UPGRADE FROM 5.0 to 5.1 ======================= Console ------- * `Command::setHidden()` is final since Symfony 5.1 DependencyInjection ------------------- * The signature of method `Definition::setDeprecated()` has been updated to `Definition::setDeprecation(string $package, string $version, string $message)`. * The signature of method `Alias::setDeprecated()` has been updated to `Alias::setDeprecation(string $package, string $version, string $message)`. * The signature of method `DeprecateTrait::deprecate()` has been updated to `DeprecateTrait::deprecation(string $package, string $version, string $message)`. Dotenv ------ * Deprecated passing `$usePutenv` argument to Dotenv's constructor, use `Dotenv::usePutenv()` instead. EventDispatcher --------------- * Deprecated `LegacyEventDispatcherProxy`. Use the event dispatcher without the proxy. Form ---- * Implementing the `FormConfigInterface` without implementing the `getIsEmptyCallback()` method is deprecated. The method will be added to the interface in 6.0. * Implementing the `FormConfigBuilderInterface` without implementing the `setIsEmptyCallback()` method is deprecated. The method will be added to the interface in 6.0. * Added argument `callable|null $filter` to `ChoiceListFactoryInterface::createListFromChoices()` and `createListFromLoader()` - not defining them is deprecated. FrameworkBundle --------------- * Deprecated passing a `RouteCollectionBuilder` to `MicroKernelTrait::configureRoutes()`, type-hint `RoutingConfigurator` instead * Deprecated *not* setting the "framework.router.utf8" configuration option as it will default to `true` in Symfony 6.0 HttpFoundation -------------- * Deprecate `Response::create()`, `JsonResponse::create()`, `RedirectResponse::create()`, and `StreamedResponse::create()` methods (use `__construct()` instead) * Made the Mime component an optional dependency HttpKernel ---------- * Deprecated support for `service:action` syntax to reference controllers. Use `serviceOrFqcn::method` instead. Mailer ------ * Deprecated passing Mailgun headers without their "h:" prefix. Messenger --------- * Deprecated AmqpExt transport. It has moved to a separate package. Run `composer require symfony/amqp-messenger` to use the new classes. * Deprecated Doctrine transport. It has moved to a separate package. Run `composer require symfony/doctrine-messenger` to use the new classes. * Deprecated RedisExt transport. It has moved to a separate package. Run `composer require symfony/redis-messenger` to use the new classes. * Deprecated use of invalid options in Redis and AMQP connections. Notifier -------- * [BC BREAK] The `ChatMessage::fromNotification()` method's `$recipient` and `$transport` arguments were removed. * [BC BREAK] The `EmailMessage::fromNotification()` and `SmsMessage::fromNotification()` methods' `$transport` argument was removed. PhpUnitBridge ------------- * Deprecated the `@expectedDeprecation` annotation, use the `ExpectDeprecationTrait::expectDeprecation()` method instead. Routing ------- * Deprecated `RouteCollectionBuilder` in favor of `RoutingConfigurator`. * Added argument `$priority` to `RouteCollection::add()` * Deprecated the `RouteCompiler::REGEX_DELIMITER` constant Security -------- * Deprecated `ROLE_PREVIOUS_ADMIN` role in favor of `IS_IMPERSONATOR` attribute. *before* ```twig {% if is_granted('ROLE_PREVIOUS_ADMIN') %} Exit impersonation {% endif %} ``` *after* ```twig {% if is_granted('IS_IMPERSONATOR') %} Exit impersonation {% endif %} ``` Yaml ---- * Deprecated using the `!php/object` and `!php/const` tags without a value.