CHANGELOG for 2.1.x =================== This changelog references the relevant changes (bug and security fixes) done in 2.1 minor versions. To get the diff for a specific change, go to where XXX is the change hash To get the diff between two versions, go to 2.1.0 ----- ### DoctrineBrige * added a default implementation of the ManagerRegistry * added a session storage for Doctrine DBAL ### AbstractDoctrineBundle * This bundle has been removed and the relevant code has been moved to the Doctrine bridge ### DoctrineBundle * added optional `group_by` property to `EntityType` that supports either a `PropertyPath` or a `\Closure` that is evaluated on the entity choices * The `em` option for the `UniqueEntity` constraint is now optional (and should probably not be used anymore). ### FrameworkBundle * added a router:match command * added kernel.event_subscriber tag * added a way to create relative symlinks when running assets:install command (--relative option) * added Controller::getUser() * [BC BREAK] assets_base_urls and base_urls merging strategy has changed * changed the default profiler storage to use the filesystem instead of SQLite * added support for placeholders in route defaults and requirements (replaced by the value set in the service container) ### SecurityBundle * [BC BREAK] The custom factories for the firewall configuration are now registered during the build method of bundles instead of being registered by the end-user. * [BC BREAK] The Firewall listener is now registered after the Router one. It means that specific Firewall URLs (like /login_check and /logout must now have proper route defined in your routing configuration) * [BC BREAK] refactored the user provider configuration. The configuration changed for the chain provider and the memory provider: Before: security: providers: my_chain_provider: providers: [my_memory_provider, my_doctrine_provider] my_memory_provider: users: toto: { password: foobar, roles: [ROLE_USER] } foo: { password: bar, roles: [ROLE_USER, ROLE_ADMIN] } After: security: providers: my_chain_provider: chain: providers: [my_memory_provider, my_doctrine_provider] my_memory_provider: memory: users: toto: { password: foobar, roles: [ROLE_USER] } foo: { password: bar, roles: [ROLE_USER, ROLE_ADMIN] } * added a validator for the user password * added 'erase_credentials' as a configuration key (true by default) ### SwiftmailerBundle * moved the data collector to the bridge * replaced MessageLogger class with the one from Swiftmailer 4.1.3 ### TwigBundle * added the real template name when an error occurs in a Twig template ### WebProfilerBundle * added a routing panel * added a timeline panel * The toolbar position can now be configured via the `position` option (can be `top` or `bottom`) ### Config * implemented `Serializable` on resources ### Console * made the defaults (helper set, commands, input definition) in Application more easily customizable * added support for the shell even if readline is not available ### ClassLoader * added support for loading globally-installed PEAR packages ### DomCrawler * added a way to get parsing errors for Crawler::addHtmlContent() and Crawler::addXmlContent() via libxml functions * added support for submitting a form without a submit button ### Finder * Finder::exclude() now supports an array of directories as an argument ### Form * added support for validation groups as callbacks * made the translation catalogue configurable via the "translation_domain" option * added Form::getErrorsAsString() to help debugging forms * allowed setting different options for RepeatedType fields (like the label) ### HttpFoundation * made Response::prepare() method the place to enforce HTTP specification * [BC BREAK] moved management of the locale from the Session class to the Request class * added a generic access to the PHP built-in filter mechanism: ParameterBag::filter() * made FileBinaryMimeTypeGuesser command configurable * added Request::getUser() and Request::getPassword() * added support for the PATCH method in Request * removed the ContentTypeMimeTypeGuesser class as it is deprecated and never used on PHP 5.3 * added ResponseHeaderBag::makeDisposition() (implements RFC 6266) * made mimetype to extension conversion configurable ### HttpKernel * added a Stopwatch class * added WarmableInterface * improved extensibility between bundles * added a File-based profiler storage * added a MongoDB-based profiler storage ### Locale * added Locale::getIcuVersion() and Locale::getIcuDataVersion() ### Routing * added a TraceableUrlMatcher * added the possibility to define default values and requirements for placeholders in prefix * added RouterInterface::getRouteCollection ### Security * after login, the user is now redirected to `default_target_path` if `use_referer` is true and the referrer is the `login_path`. * added a way to remove a token from a session ### Translation * added support for gettext * added support for more than one fallback locale * added support for translations in ResourceBundles * added support for extracting translation messages from templates (Twig and PHP) * added dumpers for translation catalogs * added support for QT translations ### Validator * added support for `ctype_*` assertions in `TypeValidator` * added a Size validator * added a SizeLength validator * improved the ImageValidator with min width, max width, min height, and max height constraints * added support for MIME with wildcard in FileValidator ### Yaml * Yaml::parse() does not evaluate loaded files as PHP files by default anymore (call Yaml::enablePhpParsing() to get back the old behavior)