UPGRADE FROM 4.3 to 4.4 ======================= DependencyInjection ------------------- * Deprecated support for short factories and short configurators in Yaml Before: ```yaml services: my_service: factory: factory_service:method ``` After: ```yaml services: my_service: factory: ['@factory_service', method] ``` * Deprecated `tagged` in favor of `tagged_iterator` Before: ```yaml services: App\Handler: tags: ['app.handler'] App\HandlerCollection: arguments: [!tagged app.handler] ``` After: ```yaml services: App\Handler: tags: ['app.handler'] App\HandlerCollection: arguments: [!tagged_iterator app.handler] ``` FrameworkBundle --------------- * Deprecated support for `templating` engine in `TemplateController`, use Twig instead * The `$parser` argument of `ControllerResolver::__construct()` and `DelegatingLoader::__construct()` has been deprecated. * The `ControllerResolver` and `DelegatingLoader` classes have been marked as `final`. * The `controller_name_converter` and `resolve_controller_name_subscriber` services have been deprecated. HttpClient ---------- * Added method `cancel()` to `ResponseInterface` HttpKernel ---------- * The `DebugHandlersListener` class has been marked as `final` Messenger --------- * Deprecated passing a `ContainerInterface` instance as first argument of the `ConsumeMessagesCommand` constructor, pass a `RoutableMessageBus` instance instead. MonologBridge -------------- * The `RouteProcessor` has been marked final. Security -------- * Implementations of `PasswordEncoderInterface` and `UserPasswordEncoderInterface` should add a new `needsRehash()` method TwigBridge ---------- * Deprecated to pass `$rootDir` and `$fileLinkFormatter` as 5th and 6th argument respectively to the `DebugCommand::__construct()` method, swap the variables position. Validator --------- * Deprecated passing an `ExpressionLanguage` instance as the second argument of `ExpressionValidator::__construct()`. Pass it as the first argument instead. * The `Length` constraint expects the `allowEmptyString` option to be defined when the `min` option is used. Set it to `true` to keep the current behavior and `false` to reject empty strings. In 5.0, it'll become optional and will default to `false`.