UPGRADE FROM 2.5 to 2.6 ======================= Form ---- * The "empty_value" option in the types "choice", "date", "datetime" and "time" was deprecated and replaced by a new option "placeholder". You should use the option "placeholder" together with the view variables "placeholder" and "placeholder_in_choices" now. The option "empty_value" and the view variables "empty_value" and "empty_value_in_choices" will be removed in Symfony 3.0. Before: ```php $form->add('category', 'choice', array( 'choices' => array('politics', 'media'), 'empty_value' => 'Select a category...', )); ``` After: ```php $form->add('category', 'choice', array( 'choices' => array('politics', 'media'), 'placeholder' => 'Select a category...', )); ``` Before: ``` {{ form.vars.empty_value }} {% if form.vars.empty_value_in_choices %} ... {% endif %} ``` After: ``` {{ form.vars.placeholder }} {% if form.vars.placeholder_in_choices %} ... {% endif %} ``` Validator --------- * The internal method `setConstraint()` was added to `Symfony\Component\Validator\Context\ExecutionContextInterface`. With this method, the context is informed about the constraint that is currently being validated. If you implement this interface, make sure to add the method to your implementation. The easiest solution is to just implement an empty method: ```php public function setConstraint(Constraint $constraint) { } ``` * Prior to 2.6 `Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\ExpressionValidator` would not execute the Expression if it was attached to a property on an object and that property was set to `null` or an empty string. To emulate the old behaviour change your expression to something like this: ``` value == null or (YOUR_EXPRESSION) ``` Security -------- * The `SecurityContextInterface` is marked as deprecated in favor of the `Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\AuthorizationCheckerInterface` and `Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\TokenStorageInterface`. ``` isGranted => AuthorizationCheckerInterface getToken => TokenStorageInterface setToken => TokenStorageInterface ``` The Implementations have moved too, The `SecurityContext` is marked as deprecated and has been split to use the `AuthorizationCheckerInterface` and `TokenStorage`. This change is 100% Backwards Compatible as the SecurityContext delegates the methods. * The service `security.context` is deprecated along with the above change. Recommended to use instead: ``` @security.authorization_checker => isGranted() @security.token_storage => getToken() @security.token_storage => setToken() ```