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406 lines
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/* $Id$
Part of SWI-Prolog
Author: Jan Wielemaker
E-mail: J.Wielemaker@uva.nl
WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org
Copyright (C): 1985-2009, University of Amsterdam
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
As a special exception, if you link this library with other files,
compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this
library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered
by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
the GNU General Public License.
:- module(httpd_wrapper,
[ http_wrapper/5, % :Goal, +In, +Out, -Conn, +Options
http_current_request/1, % -Request
http_send_header/1, % +Term
http_relative_path/2, % +AbsPath, -RelPath
% Internal API
http_wrap_spawned/3, % :Goal, -Request, -Connection
http_spawned/1 % +ThreadId
:- use_module(http_header).
:- use_module(http_stream).
:- use_module(http_exception).
:- use_module(library(lists)).
:- use_module(library(debug)).
:- use_module(library(broadcast)).
:- meta_predicate
http_wrapper(0, +, +, -, +).
:- multifile
%% http_wrapper(:Goal, +In, +Out, -Close, +Options) is det.
% Simple wrapper to read and decode an HTTP header from `In', call
% :Goal while watching for exceptions and send the result to the
% stream `Out'.
% The goal is assumed to write the reply to =current_output=
% preceeded by an HTTP header, closed by a blank line. The header
% *must* contain a Content-type: <type> line. It may optionally
% contain a line =|Transfer-encoding: chunked|= to request chunked
% encoding.
% Options:
% * request(-Request)
% Return the full request to the caller
% * peer(+Peer)
% IP address of client
% @param Close Unified to one of =close=, =|Keep-Alife|= or
% spawned(ThreadId).
http_wrapper(Goal, In, Out, Close, Options) :-
status(Id, State0),
catch(http_read_request(In, Request0), ReqError, true),
( Request0 == end_of_file
-> Close = close,
extend_request(Options, [], _) % return request
; var(ReqError)
-> extend_request(Options, Request0, Request1),
memberchk(method(Method), Request1),
memberchk(path(Location), Request1),
cgi_open(Out, CGI, cgi_hook, [request(Request1)]),
cgi_property(CGI, id(Id)),
debug(http(request), '[~D] ~w ~w ...', [Id, Method, Location]),
handler_with_output_to(Goal, Id, Request1, CGI, Error),
cgi_close(CGI, State0, Error, Close)
; Id = 0,
send_error(Out, State0, ReqError, Close),
extend_request(Options, [], _)
status(Id, state0(Thread, CPU, Id)) :-
%% http_wrap_spawned(:Goal, -Request, -Close) is det.
% Internal use only. Helper for wrapping the handler for
% http_spawn/2.
% @see http_spawned/1, http_spawn/2.
http_wrap_spawned(Goal, Request, Close) :-
cgi_property(CGI, id(Id)),
handler_with_output_to(Goal, Id, -, current_output, Error),
( retract(spawned(ThreadId))
-> Close = spawned(ThreadId),
Request = []
; cgi_property(CGI, request(Request)),
status(Id, State0),
catch(cgi_close(CGI, State0, Error, Close),
Close = close)
:- thread_local
%% http_spawned(+ThreadId)
% Internal use only. Indicate that the request is handed to thread
% ThreadId.
http_spawned(ThreadId) :-
%% cgi_close(+CGI, +State0, +Error, -Close) is det.
% The wrapper has completed. Finish the CGI output. We have three
% cases:
% * The wrapper delegated the request to a new thread
% * The wrapper succeeded
% * The wrapper threw an error, non-200 status reply
% (e.g., =not_modified=, =moved=) or a request to reply with
% the content of a file.
