UPGRADE FROM 5.1 to 5.2 ======================= DependencyInjection ------------------- * Deprecated `Definition::setPrivate()` and `Alias::setPrivate()`, use `setPublic()` instead FrameworkBundle --------------- * Deprecated the public `form.factory`, `form.type.file`, `translator`, `security.csrf.token_manager`, `serializer`, `cache_clearer`, `filesystem` and `validator` services to private. * If you configured the `framework.cache.prefix_seed` option, you might want to add the `%kernel.environment%` to its value to keep cache namespaces separated by environment of the app. The `%kernel.container_class%` (which includes the environment) used to be added by default to the seed, which is not the case anymore. This allows sharing caches between apps or different environments. * Deprecated the `lock.RESOURCE_NAME` and `lock.RESOURCE_NAME.store` services and the `lock`, `LockInterface`, `lock.store` and `PersistingStoreInterface` aliases, use `lock.RESOURCE_NAME.factory`, `lock.factory` or `LockFactory` instead. Form ---- * Deprecated `PropertyPathMapper` in favor of `DataMapper` and `PropertyPathAccessor`. Before: ```php use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataMapper\PropertyPathMapper; $builder->setDataMapper(new PropertyPathMapper()); ``` After: ```php use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataAccessor\PropertyPathAccessor; use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\DataMapper\DataMapper; $builder->setDataMapper(new DataMapper(new PropertyPathAccessor())); ``` HttpFoundation -------------- * Deprecated not passing a `Closure` together with `FILTER_CALLBACK` to `ParameterBag::filter()`; wrap your filter in a closure instead. * Deprecated the `Request::HEADER_X_FORWARDED_ALL` constant, use either `Request::HEADER_X_FORWARDED_FOR | Request::HEADER_X_FORWARDED_HOST | Request::HEADER_X_FORWARDED_PORT | Request::HEADER_X_FORWARDED_PROTO` or `Request::HEADER_X_FORWARDED_AWS_ELB` or `Request::HEADER_X_FORWARDED_TRAEFIK`constants instead. Lock ---- * `MongoDbStore` does not implement `BlockingStoreInterface` anymore, typehint against `PersistingStoreInterface` instead. * deprecated `NotSupportedException`, it shouldn't be thrown anymore. * deprecated `RetryTillSaveStore`, logic has been moved in `Lock` and is not needed anymore. Mime ---- * Deprecated `Address::fromString()`, use `Address::create()` instead Monolog ------- * The `$actionLevel` constructor argument of `Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Handler\FingersCrossed\NotFoundActivationStrategy` has been deprecated and replaced by the `$inner` one which expects an ActivationStrategyInterface to decorate instead. `Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Handler\FingersCrossed\NotFoundActivationStrategy` will become final in 6.0. * The `$actionLevel` constructor argument of `Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Handler\FingersCrossed\HttpCodeActivationStrategy` has been deprecated and replaced by the `$inner` one which expects an ActivationStrategyInterface to decorate instead. `Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Handler\FingersCrossed\HttpCodeActivationStrategy` will become final in 6.0 Notifier -------- * [BC BREAK] The `TransportInterface::send()` and `AbstractTransport::doSend()` methods changed to return a `?SentMessage` instance instead of `void`. * [BC BREAK] Changed the type-hint of the `$recipient` argument in the `as*Message()` method of `EmailNotificationInterface` and `SmsNotificationInterface` to `EmailRecipientInterface` and `SmsRecipientInterface`. * [BC BREAK] Removed the `AdminRecipient`. * [BC BREAK] Changed the type-hint of the `$recipient` argument in `NotifierInterface::send()`, `Notifier::getChannels()`, `ChannelInterface::notifiy()` and `ChannelInterface::supports()` to `RecipientInterface`. PropertyAccess -------------- * Deprecated passing a boolean as the first argument of `PropertyAccessor::__construct()`. Pass a combination of bitwise flags instead. PropertyInfo ------------ * Deprecated the `enable_magic_call_extraction` context option in `ReflectionExtractor::getWriteInfo()` and `ReflectionExtractor::getReadInfo()` in favor of `enable_magic_methods_extraction`. TwigBundle ---------- * Deprecated the public `twig` service to private. TwigBridge ---------- * Changed 2nd argument type of `TranslationExtension::__construct()` to `TranslationNodeVisitor` Validator --------- * Deprecated the `allowEmptyString` option of the `Length` constraint. Before: ```php use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert; /** * @Assert\Length(min=5, allowEmptyString=true) */ ``` After: ```php use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert; /** * @Assert\AtLeastOneOf({ * @Assert\Blank(), * @Assert\Length(min=5) * }) */ ``` * Deprecated the `NumberConstraintTrait` trait. * Deprecated setting a Doctrine annotation reader via `ValidatorBuilder::enableAnnotationMapping()` Before: ```php $builder->enableAnnotationMapping($reader); ``` After: ```php $builder->enableAnnotationMapping(true) ->setDoctrineAnnotationReader($reader); ``` * Deprecated creating a Doctrine annotation reader via `ValidatorBuilder::enableAnnotationMapping()` Before: ```php $builder->enableAnnotationMapping(); ``` After: ```php $builder->enableAnnotationMapping(true) ->addDefaultDoctrineAnnotationReader(); ``` Security -------- * [BC break] In the experimental authenticator-based system, * `TokenInterface::getUser()` returns `null` in case of unauthenticated session. * [BC break] `AccessListener::PUBLIC_ACCESS` has been removed in favor of `AuthenticatedVoter::PUBLIC_ACCESS`. * Deprecated `setProviderKey()`/`getProviderKey()` in favor of `setFirewallName()/getFirewallName()` in `PreAuthenticatedToken`, `RememberMeToken`, `SwitchUserToken`, `UsernamePasswordToken`, `DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler`, the old methods will be removed in 6.0. * Deprecated the `AbstractRememberMeServices::$providerKey` property in favor of `AbstractRememberMeServices::$firewallName`, the old property will be removed in 6.0.