* * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled * with this source code in the file LICENSE. */ /** * XmlFileLoader loads XML files service definitions. * * @package Symfony * @subpackage Components_DependencyInjection * @author Fabien Potencier */ class XmlFileLoader extends FileLoader { /** * Loads an array of XML files. * * @param mixed $resource The resource * @param Boolean $main Whether this is the main load() call * @param BuilderConfiguration $configuration A BuilderConfiguration instance to use for the configuration * * @return BuilderConfiguration A BuilderConfiguration instance */ public function load($file, $main = true, BuilderConfiguration $configuration = null) { $path = $this->findFile($file); $xml = $this->parseFile($path); if (null === $configuration) { $configuration = new BuilderConfiguration(); } $configuration->addResource(new FileResource($path)); // anonymous services $xml = $this->processAnonymousServices($configuration, $xml, $file); // imports $this->parseImports($configuration, $xml, $file); // extensions $this->loadFromExtensions($configuration, $xml); if ($main) { $configuration->mergeExtensionsConfiguration(); } // parameters $this->parseParameters($configuration, $xml, $file); // services $this->parseDefinitions($configuration, $xml, $file); return $configuration; } protected function parseParameters(BuilderConfiguration $configuration, $xml, $file) { if (!$xml->parameters) { return; } $configuration->getParameterBag()->add($xml->parameters->getArgumentsAsPhp('parameter')); } protected function parseImports(BuilderConfiguration $configuration, $xml, $file) { if (!$xml->imports) { return; } foreach ($xml->imports->import as $import) { $this->parseImport($configuration, $import, $file); } } protected function parseImport(BuilderConfiguration $configuration, $import, $file) { $class = null; if (isset($import['class']) && $import['class'] !== get_class($this)) { $class = (string) $import['class']; } else { // try to detect loader with the extension switch (pathinfo((string) $import['resource'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) { case 'yml': $class = 'Symfony\\Components\\DependencyInjection\\Loader\\YamlFileLoader'; break; case 'ini': $class = 'Symfony\\Components\\DependencyInjection\\Loader\\IniFileLoader'; break; } } $loader = null === $class ? $this : new $class($this->paths); $importedFile = $this->getAbsolutePath((string) $import['resource'], dirname($file)); return $loader->load($importedFile, false, $configuration); } protected function parseDefinitions(BuilderConfiguration $configuration, $xml, $file) { if (!$xml->services) { return; } foreach ($xml->services->service as $service) { $this->parseDefinition($configuration, (string) $service['id'], $service, $file); } } protected function parseDefinition(BuilderConfiguration $configuration, $id, $service, $file) { if ((string) $service['alias']) { $configuration->setAlias($id, (string) $service['alias']); return; } $definition = new Definition((string) $service['class']); foreach (array('shared', 'factory-method', 'factory-service', 'factory-class') as $key) { if (isset($service[$key])) { $method = 'set'.str_replace('-', '', $key); $definition->$method((string) $service->getAttributeAsPhp($key)); } } if ($service->file) { $definition->setFile((string) $service->file); } $definition->setArguments($service->getArgumentsAsPhp('argument')); if (isset($service->configurator)) { if (isset($service->configurator['function'])) { $definition->setConfigurator((string) $service->configurator['function']); } else { if (isset($service->configurator['service'])) { $class = new Reference((string) $service->configurator['service']); } else { $class = (string) $service->configurator['class']; } $definition->setConfigurator(array($class, (string) $service->configurator['method'])); } } foreach ($service->call as $call) { $definition->addMethodCall((string) $call['method'], $call->getArgumentsAsPhp('argument')); } foreach ($service->annotation as $annotation) { $parameters = array(); foreach ($annotation->attributes() as $name => $value) { if ('name' === $name) { continue; } $parameters[$name] = SimpleXMLElement::phpize($value); } $definition->addAnnotation((string) $annotation['name'], $parameters); } $configuration->setDefinition($id, $definition); } /** * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When loading of XML file returns error */ protected function parseFile($file) { $dom = new \DOMDocument(); libxml_use_internal_errors(true); if (!