% @error socket I/O errors.
cgi_close(_, _, _, Close) :-
retract(spawned(ThreadId)), !,
Close = spawned(ThreadId).
cgi_close(CGI, State0, ok, Close) :- !,
catch(cgi_finish(CGI, Close, Bytes), E, true),
( var(E)
-> http_done(200, ok, Bytes, State0)
; http_done(500, E, 0, State0), % TBD: amount written?
cgi_close(CGI, Id, Error, Close) :-
cgi_property(CGI, client(Out)),
send_error(Out, Id, Error, Close).
cgi_finish(CGI, Close, Bytes) :-
flush_output, % update the content-length
cgi_property(CGI, connection(Close)),
cgi_property(CGI, content_length(Bytes)),
%% send_error(+Out, +State0, +Error, -Close)
% Send status replies and reply files. The =current_output= no
% longer points to the CGI stream, but simply to the socket that
% connects us to the client.
% @param State0 is start-status as returned by status/1. Used to
% find CPU usage, etc.
send_error(Out, State0, Error, Close) :-
map_exception_to_http_status(Error, Reply, HdrExtra),
catch(http_reply(Reply, Out,
[ content_length(CLen)
| HdrExtra
E, true),
( var(E)
-> http_done(Code, Error, CLen, State0)
; http_done(500, E, 0, State0),
throw(E) % is that wise?
( memberchk(connection(Close), HdrExtra)
-> true
; Close = close
%% http_done(+Code, +Status, +BytesSent, +State0) is det.
% Provide feedback for logging and debugging on how the request
% has been completed.
http_done(Code, Status, Bytes, state0(_Thread, CPU0, Id)) :-
CPU is CPU1 - CPU0,
( debugging(http(request))
-> debug_request(Code, Status, Id, CPU, Bytes)
; true
broadcast(http(request_finished(Id, Code, Status, CPU, Bytes))).
%% handler_with_output_to(:Goal, +Id, +Request, +Output, -Status) is det.
% Run Goal with output redirected to Output. Unifies Status with
% =ok=, the error from catch/3 or a term error(goal_failed(Goal),
% _).
% @param Request The HTTP request read or '-' for a continuation
% using http_spawn/2.
handler_with_output_to(Goal, Id, Request, current_output, Status) :- !,
( catch(call_handler(Goal, Id, Request), Status, true)
-> ( var(Status)
-> Status = ok
; true
; Status = error(goal_failed(Goal),_)
handler_with_output_to(Goal, Id, Request, Output, Error) :-
handler_with_output_to(Goal, Id, Request, current_output, Error),
call_handler(Goal, _, -) :- !, % continuation through http_spawn/2
call_handler(Goal, Id, Request0) :-
expand_request(Request0, Request),
cgi_set(CGI, request(Request)),
broadcast(http(request_start(Id, Request))),
call(Goal, Request).
%% thread_cputime(-CPU) is det.
% CPU is the CPU time used by the calling thread.
% @tbd This does not work on MacOS X!
:- if(current_prolog_flag(threads, true)).
thread_cputime(CPU) :-
thread_statistics(Me, cputime, CPU).
:- else.
thread_cputime(CPU) :-
statistics(cputime, CPU).
:- endif.
%% cgi_hook(+Event, +CGI) is det.
% Hook called from the CGI processing stream. See http_stream.pl
% for details.
cgi_hook(What, _CGI) :-
debug(http(hook), 'Running hook: ~q', [What]),
cgi_hook(header, CGI) :-
cgi_property(CGI, header_codes(HeadText)),
cgi_property(CGI, header(Header0)), % see http_send_header/1
http_parse_header(HeadText, CgiHeader0),
append(Header0, CgiHeader0, CgiHeader),
cgi_property(CGI, request(Request)),
http_update_connection(CgiHeader, Request, Connection, Header1),
http_update_transfer(Request, Header1, Transfer, Header2),
http_update_encoding(Header2, Encoding, Header),
set_stream(CGI, encoding(Encoding)),
cgi_set(CGI, connection(Connection)),
cgi_set(CGI, header(Header)),
debug(http(transfer_encoding), 'Transfer-encoding: ~w', [Transfer]),
cgi_set(CGI, transfer_encoding(Transfer)). % must be LAST
cgi_hook(send_header, CGI) :-
cgi_property(CGI, header(Header)),
cgi_property(CGI, client(Out)),
( cgi_property(CGI, transfer_encoding(chunked))
-> http_reply_header(Out, chunked_data, Header)
; cgi_property(CGI, content_length(Len))
-> http_reply_header(Out, cgi_data(Len), Header)
cgi_hook(close, _).
