* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Tests\Component\Locale\Stub; require_once __DIR__.'/../TestCase.php'; use Symfony\Component\Locale\Locale; use Symfony\Component\Locale\Stub\StubIntl; use Symfony\Tests\Component\Locale\TestCase as LocaleTestCase; class StubIntlTest extends LocaleTestCase { public function codeProvider() { return array ( array(-129, '[BOGUS UErrorCode]'), array(0, 'U_ZERO_ERROR'), array(1, 'U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR'), array(9, 'U_PARSE_ERROR'), array(129, '[BOGUS UErrorCode]'), ); } /** * @dataProvider codeProvider */ public function testGetErrorName($code, $name) { $this->assertSame($name, StubIntl::getErrorName($code)); } /** * @dataProvider codeProvider */ public function testGetErrorNameWithIntl($code, $name) { $this->skipIfIntlExtensionIsNotLoaded(); $this->assertSame(intl_error_name($code), StubIntl::getErrorName($code)); } }