* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Tests\Components\RequestHandler; use Symfony\Components\RequestHandler\RequestBag; class RequestBagTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { /** * @covers Symfony\Components\RequestHandler\RequestBag::__construct */ public function testConstructor() { $this->testAll(); } /** * @covers Symfony\Components\RequestHandler\RequestBag::all */ public function testAll() { $bag = new RequestBag(array('foo' => 'bar')); $this->assertEquals(array('foo' => 'bar'), $bag->all(), '->all() gets all the input'); } /** * @covers Symfony\Components\RequestHandler\RequestBag::replace */ public function testReplace() { $bag = new RequestBag(array('foo' => 'bar')); $bag->replace(array('FOO' => 'BAR')); $this->assertEquals(array('FOO' => 'BAR'), $bag->all(), '->replace() replaces the input with the argument'); $this->assertFalse($bag->has('foo'), '->replace() overrides previously set the input'); } /** * @covers Symfony\Components\RequestHandler\RequestBag::get */ public function testGet() { $bag = new RequestBag(array('foo' => 'bar', 'null' => null)); $this->assertEquals('bar', $bag->get('foo'), '->get() gets the value of a parameter'); $this->assertEquals('default', $bag->get('unknown', 'default'), '->get() returns second argument as default if a parameter is not defined'); $this->assertNull($bag->get('null', 'default'), '->get() retuns null if null is set'); } /** * @covers Symfony\Components\RequestHandler\RequestBag::set */ public function testSet() { $bag = new RequestBag(array()); $bag->set('foo', 'bar'); $this->assertEquals('bar', $bag->get('foo'), '->set() sets the value of parameter'); $bag->set('foo', 'baz'); $this->assertEquals('baz', $bag->get('foo'), '->set() overrides previously set parameter'); } /** * @covers Symfony\Components\RequestHandler\RequestBag::has */ public function testHas() { $bag = new RequestBag(array('foo' => 'bar')); $this->assertTrue($bag->has('foo'), '->has() returns true if a parameter is defined'); $this->assertFalse($bag->has('unknown'), '->has() return false if a parameter is not defined'); } /** * @covers Symfony\Components\RequestHandler\RequestBag::getAlpha */ public function testGetAlpha() { $bag = new RequestBag(array('word' => 'foo_BAR_012')); $this->assertEquals('fooBAR', $bag->getAlpha('word'), '->getAlpha() gets only alphabetic characters'); $this->assertEquals('', $bag->getAlpha('unknown'), '->getAlpha() returns empty string if a parameter is not defined'); } /** * @covers Symfony\Components\RequestHandler\RequestBag::getAlnum */ public function testGetAlnum() { $bag = new RequestBag(array('word' => 'foo_BAR_012')); $this->assertEquals('fooBAR012', $bag->getAlnum('word'), '->getAlnum() gets only alphanumeric characters'); $this->assertEquals('', $bag->getAlnum('unknown'), '->getAlnum() returns empty string if a parameter is not defined'); } /** * @covers Symfony\Components\RequestHandler\RequestBag::getDigits */ public function testGetDigits() { $bag = new RequestBag(array('word' => 'foo_BAR_012')); $this->assertEquals('012', $bag->getDigits('word'), '->getDigits() gets only digits as string'); $this->assertEquals('', $bag->getDigits('unknown'), '->getDigits() returns empty string if a parameter is not defined'); } /** * @covers Symfony\Components\RequestHandler\RequestBag::getInt */ public function testGetInt() { $bag = new RequestBag(array('digits' => '0123')); $this->assertEquals(123, $bag->getInt('digits'), '->getInt() gets a value of parameter as integer'); $this->assertEquals(0, $bag->getInt('unknown'), '->getInt() returns zero if a parameter is not defined'); } }