%% http_send_header(+Header)
% This API provides an alternative for writing the header field as
% a CGI header. Header has the format Name(Value), as produced by
% http_read_header/2.
% @deprecated Use CGI lines instead
http_send_header(Header) :-
cgi_property(CGI, header(Header0)),
cgi_set(CGI, header([Header|Header0])).
%% expand_request(+Request0, -Request)
% Allow for general rewrites of a request by calling
% http:request_expansion/2.
expand_request(R0, R) :-
http:request_expansion(R0, R1), % Hook
R1 \== R0, !,
expand_request(R1, R).
expand_request(R, R).
%% extend_request(+Options, +RequestIn, -Request)
% Merge options in the request.
extend_request([], R, R).
extend_request([request(R)|T], R0, R) :- !,
extend_request(T, R0, R).
extend_request([H|T], R0, R) :-
request_option(H), !,
extend_request(T, [H|R0], R).
extend_request([_|T], R0, R) :-
extend_request(T, R0, R).
%% http_current_request(-Request) is semidet.
% Returns the HTTP request currently being processed. Fails
% silently if there is no current request. This typically happens
% if a goal is run outside the HTTP server context.
http_current_request(Request) :-
cgi_property(CGI, request(Request)).
%% http_relative_path(+AbsPath, -RelPath) is det.
% Convert an absolute path (without host, fragment or search) into
% a path relative to the current page. This call is intended to
% create reusable components returning relative paths for easier
% support of reverse proxies.
http_relative_path(Path, RelPath) :-
memberchk(path(RelTo), Request),
http_relative_path(Path, RelTo, RelPath), !.
http_relative_path(Path, Path).
http_relative_path(Path, RelTo, RelPath) :-
atomic_list_concat(PL, /, Path),
atomic_list_concat(RL, /, RelTo),
delete_common_prefix(PL, RL, PL1, PL2),
to_dot_dot(PL2, DotDot, PL1),
atomic_list_concat(DotDot, /, RelPath).
delete_common_prefix([H|T01], [H|T02], T1, T2) :- !,
delete_common_prefix(T01, T02, T1, T2).
delete_common_prefix(T1, T2, T1, T2).
to_dot_dot([], Tail, Tail).
to_dot_dot([_], Tail, Tail) :- !.
to_dot_dot([_|T0], ['..'|T], Tail) :-
to_dot_dot(T0, T, Tail).
%% debug_request(+Code, +Status, +Id, +CPU0, Bytes)
% Emit debugging info after a request completed with Status.
debug_request(Code, ok, Id, CPU, Bytes) :- !,
debug(http(request), '[~D] ~w OK (~3f seconds; ~D bytes)',
[Id, Code, CPU, Bytes]).
debug_request(Code, Status, Id, _, Bytes) :-
map_exception(Status, Reply), !,
debug(http(request), '[~D] ~w ~w; ~D bytes',
[Id, Code, Reply, Bytes]).
debug_request(Code, Except, Id, _, _) :- !,
Except = error(_,_), !,
message_to_string(Except, Message),
debug(http(request), '[~D] ~w ERROR: ~w',
[Id, Code, Message]).
debug_request(Code, Status, Id, _, Bytes) :-
debug(http(request), '[~D] ~w ~w; ~D bytes',
[Id, Code, Status, Bytes]).
map_exception(http_reply(Reply), Reply).
map_exception(error(existence_error(http_location, Location), _Stack),
error(404, Location)).