy'), array("'''yy", 0, "'yy"), array("''y", 0, "'1970"), array("''yy", 0, "'70"), /* month */ array('M', 0, '1'), array('MM', 0, '01'), array('MMM', 0, 'Jan'), array('MMMM', 0, 'January'), array('MMMMM', 0, 'J'), array('MMMMMM', 0, '000001'), array('L', 0, '1'), array('LL', 0, '01'), array('LLL', 0, 'Jan'), array('LLLL', 0, 'January'), array('LLLLL', 0, 'J'), array('LLLLLL', 0, '000001'), /* year */ array('y', 0, '1970'), array('yy', 0, '70'), array('yyy', 0, '1970'), array('yyyy', 0, '1970'), array('yyyyy', 0, '01970'), array('yyyyyy', 0, '001970'), /* day */ array('d', 0, '1'), array('dd', 0, '01'), array('ddd', 0, '001'), /* era */ array('G', 0, 'AD'), array('G', -62167222800, 'BC'), /* quarter */ array('Q', 0, '1'), array('QQ', 0, '01'), array('QQQ', 0, 'Q1'), array('QQQQ', 0, '1st quarter'), array('QQQQQ', 0, '1st quarter'), array('q', 0, '1'), array('qq', 0, '01'), array('qqq', 0, 'Q1'), array('qqqq', 0, '1st quarter'), array('qqqqq', 0, '1st quarter'), // 4 months array('Q', 7776000, '2'), array('QQ', 7776000, '02'), array('QQQ', 7776000, 'Q2'), array('QQQQ', 7776000, '2nd quarter'), // 7 months array('QQQQ', 15638400, '3rd quarter'), // 10 months array('QQQQ', 23587200, '4th quarter'), /* hour */ array('h', 0, '12'), array('hh', 0, '12'), array('hhh', 0, '012'), array('h', 1, '12'), array('h', 3600, '1'), /* day of year */ array('D', 0, '1'), array('D', 86400, '2'), // 1 day array('D', 31536000, '1'), // 1 year array('D', 31622400, '2'), // 1 year + 1 day /* day of week */ array('E', 0, 'Thu'), array('EE', 0, 'Thu'), array('EEE', 0, 'Thu'), array('EEEE', 0, 'Thursday'), array('EEEEE', 0, 'T'), array('EEEEEE', 0, 'Thu'), array('E', 1296540000, 'Tue'), // 2011-02-01 array('E', 1296950400, 'Sun'), // 2011-02-06 /* am/pm marker */ array('a', 0, 'AM'), array('aa', 0, 'AM'), array('aaa', 0, 'AM'), array('aaaa', 0, 'AM'), // 12 hours array('a', 43200, 'PM'), array('aa', 43200, 'PM'), array('aaa', 43200, 'PM'), array('aaaa', 43200, 'PM'), ); } /** * provides data for cases that are broken in icu/intl */ public function brokenFormatProvider() { return array( /* escaping */ array("'y-'M-'d", 0, 'y-M-d'), /* weird bugs */ array("WTF 'y-'M", 0, '0T1 y-M'), array("n-'M", 0, 'n-M'), ); } /** * @expectedException InvalidArgumentException */ public function testConstructorWithUnsupportedLocale() { $formatter = new StubIntlDateFormatter('pt_BR', StubIntlDateFormatter::MEDIUM, StubIntlDateFormatter::SHORT); } public function testConstructor() { $formatter = new StubIntlDateFormatter('en', StubIntlDateFormatter::MEDIUM, StubIntlDateFormatter::SHORT, 'UTC', StubIntlDateFormatter::GREGORIAN, 'Y-M-d'); $this->assertEquals('Y-M-d', $formatter->getPattern()); } /** * @dataProvider formatProvider */ public function testFormat($pattern, $timestamp, $expected) { $formatter = new StubIntlDateFormatter('en', StubIntlDateFormatter::MEDIUM, StubIntlDateFormatter::SHORT, 'UTC', StubIntlDateFormatter::GREGORIAN, $pattern); $this->assertSame($expected, $formatter->format($timestamp), 'Check date format with stub implementation.'); if (extension_loaded('intl')) { $formatter = new \IntlDateFormatter('en', \IntlDateFormatter::MEDIUM, \IntlDateFormatter::SHORT, 'UTC', \IntlDateFormatter::GREGORIAN, $pattern); $this->assertSame($expected, $formatter->format($timestamp), 'Check date format with intl extension.'); } } /** * @dataProvider brokenFormatProvider */ public function testBrokenFormat($pattern, $timestamp, $expected) { $this->markTestSkipped('icu/intl has some bugs, thus skipping.'); $formatter = new StubIntlDateFormatter('en', StubIntlDateFormatter::MEDIUM, StubIntlDateFormatter::SHORT, 'UTC', StubIntlDateFormatter::GREGORIAN, $pattern); $this->assertSame($expected, $formatter->format($timestamp), 'Check date format with stub implementation.'); if (extension_loaded('intl')) { $formatter = new \IntlDateFormatter('en', \IntlDateFormatter::MEDIUM, \IntlDateFormatter::SHORT, 'UTC', \IntlDateFormatter::GREGORIAN, $pattern); $this->assertSame($expected, $formatter->format($timestamp), 'Check date format with intl extension.'); } } /** * @expectedException RuntimeException */ public function testGetCalendar() { $formatter = new StubIntlDateFormatter('en', StubIntlDateFormatter::MEDIUM, StubIntlDateFormatter::SHORT); $formatter->getCalendar(); } }