Both the learning and the inference module have various parameters, or flags, that can be adjusted by the user.
The following predicates are defined by ProbLog to access and set these flags.
* @pred problog_flags
This predicate lists all the flags name, value, domain and description.
/** @pred problog_flag(+Name, -Value)
This predicate gives the value of the flag with the specified name. The supported flags are:
+ use_db_trie
Flag telling whether to use the builtin trie to trie transformation.
The possible values for this flag are true or false.
+ db_trie_opt_lvl
Sets the optimization level for the trie to trie transformation
The possible values for this flag are any integer
+ compare_opt_lvl
Flag telling whether to use comparison mode for the optimization level.
The possible values for this flag are true or false.
+ db_min_prefix
Sets the minimum size of the prefix for dbtrie to optimize.
The possible values for this flag are any integer
+ use_naive_trie
Flag telling whether to use the naive algorithm to generate bdd scripts.
The possible values for this flag are true or false.
+ use_old_trie
Flag telling whether to use the old not nested trie to trie transformation.
The possible values for this flag are true or false.
+ use_dec_trie
Flag telling whether to use the decomposition method.
The possible values for this flag are true or false.
+ subset_check
Flag telling whether to perform subset check in nested tries.
The possible values for this flag are true or false.
+ deref_terms
Flag telling whether to dereference BDD terms after their last use.
The possible values for this flag are true or false.
+ trie_preprocess
Flag telling whether to perform a preprocess step to nested tries.
The possible values for this flag are true or false.
+ refine_anclst
Flag telling whether to refine the ancestor list with their children.
The possible values for this flag are true or false.
+ anclst_represent
Flag that sets the representation of the ancestor list.
The possible values for this flag are list or integer
+ max_depth
Sets the maximum proof depth.
The possible values for this flag are any integer.
+ retain_tables
Flag telling whether to retain tables after the query.
The possible values for this flag are true or false.
+ mc_batchsize
Flag related to Monte Carlo Sampling that sets the number of samples before update.
The possible values for this flag are any integer greater than zero.
+ min_mc_samples
Flag related to Monte Carlo Sampling that sets the minimum number of samples before convergence. The possible values for this flag are any integer greater than or equal to zero.
+ max_mc_samples
Flag related to Monte Carlo Sampling that sets the maximum number of samples waiting to converge.
The possible values for this flag are any integer greater than or equal to zero.
+ randomizer
Flag related to Monte Carlo Sampling telling whether the random numbers are repeatable or not.
The possible values for this flag are repeatable or nonrepeatable.
+ search_method
Flag related to DNF Monte Carlo Sampling that sets the search method for picking the proof.
The possible values for this flag are linear or binary.
+ represent_world
Flag related to Monte Carlo Sampling that sets the structure that represents sampled world.
The possible values for this flag are list, record, array or hash_table
+ first_threshold
Flag related to inference that sets the starting threshold of iterative deepening.
The possible values for this flag are a number in the interval (0,1).
+ last_threshold
Flag related to inference that sets the stopping threshold of iterative deepening.
The possible values for this flag are a number in the interval (0,1).
+ id_stepsize
Flag related to inference that sets the threshold shrinking factor of iterative deepening.
The possible values for this flag are a number in the interval [0,1].
+ prunecheck
Flag related to inference telling whether to stop derivations including all facts of known proofs.
The possible values for this flag are on or off.
+ maxsteps
Flag related to inference that sets the max. number of prob. steps per derivation.
The possible values for this flag are any integer greater than zero.
+ mc_logfile
Flag related to MCMC that sets the logfile for montecarlo.
The possible values for this flag are any valid filename.
+ bdd_time
Flag related to BDD that sets the BDD computation timeout in seconds.
The possible values for this flag are any integer greater than zero.
+ bdd_par_file
Flag related to BDD that sets the file for BDD variable parameters.
The possible values for this flag are any valid filename.
+ bdd_result
Flag related to BDD that sets the file to store result calculated from BDD.
The possible values for this flag are any valid filename.
+ bdd_file
Flag related to BDD that sets the file for the BDD script.
The possible values for this flag are any valid filename.
+ save_bdd
Flag related to BDD telling whether to save BDD files for (last) lower bound.
The possible values for this flag are true or false.
+ dynamic_reorder
Flag related to BDD telling whether to use dynamic re-ordering for BDD.
The possible values for this flag are true or false.
+ bdd_static_order
Flag related to BDD telling whether to use static order.
The possible values for this flag are true or false.
+ static_order_file
Flag related to BDD that sets the file for BDD static order.
The possible values for this flag are any valid filename.
+ verbose
Flag telling whether to output intermediate information.
The possible values for this flag are true or false.
+ show_proofs
Flag telling whether to output proofs.
The possible values for this flag are true or false.
+ triedump
Flag telling whether to generate the file: trie_file containing the trie structure.
The possible values for this flag are true or false.
+ dir
Flag telling the location of the output files directory.
The possible values for this flag are any valid directory name.
/** @pred set_problog_flag(+Name, +Value)
the predicate sets the value of the given flag. The supported flags are the ones listed in above
/** @pred learning_flags
the predicate sets the value of the given flag. The supported flags are the ones listed in above
/** @pred learning_flag(+Name, -Value)
This predicate gives the value of the learning flag with the specified name. The supported flags are:
+ output_directory
Flag setting the directory where to store results.
The possible values for this flag are any valid path name.
+ query_directory
Flag setting the directory where to store BDD files.
The possible values for this flag are any valid path name.
+ verbosity_level
Flag telling how much output shall be given.
The possible values for this flag are an integer between 0 and 5 (0=nothing, 5=all).
+ reuse_initialized_bdds
Flag telling whether to reuse BDDs from previous runs.
The possible values for this flag are true or false.
+ rebuild_bdds
Flag telling whether to rebuild BDDs every nth iteration.
The possible values for this flag are any integer greater or equal to zero (0=never).
+ check_duplicate_bdds
Flag telling whether to store intermediate results in hash table.
The possible values for this flag are true or false.
+ init_method
Flag setting the ProbLog predicate to search proofs.
The possible values for this flag are of the form: (+Query,-P,+BDDFile,+ProbFile,+Call). For example: A,B,C,D,problog_kbest_save(A,100,B,E,C,D)
+ probability_initializer
Flag setting the ProbLog predicate to initialize probabilities.
The possible values for this flag are of the form: (+FactID,-P,+Call). For example: A,B,random_probability(A,B)
+ log_frequency
Flag telling whether to log results every nth iteration.
The possible values for this flag are any integer greater than zero.
+ alpha
Flag setting the weight of negative examples.
The possible values for this flag are number or "auto" (auto=n_p/n_n).
+ slope
Flag setting the slope of the sigmoid function.
The possible values for this flag are any real number greater than zero.
+ learning_rate
Flag setting the default Learning rate (if line_search=false)
The possible values for this flag are any number greater than zero or "examples``
+ line_search
Flag telling whether to use line search to estimate the learning rate.
The possible values for this flag are true or false.
+ line_search_tau
Flag setting the Tau value for line search.
The possible values for this flag are a number in the interval (0,1).
+ line_search_tolerance
Flag setting the tolerance value for line search.
The possible values for this flag are any number greater than zero.