This repository has been archived on 2023-08-20. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.
Fabien Potencier 572864b223 Merge branch '3.4' into 4.1
* 3.4:
  fixed CS
  fixed short array CS in comments
  fixed CS in ExpressionLanguage fixtures
  fixed CS in generated files
  fixed CS on generated container files
  fixed CS on Form PHP templates
  fixed CS on YAML fixtures
  fixed fixtures
  switched array() to []
2019-01-16 19:21:11 +01:00

301 lines
9.9 KiB

* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Dumper;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\ArrayNode;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\ConfigurationInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\EnumNode;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\NodeInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\PrototypedArrayNode;
* Dumps a XML reference configuration for the given configuration/node instance.
* @author Wouter J <>
class XmlReferenceDumper
private $reference;
public function dump(ConfigurationInterface $configuration, $namespace = null)
return $this->dumpNode($configuration->getConfigTreeBuilder()->buildTree(), $namespace);
public function dumpNode(NodeInterface $node, $namespace = null)
$this->reference = '';
$this->writeNode($node, 0, true, $namespace);
$ref = $this->reference;
$this->reference = null;
return $ref;
private function writeNode(NodeInterface $node, int $depth = 0, bool $root = false, string $namespace = null)
$rootName = ($root ? 'config' : $node->getName());
$rootNamespace = ($namespace ?: ($root ? ''.$node->getName() : null));
// xml remapping
if ($node->getParent()) {
$remapping = array_filter($node->getParent()->getXmlRemappings(), function ($mapping) use ($rootName) {
return $rootName === $mapping[1];
if (\count($remapping)) {
list($singular) = current($remapping);
$rootName = $singular;
$rootName = str_replace('_', '-', $rootName);
$rootAttributes = [];
$rootAttributeComments = [];
$rootChildren = [];
$rootComments = [];
if ($node instanceof ArrayNode) {
$children = $node->getChildren();
// comments about the root node
if ($rootInfo = $node->getInfo()) {
$rootComments[] = $rootInfo;
if ($rootNamespace) {
$rootComments[] = 'Namespace: '.$rootNamespace;
// render prototyped nodes
if ($node instanceof PrototypedArrayNode) {
$prototype = $node->getPrototype();
$info = 'prototype';
if (null !== $prototype->getInfo()) {
$info .= ': '.$prototype->getInfo();
array_unshift($rootComments, $info);
if ($key = $node->getKeyAttribute()) {
$rootAttributes[$key] = str_replace('-', ' ', $rootName).' '.$key;
if ($prototype instanceof PrototypedArrayNode) {
$children = [$key => $prototype];
} elseif ($prototype instanceof ArrayNode) {
$children = $prototype->getChildren();
} else {
if ($prototype->hasDefaultValue()) {
$prototypeValue = $prototype->getDefaultValue();
} else {
switch (\get_class($prototype)) {
case 'Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\ScalarNode':
$prototypeValue = 'scalar value';
case 'Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\FloatNode':
case 'Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\IntegerNode':
$prototypeValue = 'numeric value';
case 'Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\BooleanNode':
$prototypeValue = 'true|false';
case 'Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\EnumNode':
$prototypeValue = implode('|', array_map('json_encode', $prototype->getValues()));
$prototypeValue = 'value';
// get attributes and elements
foreach ($children as $child) {
if (!$child instanceof ArrayNode) {
// get attributes
// metadata
$name = str_replace('_', '-', $child->getName());
$value = '%%%%not_defined%%%%'; // use a string which isn't used in the normal world
// comments
$comments = [];
if ($info = $child->getInfo()) {
$comments[] = $info;
if ($example = $child->getExample()) {
$comments[] = 'Example: '.$example;
if ($child->isRequired()) {
$comments[] = 'Required';
if ($child->isDeprecated()) {
$comments[] = sprintf('Deprecated (%s)', $child->getDeprecationMessage($child->getName(), $node->getPath()));
if ($child instanceof EnumNode) {
$comments[] = 'One of '.implode('; ', array_map('json_encode', $child->getValues()));
if (\count($comments)) {
$rootAttributeComments[$name] = implode(";\n", $comments);
// default values
if ($child->hasDefaultValue()) {
$value = $child->getDefaultValue();
// append attribute
$rootAttributes[$name] = $value;
} else {
// get elements
$rootChildren[] = $child;
// render comments
// root node comment
if (\count($rootComments)) {
foreach ($rootComments as $comment) {
$this->writeLine('<!-- '.$comment.' -->', $depth);
// attribute comments
if (\count($rootAttributeComments)) {
foreach ($rootAttributeComments as $attrName => $comment) {
$commentDepth = $depth + 4 + \strlen($attrName) + 2;
$commentLines = explode("\n", $comment);
$multiline = (\count($commentLines) > 1);
$comment = implode(PHP_EOL.str_repeat(' ', $commentDepth), $commentLines);
if ($multiline) {
$this->writeLine('<!--', $depth);
$this->writeLine($attrName.': '.$comment, $depth + 4);
$this->writeLine('-->', $depth);
} else {
$this->writeLine('<!-- '.$attrName.': '.$comment.' -->', $depth);
// render start tag + attributes
$rootIsVariablePrototype = isset($prototypeValue);
$rootIsEmptyTag = (0 === \count($rootChildren) && !$rootIsVariablePrototype);
$rootOpenTag = '<'.$rootName;
if (1 >= ($attributesCount = \count($rootAttributes))) {
if (1 === $attributesCount) {
$rootOpenTag .= sprintf(' %s="%s"', current(array_keys($rootAttributes)), $this->writeValue(current($rootAttributes)));
$rootOpenTag .= $rootIsEmptyTag ? ' />' : '>';
if ($rootIsVariablePrototype) {
$rootOpenTag .= $prototypeValue.'</'.$rootName.'>';
$this->writeLine($rootOpenTag, $depth);
} else {
$this->writeLine($rootOpenTag, $depth);
$i = 1;
foreach ($rootAttributes as $attrName => $attrValue) {
$attr = sprintf('%s="%s"', $attrName, $this->writeValue($attrValue));
$this->writeLine($attr, $depth + 4);
if ($attributesCount === $i++) {
$this->writeLine($rootIsEmptyTag ? '/>' : '>', $depth);
if ($rootIsVariablePrototype) {
$rootOpenTag .= $prototypeValue.'</'.$rootName.'>';
// render children tags
foreach ($rootChildren as $child) {
$this->writeNode($child, $depth + 4);
// render end tag
if (!$rootIsEmptyTag && !$rootIsVariablePrototype) {
$rootEndTag = '</'.$rootName.'>';
$this->writeLine($rootEndTag, $depth);
* Outputs a single config reference line.
private function writeLine(string $text, int $indent = 0)
$indent = \strlen($text) + $indent;
$format = '%'.$indent.'s';
$this->reference .= sprintf($format, $text).PHP_EOL;
* Renders the string conversion of the value.
* @param mixed $value
private function writeValue($value): string
if ('%%%%not_defined%%%%' === $value) {
return '';
if (\is_string($value) || is_numeric($value)) {
return $value;
if (false === $value) {
return 'false';
if (true === $value) {
return 'true';
if (null === $value) {
return 'null';
if (empty($value)) {
return '';
if (\is_array($value)) {
return implode(',', $value);