UPGRADE FROM 2.1 to 2.2 ======================= ### HttpFoundation * The MongoDbSessionHandler default field names and timestamp type have changed. The `sess_` prefix was removed from default field names. The session ID is now stored in the `_id` field by default. The session date is now stored as a `MongoDate` instead of `MongoTimestamp`, which also makes it possible to use TTL collections in MongoDB 2.2+ instead of relying on the `gc()` method. * The Stopwatch functionality was moved from HttpKernel\Debug to its own component #### Deprecations * The `Request::splitHttpAcceptHeader()` is deprecated and will be removed in 2.3. You should now use the `AcceptHeader` class which give you fluent methods to parse request accept-* headers. Some examples: ``` $accept = AcceptHeader::fromString($request->headers->get('Accept')); if ($accept->has('text/html') { $item = $accept->get('html'); $charset = $item->getAttribute('charset', 'utf-8'); $quality = $item->getQuality(); } // accepts items are sorted by descending quality $accepts = AcceptHeader::fromString($request->headers->get('Accept'))->all(); ```