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Fabien Potencier e4da1956a2 merged branch schmittjoh/processIdleTimeout (PR #8651)
This PR was merged into the master branch.


adds ability to define an idle timeout

This adds the ability to define an idle timeout which in contrast to the current timeout considers only the time since the last output was produced by a process.

It also adds a special exception for timeout cases.


b922ba2 adds ability to define an idle timeout
2013-08-03 08:07:08 +02:00

613 lines
18 KiB

* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\Process\Tests;
use Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\ProcessTimedOutException;
use Symfony\Component\Process\Process;
use Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException;
* @author Robert Schönthal <>
abstract class AbstractProcessTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
public function testNegativeTimeoutFromConstructor()
$this->getProcess('', null, null, null, -1);
* @expectedException \Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
public function testNegativeTimeoutFromSetter()
$p = $this->getProcess('');
public function testNullTimeout()
$p = $this->getProcess('');
public function testStopWithTimeoutIsActuallyWorking()
// exec is mandatory here since we send a signal to the process
// see about prepending
// command with exec
$p = $this->getProcess('exec php '.__DIR__.'/NonStopableProcess.php 3');
$start = microtime(true);
$p->stop(1.1, SIGKILL);
while ($p->isRunning()) {
$duration = microtime(true) - $start;
$this->assertLessThan(1.8, $duration);
* tests results from sub processes
* @dataProvider responsesCodeProvider
public function testProcessResponses($expected, $getter, $code)
$p = $this->getProcess(sprintf('php -r %s', escapeshellarg($code)));
$this->assertSame($expected, $p->$getter());
* tests results from sub processes
* @dataProvider pipesCodeProvider
public function testProcessPipes($code, $size)
$this->markTestSkipped('Test hangs on Windows & PHP due to and');
$expected = str_repeat(str_repeat('*', 1024), $size) . '!';
$expectedLength = (1024 * $size) + 1;
$p = $this->getProcess(sprintf('php -r %s', escapeshellarg($code)));
$this->assertEquals($expectedLength, strlen($p->getOutput()));
$this->assertEquals($expectedLength, strlen($p->getErrorOutput()));
public function chainedCommandsOutputProvider()
return array(
array("1\n1\n", ';', '1'),
array("2\n2\n", '&&', '2'),
* @dataProvider chainedCommandsOutputProvider
public function testChainedCommandsOutput($expected, $operator, $input)
$this->markTestSkipped('Does it work on windows ?');
$process = $this->getProcess(sprintf('echo %s %s echo %s', $input, $operator, $input));
$this->assertEquals($expected, $process->getOutput());
public function testCallbackIsExecutedForOutput()
$p = $this->getProcess(sprintf('php -r %s', escapeshellarg('echo \'foo\';')));
$called = false;
$p->run(function ($type, $buffer) use (&$called) {
$called = $buffer === 'foo';
$this->assertTrue($called, 'The callback should be executed with the output');
public function testGetErrorOutput()
$p = new Process(sprintf('php -r %s', escapeshellarg('$n = 0; while ($n < 3) { file_put_contents(\'php://stderr\', \'ERROR\'); $n++; }')));
$this->assertEquals(3, preg_match_all('/ERROR/', $p->getErrorOutput(), $matches));
public function testGetIncrementalErrorOutput()
$p = new Process(sprintf('php -r %s', escapeshellarg('$n = 0; while ($n < 3) { usleep(50000); file_put_contents(\'php://stderr\', \'ERROR\'); $n++; }')));
while ($p->isRunning()) {
$this->assertLessThanOrEqual(1, preg_match_all('/ERROR/', $p->getIncrementalErrorOutput(), $matches));
public function testGetOutput()
$p = new Process(sprintf('php -r %s', escapeshellarg('$n=0;while ($n<3) {echo \' foo \';$n++;}')));
$this->assertEquals(3, preg_match_all('/foo/', $p->getOutput(), $matches));
public function testGetIncrementalOutput()
$p = new Process(sprintf('php -r %s', escapeshellarg('$n=0;while ($n<3) { echo \' foo \'; usleep(50000); $n++; }')));
