UPGRADE FROM 5.2 to 5.3 ======================= Asset ----- * Deprecated `RemoteJsonManifestVersionStrategy`, use `JsonManifestVersionStrategy` instead. DomCrawler ---------- * Deprecated the `parents()` method, use `ancestors()` instead. Form ---- * Changed `$forms` parameter type of the `DataMapperInterface::mapDataToForms()` method from `iterable` to `\Traversable`. * Changed `$forms` parameter type of the `DataMapperInterface::mapFormsToData()` method from `iterable` to `\Traversable`. * Deprecated passing an array as the second argument of the `DataMapper::mapDataToForms()` method, pass `\Traversable` instead. * Deprecated passing an array as the first argument of the `DataMapper::mapFormsToData()` method, pass `\Traversable` instead. * Deprecated passing an array as the second argument of the `CheckboxListMapper::mapDataToForms()` method, pass `\Traversable` instead. * Deprecated passing an array as the first argument of the `CheckboxListMapper::mapFormsToData()` method, pass `\Traversable` instead. * Deprecated passing an array as the second argument of the `RadioListMapper::mapDataToForms()` method, pass `\Traversable` instead. * Deprecated passing an array as the first argument of the `RadioListMapper::mapFormsToData()` method, pass `\Traversable` instead. HttpFoundation -------------- * Deprecate the `NamespacedAttributeBag` class HttpKernel ---------- * Marked the class `Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\DebugHandlersListener` as internal Messenger --------- * Deprecated the `prefetch_count` parameter in the AMQP bridge, it has no effect and will be removed in Symfony 6.0. Notifier ------- * Changed the return type of `Symfony\Component\Notifier\Transport\AbstractTransportFactory::getEndpoint()` from `?string` to `string` PhpunitBridge ------------- * Deprecated the `SetUpTearDownTrait` trait, use original methods with "void" return typehint. PropertyInfo ------------ * Deprecated the `Type::getCollectionKeyType()` and `Type::getCollectionValueType()` methods, use `Type::getCollectionKeyTypes()` and `Type::getCollectionValueTypes()` instead. Security -------- * Deprecated voters that do not return a valid decision when calling the `vote` method. Serializer ---------- * Deprecated `ArrayDenormalizer::setSerializer()`, call `setDenormalizer()` instead.