* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ require_once __DIR__.'/../../../../bootstrap.php'; require_once __DIR__.'/../../../../../lib/SymfonyTests/Components/Templating/ProjectTemplateDebugger.php'; use Symfony\Components\Templating\Loader\Loader; use Symfony\Components\Templating\Loader\CacheLoader; use Symfony\Components\Templating\Loader\CompilableLoaderInterface; $t = new LimeTest(9); class ProjectTemplateLoader extends CacheLoader { public function getDir() { return $this->dir; } public function getLoader() { return $this->loader; } } class ProjectTemplateLoaderVar extends Loader { public function getIndexTemplate() { return 'Hello World'; } public function getSpecialTemplate() { return 'Hello {{ name }}'; } public function load($template, $renderer = 'php') { if (method_exists($this, $method = 'get'.ucfirst($template).'Template')) { return $this->$method(); } return false; } } class CompilableTemplateLoader extends ProjectTemplateLoaderVar implements CompilableLoaderInterface { public function compile($template) { return preg_replace('/{{\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*}}/', '', $template); } } // __construct() $t->diag('__construct()'); $loader = new ProjectTemplateLoader($varLoader = new ProjectTemplateLoaderVar(), sys_get_temp_dir()); $t->ok($loader->getLoader() === $varLoader, '__construct() takes a template loader as its first argument'); $t->is($loader->getDir(), sys_get_temp_dir(), '__construct() takes a directory where to store the cache as its second argument'); // ->load() $t->diag('->load()'); $dir = sys_get_temp_dir().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.rand(111111, 999999); mkdir($dir, 0777, true); $loader = new ProjectTemplateLoader($varLoader = new ProjectTemplateLoaderVar(), $dir); $loader->setDebugger($debugger = new ProjectTemplateDebugger()); $t->ok($loader->load('foo') === false, '->load() returns false if the embed loader is not able to load the template'); $loader->load('index'); $t->ok($debugger->hasMessage('Storing template'), '->load() logs a "Storing template" message if the template is found'); $loader->load('index'); $t->ok($debugger->hasMessage('Fetching template'), '->load() logs a "Storing template" message if the template is fetched from cache'); $t->diag('load() template compilation'); $dir = sys_get_temp_dir().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.rand(111111, 999999); mkdir($dir, 0777, true); $loader = new ProjectTemplateLoader(new CompilableTemplateLoader(), $dir); $loader->setDebugger($debugger = new ProjectTemplateDebugger()); $template = $loader->load('special', 'comp'); $t->ok($debugger->hasMessage('Storing template'), '->load() logs a "Storing template" message if the template is found'); $t->is($template->getRenderer(), 'php', '->load() changes the renderer to php if the template is compilable'); $template = $loader->load('special', 'comp'); $t->ok($debugger->hasMessage('Fetching template'), '->load() logs a "Storing template" message if the template is fetched from cache'); $t->is($template->getRenderer(), 'php', '->load() changes the renderer to php if the template is compilable');