UPGRADE FROM 2.1 to 2.2 ======================= ### HttpFoundation * The MongoDbSessionHandler default field names and timestamp type have changed. The `sess_` prefix was removed from default field names. The session ID is now stored in the `_id` field by default. The session date is now stored as a `MongoDate` instead of `MongoTimestamp`, which also makes it possible to use TTL collections in MongoDB 2.2+ instead of relying on the `gc()` method. * The Stopwatch functionality was moved from HttpKernel\Debug to its own component * The _method request parameter support has been disabled by default (call Request::enableHttpMethodParameterOverride() to enable it). #### Deprecations * The `Request::splitHttpAcceptHeader()` is deprecated and will be removed in 2.3. You should now use the `AcceptHeader` class which give you fluent methods to parse request accept-* headers. Some examples: ``` $accept = AcceptHeader::fromString($request->headers->get('Accept')); if ($accept->has('text/html') { $item = $accept->get('html'); $charset = $item->getAttribute('charset', 'utf-8'); $quality = $item->getQuality(); } // accepts items are sorted by descending quality $accepts = AcceptHeader::fromString($request->headers->get('Accept'))->all(); ``` ### Form * The PasswordType is now not trimmed by default. ### Routing * RouteCollection does not behave like a tree structure anymore but as a flat array of Routes. So when using PHP to build the RouteCollection, you must make sure to add routes to the sub-collection before adding it to the parent collection (this is not relevant when using YAML or XML for Route definitions). Before: ``` $rootCollection = new RouteCollection(); $subCollection = new RouteCollection(); $rootCollection->addCollection($subCollection); $subCollection->add('foo', new Route('/foo')); ``` After: ``` $rootCollection = new RouteCollection(); $subCollection = new RouteCollection(); $subCollection->add('foo', new Route('/foo')); $rootCollection->addCollection($subCollection); ``` Also one must call `addCollection` from the bottom to the top hierarchy. So the correct sequence is the following (and not the reverse): ``` $childCollection->->addCollection($grandchildCollection); $rootCollection->addCollection($childCollection); ``` * The methods `RouteCollection::getParent()` and `RouteCollection::getRoot()` have been deprecated and will be removed in Symfony 2.3. * Misusing the `RouteCollection::addPrefix` method to add defaults, requirements or options without adding a prefix is not supported anymore. So if you called `addPrefix` with an empty prefix or `/` only (both have no relevance), like `addPrefix('', $defaultsArray, $requirementsArray, $optionsArray)` you need to use the new dedicated methods `addDefaults($defaultsArray)`, `addRequirements($requirementsArray)` or `addOptions($optionsArray)` instead. * The `$options` parameter to `RouteCollection::addPrefix()` has been deprecated because adding options has nothing to do with adding a path prefix. If you want to add options to all child routes of a RouteCollection, you can use `addOptions()`. * The method `RouteCollection::getPrefix()` has been deprecated because it suggested that all routes in the collection would have this prefix, which is not necessarily true. On top of that, since there is no tree structure anymore, this method is also useless. * `RouteCollection::addCollection(RouteCollection $collection)` should now only be used with a single parameter. The other params `$prefix`, `$default`, `$requirements` and `$options` will still work, but have been deprecated. The `addPrefix` method should be used for this use-case instead. Before: `$parentCollection->addCollection($collection, '/prefix', array(...), array(...))` After: ``` $collection->addPrefix('/prefix', array(...), array(...)); $parentCollection->addCollection($collection); ``` ### Validator * Interfaces were created for the classes `ConstraintViolation`, `ConstraintViolationList`, `GlobalExecutionContext` and `ExecutionContext`. If you type hinted against any of these classes, you are recommended to type hint against their interfaces now. Before: ``` use Symfony\Component\Validator\ExecutionContext; public function validateCustomLogic(ExecutionContext $context) ``` After: ``` use Symfony\Component\Validator\ExecutionContextInterface; public function validateCustomLogic(ExecutionContextInterface $context) ``` For all implementations of `ConstraintValidatorInterface`, this change is mandatory for the `initialize` method: Before: ``` use Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintValidatorInterface; use Symfony\Component\Validator\ExecutionContext; class MyValidator implements ConstraintValidatorInterface { public function initialize(ExecutionContext $context) { // ... } } ``` After: ``` use Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintValidatorInterface; use Symfony\Component\Validator\ExecutionContextInterface; class MyValidator implements ConstraintValidatorInterface { public function initialize(ExecutionContextInterface $context) { // ... } } ``` #### Deprecations * The interface `ClassMetadataFactoryInterface` was deprecated and will be removed in Symfony 2.3. You should implement `MetadataFactoryInterface` instead, which changes the name of the method `getClassMetadata` to `getMetadataFor` and accepts arbitrary values (e.g. class names, objects, numbers etc.). In your implementation, you should throw a `NoSuchMetadataException` if you don't support metadata for the given value. Before: ``` use Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\ClassMetadataFactoryInterface; class MyMetadataFactory implements ClassMetadataFactoryInterface { public function getClassMetadata($class) { // ... } } ``` After: ``` use Symfony\Component\Validator\MetadataFactoryInterface; use Symfony\Component\Validator\Exception\NoSuchMetadataException; class MyMetadataFactory implements MetadataFactoryInterface { public function getMetadataFor($value) { if (is_object($value)) { $value = get_class($value); } if (!is_string($value) || (!class_exists($value) && !interface_exists($value))) { throw new NoSuchMetadataException(...); } // ... } } ``` The return value of `ValidatorInterface::getMetadataFactory()` was also changed to return `MetadataFactoryInterface`. Make sure to replace calls to `getClassMetadata` by `getMetadataFor` on the return value of this method. Before: ``` $metadataFactory = $validator->getMetadataFactory(); $metadata = $metadataFactory->getClassMetadata('Vendor\MyClass'); ``` After: ``` $metadataFactory = $validator->getMetadataFactory(); $metadata = $metadataFactory->getMetadataFor('Vendor\MyClass'); ``` * The class `GraphWalker` and the accessor `ExecutionContext::getGraphWalker()` were deprecated and will be removed in Symfony 2.3. You should use the methods `ExecutionContextInterface::validate()` and `ExecutionContextInterface::validateValue()` instead. Before: ``` use Symfony\Component\Validator\ExecutionContext; public function validateCustomLogic(ExecutionContext $context) { if (/* ... */) { $path = $context->getPropertyPath(); $group = $context->getGroup(); if (!empty($path)) { $path .= '.'; } $context->getGraphWalker()->walkReference($someObject, $group, $path . 'myProperty', false); } } ``` After: ``` use Symfony\Component\Validator\ExecutionContextInterface; public function validateCustomLogic(ExecutionContextInterface $context) { if (/* ... */) { $context->validate($someObject, 'myProperty'); } } ``` * The method `ExecutionContext::addViolationAtSubPath()` was deprecated and will be removed in Symfony 2.3. You should use `addViolationAt()` instead. Before: ``` use Symfony\Component\Validator\ExecutionContext; public function validateCustomLogic(ExecutionContext $context) { if (/* ... */) { $context->addViolationAtSubPath('myProperty', 'This value is invalid'); } } ``` After: ``` use Symfony\Component\Validator\ExecutionContextInterface; public function validateCustomLogic(ExecutionContextInterface $context) { if (/* ... */) { $context->addViolationAt('myProperty', 'This value is invalid'); } } ``` * The methods `ExecutionContext::getCurrentClass()`, `ExecutionContext::getCurrentProperty()` and `ExecutionContext::getCurrentValue()` were deprecated and will be removed in Symfony 2.3. Use the methods `getClassName()`, `getPropertyName()` and `getValue()` instead. Before: ``` use Symfony\Component\Validator\ExecutionContext; public function validateCustomLogic(ExecutionContext $context) { $class = $context->getCurrentClass(); $property = $context->getCurrentProperty(); $value = $context->getCurrentValue(); // ... } ``` After: ``` use Symfony\Component\Validator\ExecutionContextInterface; public function validateCustomLogic(ExecutionContextInterface $context) { $class = $context->getClassName(); $property = $context->getPropertyName(); $value = $context->getValue(); // ... } ```