* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Tests\Component\HttpKernel\Profiler; use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Profiler\SqliteProfilerStorage; class SqliteProfilerStorageTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { protected static $dbFile; protected static $storage; public static function setUpBeforeClass() { self::$dbFile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'sf2_sqlite_storage'); if (file_exists(self::$dbFile)) { @unlink(self::$dbFile); } self::$storage = new SqliteProfilerStorage(self::$dbFile); } public static function tearDownAfterClass() { @unlink(self::$dbFile); } protected function setUp() { self::$storage->purge(); } public function testStore() { for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i ++) { self::$storage->write('token_'.$i, '', 'data', '', 'http://foo.bar', time()); } $this->assertEquals(count(self::$storage->find('', 'http://foo.bar', 20)), 10, '->write() stores data in the database'); } public function testStoreSpecialCharsInUrl() { // The SQLite storage accepts special characters in URLs (Even though URLs are not // supposed to contain them) self::$storage->write('simple_quote', '', 'data', '', 'http://foo.bar/\'', time()); self::$storage->write('double_quote', '', 'data', '', 'http://foo.bar/"', time()); self::$storage->write('backslash', '', 'data', '', 'http://foo.bar/\\', time()); $this->assertTrue(false !== self::$storage->read('simple_quote'), '->write() accepts single quotes in URL'); $this->assertTrue(false !== self::$storage->read('double_quote'), '->write() accepts double quotes in URL'); $this->assertTrue(false !== self::$storage->read('backslash'), '->write() accpets backslash in URL'); } public function testStoreDuplicateToken() { $this->assertTrue(true === self::$storage->write('token', '', 'data', '', 'http://foo.bar', time()), '->write() returns true when the token is unique'); $this->assertTrue(false === self::$storage->write('token', '', 'data', '', 'http://foo.bar', time()), '->write() return false when the token is already present in the DB'); } public function testRetrieveByIp() { self::$storage->write('token', '', 'data', '', 'http://foo.bar', time()); $this->assertEquals(count(self::$storage->find('', '', 10)), 1, '->find() retrieve a record by IP'); $this->assertEquals(count(self::$storage->find('127.0.%.1', '', 10)), 0, '->find() does not interpret a "%" as a wildcard in the IP'); $this->assertEquals(count(self::$storage->find('127.0._.1', '', 10)), 0, '->find() does not interpret a "_" as a wildcard in the IP'); } public function testRetrieveByUrl() { self::$storage->write('simple_quote', '', 'data', '', 'http://foo.bar/\'', time()); self::$storage->write('double_quote', '', 'data', '', 'http://foo.bar/"', time()); self::$storage->write('backslash', '', 'data', '', 'http://foo\\bar/', time()); self::$storage->write('percent', '', 'data', '', 'http://foo.bar/%', time()); self::$storage->write('underscore', '', 'data', '', 'http://foo.bar/_', time()); $this->assertEquals(count(self::$storage->find('', 'http://foo.bar/\'', 10)), 1, '->find() accepts single quotes in URLs'); $this->assertEquals(count(self::$storage->find('', 'http://foo.bar/"', 10)), 1, '->find() accepts double quotes in URLs'); $this->assertEquals(count(self::$storage->find('', 'http://foo\\bar/', 10)), 1, '->find() accepts backslash in URLs'); $this->assertEquals(count(self::$storage->find('', 'http://foo.bar/%', 10)), 1, '->find() does not interpret a "%" as a wildcard in the URL'); $this->assertEquals(count(self::$storage->find('', 'http://foo.bar/_', 10)), 1, '->find() does not interpret a "_" as a wlidcard in the URL'); } }