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rdf('Resource', '', '').
rdf('Resource', '', literal(lang(en, 'Resource'))).
rdf('Resource', '', literal(lang(fr, 'Ressource'))).
rdf('Resource', '', literal('The most general class')).
rdf('', '', '').
rdf('', '', literal(lang(en, type))).
rdf('', '', literal(lang(fr, type))).
rdf('', '', literal('Indicates membership of a class')).
rdf('', '', 'Class').
rdf(comment, '', '').
rdf(comment, '', literal(lang(en, comment))).
rdf(comment, '', literal(lang(fr, commentaire))).
rdf(comment, '', 'Resource').
rdf(comment, '', literal('Use this for descriptions')).
rdf(comment, '', 'Literal').
rdf(label, '', '').
rdf(label, '', '').
rdf(label, '', literal(lang(en, label))).
rdf(label, '', literal(lang(fr, label))).
rdf(label, '', 'Resource').
rdf(label, '', literal('Provides a human-readable version of a resource name.')).
rdf(label, '', 'Literal').
rdf('Class', '', '').
rdf('Class', '', literal(lang(en, 'Class'))).
rdf('Class', '', literal(lang(fr, 'Classe'))).
rdf('Class', '', literal('The concept of Class')).
rdf('Class', '', 'Resource').
rdf(subClassOf, '', '').
rdf(subClassOf, '', literal(lang(en, subClassOf))).
rdf(subClassOf, '', literal(lang(fr, sousClasseDe))).
rdf(subClassOf, '', literal('Indicates membership of a class')).
rdf(subClassOf, '', 'Class').
rdf(subClassOf, '', 'Class').
rdf(subPropertyOf, '', '').
rdf(subPropertyOf, '', literal(lang(en, subPropertyOf))).
rdf(subPropertyOf, '', literal(lang(fr, sousPropriétéDe))).
rdf(subPropertyOf, '', literal('Indicates specialization of properties')).
rdf(subPropertyOf, '', '').
rdf(subPropertyOf, '', '').
rdf(seeAlso, '', '').
rdf(seeAlso, '', literal(lang(en, seeAlso))).
rdf(seeAlso, '', literal(lang(fr, voirAussi))).
rdf(seeAlso, '', literal('Indicates a resource that provides information about the subject resource.')).
rdf(seeAlso, '', '').
rdf(seeAlso, '', '').
rdf(isDefinedBy, '', '').
rdf(isDefinedBy, '', '').
rdf(isDefinedBy, '', seeAlso).
rdf(isDefinedBy, '', literal(lang(en, isDefinedBy))).
rdf(isDefinedBy, '', literal(lang(fr, esDéfiniPar))).
rdf(isDefinedBy, '', literal('Indicates a resource containing and defining the subject resource.')).
rdf(isDefinedBy, '', '').
rdf(isDefinedBy, '', '').
rdf('ConstraintResource', '', '').
rdf('ConstraintResource', '', literal(lang(en, 'ConstraintResource'))).
rdf('ConstraintResource', '', literal(lang(fr, 'RessourceContrainte'))).
rdf('ConstraintResource', '', 'Class').
rdf('ConstraintResource', '', 'Resource').
rdf('ConstraintResource', '', literal('Resources used to express RDF Schema constraints.')).
rdf('ConstraintProperty', '', '').
rdf('ConstraintProperty', '', literal(lang(en, 'ConstraintProperty'))).
rdf('ConstraintProperty', '', literal(lang(fr, 'PropriétéContrainte'))).
rdf('ConstraintProperty', '', '').
rdf('ConstraintProperty', '', 'ConstraintResource').
rdf('ConstraintProperty', '', literal('Properties used to express RDF Schema constraints.')).
rdf(domain, '', '').
rdf(domain, '', literal(lang(en, domain))).
rdf(domain, '', literal(lang(fr, domaine))).
rdf(domain, '', literal('This is how we associate a class with\n properties that its instances can have')).
rdf(range, '', '').
rdf(range, '', literal(lang(en, range))).
rdf(range, '', literal(lang(fr, étendue))).
rdf(range, '', literal('Properties that can be used in a\n schema to provide constraints')).
rdf(range, '', 'Class').
rdf(range, '', '').
rdf('', '', '').
rdf('', '', literal(lang(en, 'Property'))).
rdf('', '', literal(lang(fr, 'Propriété'))).
rdf('', '', literal('The concept of a property.')).
rdf('', '', 'Resource').
rdf('Literal', '', '').
rdf('Literal', '', literal(lang(en, 'Literal'))).
rdf('Literal', '', literal(lang(fr, 'Littéral'))).
rdf('Literal', '', 'Class').
rdf('Literal', '', literal('This represents the set of atomic values, eg. textual strings.')).
rdf('', '', '').
rdf('', '', literal(lang(en, 'Statement'))).
rdf('', '', literal(lang(fr, 'Déclaration'))).
rdf('', '', 'Resource').
rdf('', '', literal('This represents the set of reified statements.')).
rdf('', '', '').
rdf('', '', literal(lang(en, subject))).
rdf('', '', literal(lang(fr, sujet))).
rdf('', '', '').
rdf('', '', 'Resource').
rdf('', '', '').
rdf('', '', literal(lang(en, predicate))).
rdf('', '', literal(lang(fr, prédicat))).
rdf('', '', '').
rdf('', '', '').
rdf('', '', '').
rdf('', '', '').
rdf('', '', literal(lang(en, object))).
rdf('', '', literal(lang(fr, objet))).
rdf('', '', '').
rdf('Container', '', '').
rdf('Container', '', literal(lang(en, 'Container'))).
rdf('Container', '', literal(lang(fr, 'Enveloppe'))).
rdf('Container', '', 'Resource').
rdf('Container', '', literal('This represents the set Containers.')).
rdf('', '', '').
rdf('', '', literal(lang(en, 'Bag'))).
rdf('', '', literal(lang(fr, 'Ensemble'))).
rdf('', '', 'Container').
rdf('', '', '').
rdf('', '', literal(lang(en, 'Sequence'))).
rdf('', '', literal(lang(fr, 'Séquence'))).
rdf('', '', 'Container').
rdf('', '', '').
rdf('', '', literal(lang(en, 'Alt'))).
rdf('', '', literal(lang(fr, 'Choix'))).
rdf('', '', 'Container').
rdf('ContainerMembershipProperty', '', '').
rdf('ContainerMembershipProperty', '', literal(lang(en, 'ContainerMembershipProperty'))).
rdf('ContainerMembershipProperty', '', '').
rdf('', '', '').
rdf('', '', literal(lang(en, object))).
rdf('', '', literal(lang(fr, value))).