while ($p->isRunning()) {
$this->assertLessThanOrEqual(1, preg_match_all('/foo/', $p->getIncrementalOutput(), $matches));
public function testExitCodeCommandFailed()
$this->markTestSkipped('Windows does not support POSIX exit code');
// such command run in bash return an exitcode 127
$process = $this->getProcess('nonexistingcommandIhopeneversomeonewouldnameacommandlikethis');
$this->assertGreaterThan(0, $process->getExitCode());
public function testTTYCommand()
$this->markTestSkipped('Windows does have /dev/tty support');
$process = $this->getProcess('echo "foo" >> /dev/null');
$this->assertSame(Process::STATUS_TERMINATED, $process->getStatus());
public function testExitCodeText()
$process = $this->getProcess('');
$r = new \ReflectionObject($process);
$p = $r->getProperty('exitcode');
$p->setValue($process, 2);
$this->assertEquals('Misuse of shell builtins', $process->getExitCodeText());
public function testStartIsNonBlocking()
$process = $this->getProcess('php -r "sleep(4);"');
$start = microtime(true);
$end = microtime(true);
$this->assertLessThan(1 , $end-$start);
public function testUpdateStatus()
$process = $this->getProcess('php -h');
$this->assertTrue(strlen($process->getOutput()) > 0);
public function testGetExitCode()
$process = $this->getProcess('php -m');
$this->assertEquals(0, $process->getExitCode());
public function testStatus()
$process = $this->getProcess('php -r "usleep(500000);"');
$this->assertSame(Process::STATUS_READY, $process->getStatus());
$this->assertSame(Process::STATUS_STARTED, $process->getStatus());
$this->assertSame(Process::STATUS_TERMINATED, $process->getStatus());
public function testStop()
$process = $this->getProcess('php -r "while (true) {}"');
public function testIsSuccessful()
$process = $this->getProcess('php -m');
public function testIsNotSuccessful()
$process = $this->getProcess('php -r "while (true) {}"');
public function testProcessIsNotSignaled()
$this->markTestSkipped('Windows does not support POSIX signals');
$process = $this->getProcess('php -m');
public function testProcessWithoutTermSignalIsNotSignaled()
$this->markTestSkipped('Windows does not support POSIX signals');
$process = $this->getProcess('php -m');
public function testProcessWithoutTermSignal()
$this->markTestSkipped('Windows does not support POSIX signals');
$process = $this->getProcess('php -m');
$this->assertEquals(0, $process->getTermSignal());
public function testProcessIsSignaledIfStopped()
$this->markTestSkipped('Windows does not support POSIX signals');
$process = $this->getProcess('php -r "while (true) {}"');
public function testProcessWithTermSignal()
$this->markTestSkipped('Windows does not support POSIX signals');
// SIGTERM is only defined if pcntl extension is present
$termSignal = defined('SIGTERM') ? SIGTERM : 15;
$process = $this->getProcess('php -r "while (true) {}"');
$this->assertEquals($termSignal, $process->getTermSignal());
public function testProcessThrowsExceptionWhenExternallySignaled()
$this->markTestSkipped('Windows does not support POSIX signals');
if (!function_exists('posix_kill')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('posix_kill is required for this test');
$termSignal = defined('SIGKILL') ? SIGKILL : 9;
$process = $this->getProcess('exec php -r "while (true) {}"');
posix_kill($process->getPid(), $termSignal);
$this->setExpectedException('Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException', 'The process has been signaled with signal "9".');
public function testRestart()
$process1 = $this->getProcess('php -r "echo getmypid();"');
$process2 = $process1->restart();
usleep(300000); // wait for output
// Ensure that both processed finished and the output is numeric
// Ensure that restart returned a new process by check that the output is different
$this->assertNotEquals($process1->getOutput(), $process2->getOutput());
public function testPhpDeadlock()
$this->markTestSkipped('Can course php to hang');
