* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Tests\Components\Finder; use Symfony\Components\Finder\Glob; class GlobTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { /** * @dataProvider getToRegexData */ public function testToRegex($glob, $match, $noMatch) { foreach ($match as $m) { $this->assertRegExp(Glob::toRegex($glob), $m, '::toRegex() converts a glob to a regexp'); } foreach ($noMatch as $m) { $this->assertNotRegExp(Glob::toRegex($glob), $m, '::toRegex() converts a glob to a regexp'); } } public function getToRegexData() { return array( array('', array(''), array('f', '/')), array('*', array('foo'), array('foo/', '/foo')), array('foo.*', array('foo.php', 'foo.a', 'foo.'), array('fooo.php', 'foo.php/foo')), array('fo?', array('foo', 'fot'), array('fooo', 'ffoo', 'fo/')), array('fo{o,t}', array('foo', 'fot'), array('fob', 'fo/')), array('foo(bar|foo)', array('foo(bar|foo)'), array('foobar', 'foofoo')), array('foo,bar', array('foo,bar'), array('foo', 'bar')), array('fo{o,\\,}', array('foo', 'fo,'), array()), array('fo{o,\\\\}', array('foo', 'fo\\'), array()), array('/foo', array('/foo'), array('foo')), ); } }