$dom->load($file, LIBXML_COMPACT)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(implode("\n", $this->getXmlErrors())); } $dom->validateOnParse = true; $dom->normalizeDocument(); libxml_use_internal_errors(false); $this->validate($dom, $file); return simplexml_import_dom($dom, 'Symfony\\Components\\DependencyInjection\\SimpleXMLElement'); } protected function processAnonymousServices(BuilderConfiguration $configuration, $xml, $file) { $definitions = array(); $count = 0; // find anonymous service definitions $xml->registerXPathNamespace('container', 'http://www.symfony-project.org/schema/dic/services'); $nodes = $xml->xpath('//container:argument[@type="service"][not(@id)]'); foreach ($nodes as $node) { // give it a unique names $node['id'] = sprintf('_%s_%d', md5($file), ++$count); $definitions[(string) $node['id']] = array($node->service, $file); $node->service['id'] = (string) $node['id']; } // resolve definitions krsort($definitions); foreach ($definitions as $id => $def) { $this->parseDefinition($configuration, $id, $def[0], $def[1]); $oNode = dom_import_simplexml($def[0]); $oNode->parentNode->removeChild($oNode); } return $xml; } protected function validate($dom, $file) { $this->validateSchema($dom, $file); $this->validateExtensions($dom, $file); } /** * @throws \RuntimeException When extension references a non-existent XSD file * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When xml doesn't validate its xsd schema */ protected function validateSchema($dom, $file) { $schemaLocations = array('http://www.symfony-project.org/schema/dic/services' => str_replace('\\', '/', __DIR__.'/schema/dic/services/services-1.0.xsd')); if ($element = $dom->documentElement->getAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance', 'schemaLocation')) { $items = preg_split('/\s+/', $element); for ($i = 0, $nb = count($items); $i < $nb; $i += 2) { if (($extension = static::getExtension($items[$i])) && false !== $extension->getXsdValidationBasePath()) { $path = str_replace($extension->getNamespace(), str_replace('\\', '/', $extension->getXsdValidationBasePath()).'/', $items[$i + 1]); if (!file_exists($path)) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Extension "%s" references a non-existent XSD file "%s"', get_class($extension), $path)); } $schemaLocations[$items[$i]] = $path; } } } $imports = ''; foreach ($schemaLocations as $namespace => $location) { $parts = explode('/', $location); $drive = '\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ? array_shift($parts) : ''; $location = 'file:///'.$drive.implode('/', array_map('rawurlencode', $parts)); $imports .= sprintf(' '."\n", $namespace, $location); } $source = << $imports EOF ; $current = libxml_use_internal_errors(true); if (!$dom->schemaValidateSource($source)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(implode("\n", $this->getXmlErrors())); } libxml_use_internal_errors($current); } /** * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When non valid tag are found or no extension are found */ protected function validateExtensions($dom, $file) { foreach ($dom->documentElement->childNodes as $node) { if (!$node instanceof \DOMElement || in_array($node->tagName, array('imports', 'parameters', 'services'))) { continue; } // can it be handled by an extension? if (!static::getExtension($node->namespaceURI)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('There is no extension able to load the configuration for "%s" (in %s).', $node->tagName, $file)); } } } protected function getXmlErrors() { $errors = array(); foreach (libxml_get_errors() as $error) { $errors[] = sprintf('[%s %s] %s (in %s - line %d, column %d)', LIBXML_ERR_WARNING == $error->level ? 'WARNING' : 'ERROR', $error->code, trim($error->message), $error->file ? $error->file : 'n/a', $error->line, $error->column ); } libxml_clear_errors(); return $errors; } protected function loadFromExtensions(BuilderConfiguration $configuration, $xml) { foreach (dom_import_simplexml($xml)->childNodes as $node) { if (!$node instanceof \DOMElement || $node->namespaceURI === 'http://www.symfony-project.org/schema/dic/services') { continue; } $values = static::convertDomElementToArray($node); if (!is_array($values)) { $values = array(); } $configuration->loadFromExtension($this->getExtension($node->namespaceURI), $node->localName, $values); } } /** * Converts a \DomElement object to a PHP array. * * The following rules applies during the conversion: * * * Each tag is converted to a key value or an array * if there is more than one "value" * * * The content of a tag is set under a "value" key (bar) * if the tag also has some nested tags * * * The attributes are converted to keys () * * * The nested-tags are converted to keys (bar) * * @param \DomElement $element A \DomElement instance * * @return array A PHP array */ static public function convertDomElementToArray(\DomElement $element) { $empty = true; $config = array(); foreach ($element->attributes as $name => $node) { $config[$name] = SimpleXMLElement::phpize($node->value); $empty = false; } $nodeValue = false; foreach ($element->childNodes as $node) { if ($node instanceof \DOMText) { if (trim($node->nodeValue)) { $nodeValue = trim($node->nodeValue); $empty = false; } } elseif (!$node instanceof \DOMComment) { if (isset($config[$node->localName])) { if (!is_array($config[$node->localName]) || !is_int(key($config[$node->localName]))) { $config[$node->localName] = array($config[$node->localName]); } $config[$node->localName][] = static::convertDomElementToArray($node); } else { $config[$node->localName] = static::convertDomElementToArray($node); } $empty = false; } } if (false !== $nodeValue) { $value = SimpleXMLElement::phpize($nodeValue); if (count($config)) { $config['value'] = $value; } else { $config = $value; } } return !$empty ? $config : null; } }