// Sleep doesn't work as it will allow the process to handle signals and close
// file handles from the other end.
$process = $this->getProcess('php -r "while (true) {}"');
// PHP will deadlock when it tries to cleanup $process
public function testRunProcessWithTimeout()
$timeout = 0.5;
$process = $this->getProcess('sleep 3');
$start = microtime(true);
try {
$this->fail('A RuntimeException should have been raised');
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
$duration = microtime(true) - $start;
$this->assertLessThan($timeout + Process::TIMEOUT_PRECISION, $duration);
public function testCheckTimeoutOnStartedProcess()
$timeout = 0.5;
$precision = 100000;
$process = $this->getProcess('sleep 3');
$start = microtime(true);
try {
while ($process->isRunning()) {
$this->fail('A RuntimeException should have been raised');
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
$duration = microtime(true) - $start;
$this->assertLessThan($timeout + $precision, $duration);
* @group idle-timeout
public function testIdleTimeout()
$process = $this->getProcess('sleep 3');
try {
$this->fail('A timeout exception was expected.');
} catch (ProcessTimedOutException $ex) {
$this->assertEquals(1.0, $ex->getExceededTimeout());
* @group idle-timeout
public function testIdleTimeoutNotExceededWhenOutputIsSent()
$process = $this->getProcess('echo "foo"; sleep 1; echo "foo"; sleep 1; echo "foo"; sleep 1; echo "foo"; sleep 5;');
try {
$this->fail('A timeout exception was expected.');
} catch (ProcessTimedOutException $ex) {
$this->assertEquals(5.0, $ex->getExceededTimeout());
public function testGetPid()
$process = $this->getProcess('php -r "sleep(1);"');
$this->assertGreaterThan(0, $process->getPid());
public function testGetPidIsNullBeforeStart()
$process = $this->getProcess('php -r "sleep(1);"');
public function testGetPidIsNullAfterRun()
$process = $this->getProcess('php -m');
public function testSignal()
$process = $this->getProcess('exec php -f ' . __DIR__ . '/SignalListener.php');
while ($process->isRunning() && false === strpos($process->getoutput(), 'Caught SIGUSR1')) {
$this->assertEquals('Caught SIGUSR1', $process->getOutput());
* @expectedException Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\LogicException
public function testSignalProcessNotRunning()
$process = $this->getProcess('php -m');
private function verifyPosixIsEnabled()
$this->markTestSkipped('POSIX signals do not work on windows');
if (!defined('SIGUSR1')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('The pcntl extension is not enabled');
* @expectedException Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException
public function testSignalWithWrongIntSignal()
$this->markTestSkipped('POSIX signals do not work on windows');
$process = $this->getProcess('php -r "sleep(3);"');
* @expectedException Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException
public function testSignalWithWrongNonIntSignal()
$this->markTestSkipped('POSIX signals do not work on windows');
$process = $this->getProcess('php -r "sleep(3);"');
public function responsesCodeProvider()
return array(
//expected output / getter / code to execute
array('output', 'getOutput', 'echo \'output\';'),
public function pipesCodeProvider()
$variations = array(
'fwrite(STDOUT, $in = file_get_contents(\'php://stdin\')); fwrite(STDERR, $in);',
'include \''.__DIR__.'/ProcessTestHelper.php\';',
$codes = array();
foreach (array(1, 16, 64, 1024, 4096) as $size) {
foreach ($variations as $code) {
$codes[] = array($code, $size);
return $codes;
* provides default method names for simple getter/setter
public function methodProvider()
$defaults = array(
return $defaults;
* @param string $commandline
* @param null $cwd
* @param array $env
* @param null $stdin
* @param integer $timeout
* @param array $options
* @return Process
abstract protected function getProcess($commandline, $cwd = null, array $env = null, $stdin = null, $timeout = 60, array $options = array());