* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Tests\Component\Routing\Matcher; use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection; use Symfony\Component\Routing\RequestContext; use Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\ApacheUrlMatcher; class ApacheUrlMatcherTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { /** * @dataProvider getMatchData */ public function testMatch($name, $pathinfo, $server, $expect) { $collection = new RouteCollection(); $context = new RequestContext(); $matcher = new ApacheUrlMatcher($collection, $context); $_SERVER = $server; $result = $matcher->match($pathinfo, $server); $this->assertSame(var_export($expect, true), var_export($result, true)); } public function getMatchData() { return array( array( 'Simple route', '/hello/world', array( '_ROUTING__route' => 'hello', '_ROUTING__controller' => 'AcmeBundle:Default:index', '_ROUTING_name' => 'world', ), array( '_route' => 'hello', '_controller' => 'AcmeBundle:Default:index', 'name' => 'world', ), ), array( 'Route with params and defaults', '/hello/hugo', array( '_ROUTING__route' => 'hello', '_ROUTING__controller' => 'AcmeBundle:Default:index', '_ROUTING_name' => 'hugo', '_ROUTING_DEFAULTS_name' => 'world', ), array( 'name' => 'hugo', '_route' => 'hello', '_controller' => 'AcmeBundle:Default:index', ), ), array( 'Route with defaults only', '/hello', array( '_ROUTING__route' => 'hello', '_ROUTING__controller' => 'AcmeBundle:Default:index', '_ROUTING_DEFAULTS_name' => 'world', ), array( 'name' => 'world', '_route' => 'hello', '_controller' => 'AcmeBundle:Default:index', ), ), array( 'REDIRECT_ envs', '/hello/world', array( 'REDIRECT__ROUTING__route' => 'hello', 'REDIRECT__ROUTING__controller' => 'AcmeBundle:Default:index', 'REDIRECT__ROUTING_name' => 'world', ), array( '_route' => 'hello', '_controller' => 'AcmeBundle:Default:index', 'name' => 'world', ), ), ); } }